Kathleen has returned to work after three months maternity leave, so I’m in the process of making adjustments to being primary daytime caretaker of three month old Caroline. Expect a possible upturn in typos since oftimes I’ll be doing blog entries while balancing her in my lap.

Still, there are ways to divert her. I put on a DVD for her today and she was absolutely captivated: The concert edition of “Sweeney Todd.” She jumped slightly at the factory whistle but otherwise far preferred it to “Lilo and Stitch.”

Oh yeah. *She’ll* be well-adjusted.



According to the AOL newsfeed, the captured al Qaeda guy is known as “The Brain.”

I’m sorry…I can’t pass it up.

Bin Laden and the Brain

Bin Laden and the Brain

One is a genius, the other’s insane.

Send people to their graves

While hiding out in caves

Osama…bin Laden and the Brain brain brain brain brain

They run and run and run

And run a little more

By the dawning of the sun

They’ll cause a major war

Bin Laden and the Brain

Bin Laden and the Brain

Their terror campaign

Is easy to explain

There’s no ifs, ands or buts

The guys are nuckin’ futz.

Osama…bin Laden and the Brain brain brain brain brain brain brain brain (narf!)


I think it safe to say we can guess as to precisely when in the production the creators of “Farscape” learned about the cancellation. It was when they were preparing the credits for the episode that just aired. “We’re So Screwed, Part 1” (the subtitle being “Fetal Attraction.”)

As are we all. The previous season of “Farscape” was exceptionally dodgy. Meandering plots that didn’t seem to go anywhere, combined with a seeming obsession over bodily functions. It was getting more painful to watch than a last-season episode of “Lexx,” which is saying something. Then this season started out with a bang and has just gone from strength to strength.

I’m guessing “Supergirl” and “Farscape” fans can sympathize. They’re both enjoying storylines that most say are some of the best they’ve seen in a while, while feeling that the plug was prematurely pulled. When something is creatively weak and goes away, it’s a mercy killing. When something is creatively strong and is yanked in spite of that, it’s just kind of depressing.



I keep reading about the splintered UN security council, and how the Bush administration is trying to pull the fifteen countries together to agree on a resolution.

And all I can think is that they could redo “1776,” call it “2003,” and have it be about this. Songs could include, “Sit Down, George,” “Cool Considerate Blix,” and “The Saddams of Iraq.” You know, like:

For I’m Saddam Hussein

And Bush says I’m insane

But I still will not explain

Where my weapons are.

Yeah, Saddam Hussein

And I will not refrain

From refusing to explain

Where my weapons are

Y’see it’s here a bomb, there a bomb, everywhere a bomb a bomb…

And so on.