Shout outs to all the board regulars who showed up at the Madison Square Garden convention today and swung by to say Howdy.

I was only able to attend the convention for one day, considering I’m working on finishing up a “New Frontier” novel and the deadline is ticking down. Truthfully I shouldn’t even have gone the one day, but I’d promised, and I didn’t want to bow out unless absolutely necessary. Nevertheless, don’t expect to see much of me on line for the next couple of days as I blast through the rest of the book.


7 comments on “MSG Con

  1. I just saw the cover art and description for _Stone and Anvil_ at, and it looks great. Can’t wait until October to read it!

  2. Where? I haven’t been able to find anything on PsiPhi since the February 1st shutdown. I can’t find Tim Lynch’s recent reviews, or the New Frontier area. Where is it?

  3. Luigi,

    I just tried and got to the “new” version of the site (much smaller than the original, alas, as David’s still having problems getting that older material). The pointer to the new site seems to be working fine from here — give it a try.


  4. Great seeing you too, Peter – thanks for letting me crash at the table for awhile! And that blue shirt really does look spiffy on you. Robin says he’s sorry he missed you.

  5. It was nice to have met you Peter. I hope my Big Buy Item that I bought helped with your con spending.(lol)

    The photo turned out great your eyes were open both times. I still miss my appendix though.

  6. I still miss my appendix though.

    Even though mine is still inside me, I’ve found I have no great emotional attachment to it. The heart and stomach yeah, but not really the appendix. 🙂

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