The conclusion to the storyline regarding the madness of Captain Marvel…or isssss it?

Whad’ja think?


54 comments on “WHAD’JA THINK? CAPTAIN MARVEL #18

  1. I’m not sure I liked all the explanations. The strange dimension had to be explained, the dimentia had to be explained, and even after all that was over and done with there was still more explaining. Marv was even explaining all the metaphors. (Though the use of metaphors itself became a gag.)

    Loved CM’s new mission statement and everyone’s reaction to it. Looking forward to the next issue.

  2. Personally, I was not a big fan of the whole “insanity” arc so I was pleased to see it come to an end.

    My only gripe is I wish it would have come to a firm conclusion. The last page (showing CM’s sudden turn to sanity might just be an act) was clever, but hardly left me feeling that the whole matter was resolved. I would have rather had a firm “classic Marvel” ending to this arc that left us with our hero fully intact.

    That being said, I’m willing to keep reading confident that PAD’s next arc will be one I’ll like (as most have been so far).


  3. And here’s a belated “I miss the old Cap Marvel screwing around in surreal / symbolic dimensions, so WOO FRICKIN HOO!”

  4. Wow. I tell ya..I am really glad there’s a re-cap on this book!! I picked up Fallen Angel and Captain Marvel today (hadn’t read them for awhile. yes, I feel guility and ashamed! Fallen Angel is a good book and Captain Marvel is a really great one, imo).

    But anyway, thanks to the re-cap in CM, I was not lost in this issue and wow….such a GREAT issue.

    Well, especially the whole ‘metaphor’ sequences. That was truly great.

    I did think that Captain Marvel went “sane” pretty fast in the end and I was right along side the aliens in not believing. Liked the end with Rick & Eiphany (sp?).

    Wow. Really great though. Like I said I thought the metaphor sequences were the best. The beginning though the whole other universe stuff (loved seeing all the “guest-stars” in the backgrounds!) :).

    CM was really hilarous in the beginning ” It seems like I’m running away. But I’m not. I’m merely advancing in reverse at high speed.”

    lol! You really should be writing a Spidey book PAD! 🙂

    Oh ya and I also loved this (from the re-cap):

    Neither of the “Captain marvel” siblings or their father, Captain Marvel, should be confused with the Monica Rambeau “Captain Marvel,” or the many others going by that monikers, why so many heroes want the name when their books keep tanking, we couldn’t begin to guess.”


    Wow. Great stuff.


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