I’ll tell ya, I’ve been waiting for ages for a good Gunn episode.

And this sure as hëll wasn’t it.

Gunn says he’s the muscle. Lightning Lass says he’s got brains. Given the events of last night’s show, I’m with Gunn.

To understate it, he was not well served by the script. Lightning Lass tells him a girl is being held captive. Lightning Lass is a criminal. What’s he do? Believe her. He goes to the party, where the little girl is seen standing there. She doesn’t look in distress. Does he sidle over to her, strike up a conversation, try to determine what’s what? Nope. He kidnaps her. Learning he’s been lied to, he confronts Lightning Lass who says, Yup, I lied to you, but this guy’s a bad guy anyway, and you should help me finish stealing this thing because you started helping me steal it. Does Gunn say, “You lied to me until now, why should I believe anything you say?” Does Gunn say, “I was tricked into committing a crime, and now I should knowingly complete it? Are you high or something?” No. He believes her again and helps her steal it. There’s an attempt to justify it by saying he’s really enjoying it and getting a rush from it. And if a group of his old friends showed up and invited him to knock over a liquor store, would that be acceptable if he got off on it?


Bad writing. Worse: ugly writing.

Meantime evil Cordy gets caught in a trap that she should have seen coming a mile off. Why? Because *I* saw it coming a mile off, and I’m not even evil. *This* is the master villain? Man, at this point I hope she *is* being manipulated by the demon baby, because at least you could excuse the baby for falling into so obvious a set-up.

A marking time episode with five minutes worth of relevant plot and the rest filler at the expense of a character’s intelligence. Not time well spent.


57 comments on “LAST NIGHT’S ANGEL

  1. Umm… you guys DO know that when a woman has a baby, she doesn’t lose ALL The weight immediately, right?

    Charisma Carpenter had her baby this week (congrats to her and her husband!). Not sure how that will relate to the ANGEL shooting schedule. They may have already shot the “onscreen” birth, or it may be yet to come. I’m guessing it was already shot. But it wouldn’t be untoward for her to be carrying extra weight for a while — in fact, it’d be more realistic.

    Some women NEVER get down to pre-pregnancy weight. And that’s OK, too.

  2. Surely I can’t be the only one who found this comment shockingly shallow…?

    While Charisma looks fine pregnant, and i wish her and her family all the best, I want Cordy to be her thin vivacious self. Watching Angel season 1 DVDs I long for the days of goofy, upfront, ditsy, shallow, deep, loving, spitefull, Cordy. Not this syrup sweet champion/demon mother Cordy.

  3. Gotta disagree. I loved this episode. I found it beleivable and fun. Gunn got some play (the fighting kind and the moister kind) and we got more of Gwen the Lightning Lass. It’s nice to have an episode that was a distraction from the big and bad, and yet still have the Big Bad plot get advanced more than it has in the last two episodes. This is one of the problems with Buffy at the moment: it’s getting bogged down in it’s own Big Bad storyline, but the dámņ storyline refuses to move along at anything but a slow, slow crawl (or completely ignored like in the last episode, which I happened to like, but would still liked to see the First at least ATTEMPT to keep Spike as one of her agents).

    I like Angel a little more this season then Buffy, which annoys me since Buffy is ending. And I liked the Gunn ep.

  4. About the Cordy/weight thing… I was just talking about the actual pregancy… in other words, she couldn’t very well say “hey, look, I’ve given birth to the evil thingy now” while still obviously full of a real child. If you see what I mean. At least, not with ME’s relatively meager special FX budget… The extra weight isn’t the problem so much as the extra person in there 😉

  5. I’m just so glad that everyone caught on. It was kind of surprising when Cordy was revealed as the villain a few episodes ago, but I got tired of her pulling strings in the background. Also, seeing Connor get wrapped around her little finger all the time was annoying. As for Gunn and Gwen. Not bad.

  6. Ok, maybe I missed it, I glanced more then anything.

    I’m suprised no-one mentioned Cordy basicly CONFESSING to Angel what she had done. “OH I could’ve done this, and I could’ve done that, hypotheticaly…”

    All it would take is Angel putting 2 + 2 togther and getting 6 that they may want to watch Cordy a bit more then they have been. Exp if they had talked to Conner (who by this episode had gained a clue).

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