45 comments on “WHAD’JA THINK? FALLEN ANGEL #7

  1. Dunno. As luck would have it, my retailer didn’t get any copies today! Beats me how this happened, but he checked and said copies are still available so he should get them in next week.

  2. Dunno. As luck would have it, my retailer didn’t get any copies today! Beats me how this happened, but he checked and said copies are still available so he should get them in next week.

    And the run of fantastic luck with the series continues. I wonder if he didn’t bother to order it or Diamond didn’t bother to ship it out.


  3. And the run of fantastic luck with the series continues. I wonder if he didn’t bother to order it or Diamond didn’t bother to ship it out.

    Normally my retailer gets this title each month (he has a good handfull of people who reserve it), but it’s possible he accidentally missed it when ordering or maybe Diamond shorted him (I didn’t ask, I just e-mailed him telling he didn’t get any copies). In any event, Diamond (luckily) does have copies in stock.

  4. I got and thought it was great. I love seeing what Lee does during the day. It makes her seem much more real and less 2-D than just seeing her fight.

  5. My retailer didn’t get it in today either, but I haven’t checked with him on the reason for that yet. In fact, I was just getting ready to e-mail him, but stopped here first to check and see if everyone else got it.


  6. Well, I got it, read it, and enjoyed it. Even though I am not expecting any major revelation or resolution any time soon, I am enjoying these bits and pieces of Lee and Dr. Juris’ relationship. And how did Black Mariah pull off that disembodied-voice-in-the-woods trick? Also, the last page. I don’t know if I should be intrigued by Lee’s forcefulness, or should I be creeped out by it?

    On the art side, Lopez’ work is looking nice. Especially pages 7-9. 🙂 Also, I feel the flashback scene that opened the story should have been differentiated more by rounded panel borders, in addition to the muted colors.

    Enjoyed #7 and looking forward to #8.

  7. Looks as if PAD’s setting up an arch rivalry here. Mariah seems pretty good at pushing all of Lee’s pressure ‘buttons’; kinda makes me wonder if she’s had any previous relationship with Dr. Juris. And at least we now have an explanation for Lee’s arm and leg wrappings.

    BTW, I think Lopez’ art is getting more accomplished with each issue. I particularly enjoyed his varied use of eye movement, and subtle changes in facial expression with each of the characters.


  8. I was also initially confused by the opening flashback scene… in hind sight, all the clues are there, but it wasn’t until after I had read it through that I realized the opening scene was a flashback.

    But overall, I enjoyed it, and when my girlfriend was reading it, I could tell she did too by all the little noises she made as she turned each page. Looking forward to the next issue, so we can see more of Lee and Mariah’s history.


  9. Oops…forgot to mention what I thought was the most unintentionally hilarious part of the book: DC’s in-house AQUAMAN ad, boldly touting “a shocking new direction!”

    Yeah, rrrrriiight. 🙂


  10. Enjoyed the issue greatly, although I was really creeped out by the instruments at the end. I also found it interesting that Mariah found Lee in her “civilian” identity. It was my impression from her conversation with Juris in #2 that even he didn’t know that, but now I realize that I may have been reading too much into that. Now I think that they didn’t mention her job at the school to keep the readers guessing until the big reveal in “Little Better” instead of keeping Juris guessing.

    However, given Mariah showing up at her day-job, it doesn’t surprise me that Lee made a point of seeking out Mariah. She can’t afford to let her enemies set a precedent of approaching her there. It would be far too easy for things to go very wrong and get very bloody.

  11. Quite enjoyable, and also a bit calmer than previous storyline, which I appreciate. Mariah is an interesting figure, and Lee is slowly becoming a good deal more intriguing as well. The ending, of course, was quite a shock. Is Lee going to do what she seems to be doing?

  12. PAD obviously copied the character of Black Mariah from the character of Anna in the 1st season of Alias.

    That was a joke, people.

  13. I don’t yet know if my retailer got this, but she failed to get issue #6, despite Diamond’s having billed her for it. She didn’t even realize it until I suddenly realized I’d missed it a week or so later.

    (She’s since gotten it, and hopefully will have this one when I drop by the shop today.)

  14. This series just keeps getting better. I am hooked and have been able to convince 2 other fans to give the book a shot.

    However, if your comic shop is dealing with Diamond’s Memphis Warehouse, it’s not a surprise that the books do not show up.

    The shop I go to is constantly shorted on the orders from this warehouse. It happens with multiple titles as well. Yesterday it was with the latest C.S.I comic, but luckily not with Fallen Angel or Captai Marvel. (That happened two months ago.)

    It’s getting so that pre-orders will not guarantee getting the books anymore. *Sigh*

    Sorry for the rant, please go about your business.

  15. Considering that I just didn’t get the end of the last story arc, I enjoyed this issue much more than the last. I like this book for the moral ambiguity and Lee’s character, and this issue had both in spades.

    I think the flashback stuff is defnitely needed, as I now feel more connection to Lee, and for me, at least, that’s essential. It’s one of the main reasons I was immediately hooked on New Frontier–Calhoun had a backstory from the start, and we saw enough of it to be able to compare then-Calhoun to now-Calhoun. Now that we have even a little of that with Lee, I find myself eagerly looking forward to the next issue, whereas before I’d just kind of gone, “that was cool, I guess. I’ll wait for the next one and buy it.” Now I just can’t wait.

    On an unrelated note, I have a comic collection in my classroom at the high school where I teach. Part of that collection is a PG-13 “by request only” box with things like SiP, Sandman Mystery Theatre, etc. Fallen Angel #’s 1-6 are in there, but 7 has finally pushed it to the point where I can no longer buy it for school.

    Do you find that, as the series increases its use of its “Mature Readers” tag, sales go up or down?


  16. Fallen Angel is one of those titles where I flop up and down in my appreciation of the stories. I liked the atmosphere in #1-2 but the stories themselves were eh to me (and I couldn’t recommend it to anyone), then the 4-part arc went up and down, starting good, then dull, then good again, then “huh?” And now this latest issue is one I liked again, possibly my favorite yet.

    I was really looking forward to Fallen Angel when I first heard about it, but it’s weirding me out how I’m not straightforwardly liking or disliking it. It used to be that if I read a PAD story, I would like it by default. Your style must’ve evolved in such a way that I’ve become more ambivalent, Peter (because I do feel similarly in regards to later chapters of the New Frontier saga compared to the opening arc).

    The good thing is, to me, that I experienced the same with Mark Waid and I think that with Empire, FF and Birthright he’s been hitting three for three, so I’m looking forward to the point when I’ll be back to liking everything you write a *whole* lot again (rather than just liking it, period :)) These new projects that you have lined up are making me all anticipatey in that respect, too 😉

    So anyway, I think what I liked most about #7 is that it seemed the meatiest issue yet in terms of plot and characterization: I got to know Lee and Mariah better and events were moved forward. Didn’t like the full-page shot of Lee screaming while with Juris (waste of a page, that’s worth a panel and no more), feeling unsure about all this shard business, yet all the same the story as a whole captivated me and took longer than five minutes to read (an accomplishment in these days of decompression, honestly :p)

    I hope it’ll steadily keep on trucking, because I want to see Lee spread her wings (again? heh :))

  17. I enjoyed the book and enjoy seeing an arch-nemesis for Lee, but I really think that there needed to be two caption boxes added. One needed to say “then” and another needed to say “now.” The flashback was really confusing.

  18. I didn’t find the flashback confusing in the least. Disorienting, yes; I suspect that was intentional (and would have been undone by any extra captioning). But it didn’t take very long to figure out what was going on.


  19. Yeah, I’m slow and didn’t get the flashback aspect of it until later. I’m thinking I’m going to dig out my old issues and do an issue to issue re-read.

    I think at times it can be hard to grasp all the players and the implied backstory and all that jazz. But it’s good, and it’s better than just cardboard cutout shoot-em up bang stuff.

  20. Greetings from Australia! I’m not sure how long behind you guys we are in terms of our comics shipping, but I got issue #7 yesterday and I thought it was great! I still can’t work out what it is about Fallen Angel that I like so much – it isn’t my normal style, I’m still somewhat in the dark as to where it’s going or what its REALLY about, but it blows me away. I love the fact that our ‘hero’ is perfectly willing to double-cross and torture a villain, sleep with her enemies and generally raise a whole lot of unnecessary hëll, but is still likeable and vulnerable. Top work, PD, keep it coming! 🙂

  21. I’m loving Fallen Angel, and after the sensational issue #6 I wondered what could possibly top it. A flashback to the past and Black Mariah’s first meeting with Lee did the trick though.

    My one complaint, and I think it serious enough to have spoilt the issue somewhat, was the artwork. It didn’t clearly convey what was happening in the woods (the first panel where Lee starts throwing trees – I had no idea what was going on, and it wasn’t until a page later I could work it out).

    It’s not the fault of the storyteller, but it does detract from Peter’s work. Also, there seems like there’s a panel missing with the racoon. He’s dead under the tree (the dialog establishes that, as well as the art), then Lee lifts a tree. Got it so far. Now Lee holds him by the tale and is dropping him back in his hollow. What happened in between to bring him back to life. If its a “power”, then show it happening!

    Other than that, a superb issue. I only hope a trade comes out to catch people up with 1-6 (it was a story no-one should miss).

  22. I liked the issue, and I remain somewhat curious to learn more about Lee and her story. Yet, at the same time, I don’t find myself eagarly awaiting the next issue to learn what’s going to happen next. But then that’s true of some other titles I read, all of which I enjoy, so it might be more a matter of my current mindset than the quality of the stories in question.

    Unlike days gone by, I tend not to spend too much time dwelling on what’s going to happen next in the comics I read, but move on to other things, and pick up that thread when the next issue comes out. Same with TV. I’m curious to know about some of the developments in Angel, for example, but didn’t dwell on them during the break (and still am not). I’ll find out soon enough.

    Perhaps I’m not dwelling on what’s going to happen next in Fallen Angel and other comics (besides being busy) because I know from experience that PAD and the other writers I read will not disappoint in the long run.

    That having been said, I have to admit that the characters in Fallen Angel haven’t fully engaged me as yet. But based on the quality of PAD’s work, I will continue to read the series and see what develops. Unless a title really stinks, I tend to give it a 12 issue probationary period (sometimes 24 issues if I’m really confident the book will prove itself in the long run. I have a feeling that despite some apparent shortcomings with the book at present, I’ll still be reading it in three years.

    We’ll see.

    On another note, regarding the raccoon, it still looked dead to me when Lee dropped it in the ground. I think she was burying it.

    And, by the way, PAD, did you happen to see Teen Titans #7, which also came out this week? There’s a bit of a Young Justice in-joke with the name of the principal at the private school Wonder Girl is trying to enroll in and Arrowette (making a cameo) currently attends: Mrs. David.


  23. After Starman ended, I didn’t think there was going to be another book that I’d anticipate as much. I was wrong.

    (Okay, it’s history repeating itself. After Simonson’s Thor, After PAD’s Hulk… but still it’s nice to happen.)


  24. I like how Lee is “always on” in that she uses her day job to further her goals of helping those in need. I still don’t get her relationship with Juris, but I suspect that is all part of The Plan. And with respect to the art related to her and Juris, let me say that this is sexier by far than one hundred Image books with crotch shots, errect nipples and magical hair that covers the naughty bits. Mariah laying on Boxer was particularly nice.

  25. Issues #7 of Fallen Angel officially placed it as my “if I could only by one book a month” book.

    BTW, Peter, the guy who owns the shop I go to is a friend of mine, and touts this book (and some others that need it) to everybody who buys something. I’m pretty sure all of the regulars have bought at least the first issue, and some of them stuck on with it. Don’t know how much that helps in a small town in Texas, but I figure that every little bit can help the book.

  26. I thought that Lee was burying the raccoon. I’m really enjoying this series. I’ll continue to buy it as long as Peter is writing it.

    As to Diamond and books being delivered late or not at all, I’m afraid that this has become business as usual. Over the last year, there have been several books that people have commented on or reviewed that were not delivered to my LCS, which is in Toledo, Ohio.

    Diamond knows that this problem exists and their only apparent response was to add a disclaimer on their site on the ‘books shipping this week’ section. It says (approx.) “Even though these books are expected to ship this week, some locations may not receive all of them.”

    Ever since Diamond moved their shipping center to Memphis, their service has been mediocre at best. Either their employees are untrainable or Diamond just doesn’t care any more. Such is the power of a monopoly, I guess.

  27. Nice. Will definitely continue getting this! No problem with availability in my area, though the first shop I tried had sold out. All the shops I called seem to know it and stock it.

    FWIW, my wife and a cousin – and neither have ever enjoyed any comics before – are also quite taken with this series.

  28. 1 of 2 new books i bot this week and def very good and enjoyable. i keep asking myself when i’m dropping this, since i’m like so short of $ these days. The art is totally not my cup of tea either, tho i don’t deny likin’ panels here and there and that the art does contribute a lot to the look of the series. i guess the genre isn’t my cup of tea either, so i’m surprised i’m still here after 7 issues…. but i like (a) the mysteries (2) the continuities/community established/histories e.g. Becky reappears (3) the sense of more that we are not seeing e.g. references to pasts such as the Nun (4) silent nods to why things are e.g. those bands the Angel wears around her hands and feet (5) Interesting characters… and the hook that got me on this series? I enjoyed Supergirl so much i basically followed Peter David onto this book….

  29. It looks as if Mr. D has set a few pots boiling on the stove. Rivalries, Lee’s back story, her “personal” life and the like.

    Inasmuch as Bete Noir is obviously Hellmouth, I’m surprised that anyone lets their children go to school – even if it’s a private school, as the joint Lee seems to work at must be. You don’t bring children to Hellmouth, especially when everyone with Brain One already knows it’s Hellmouth. Of course, if parents have a five-pound sack of lumpy oatmeal in their heads instead of brains, of course they’ll cheerfully endanger the lives and souls of their kids.

    (But then again, only rich and stupid people send their kids to private schools. So mabye I’m overlooking the obvious.)

  30. Love this book and the character. Lee is such a sexy and kick-ášš woman. She’s fully-clothed yet so darn sexy- it must be those bare heels and those painted toenails. Gotta wonder though- why was she totally barefoot and barehanded without the bindings when Mariah attacked? Does she often go out in costume without the binds (this was the first time I saw her like that in 7 issues), or was this just an instance when she just conveniently ‘forgot’ to put them on, so Mariah could demonstrate her touch-effective powers? Does this mean that as long as Lee has the wraps on (which is almost always), Mariah can’t touch her? Or will she go after her face… Yikes. I love the way the book has been going. Keep Lee sexy and bad and I’ll always be here to grab an issue. Later!

  31. Dang, what can I say? The art’s increasingly great– I really like how Mr. Lopez has the good taste to draw Lee like an actual woman, rather than some exaggerated supermodel– and I’m quite impressed by how well Mr. David tackles adult subjects without ever seeming crass or exploitative. The ending was a huge surprise as well. It’s almost as if Mr. David is making a list of all the things that superheroes are never, never supposed to do, and running Lee through them one by one. My only complaint, and it’s a minor one, is that Mr. David’s signature brand of smart-aleck humor sometimes clashes with the overall dark and sinister tone. Otherwise, FALLEN ANGEL, like GOTHAM CENTRAL, is one of those titles I look forward to most every month.

  32. Another Angel:

    The first scene (in which Lee isn’t wearing the bindings) is a flashback to her first meeting with Mariah. She started wearing the bindings because of what Mariah was able to do to her. Check it out more closely; it’s all in the book.


  33. I have to confess I like this book; even though I’m still not fully engaged with the characters they are interesting me, and I’m intrigued by what I’m watching.

    The slow-burn is no doubt having an adverse effect on sales figures, but I’d rather have a challenging read where not everything is presented to me on a plate (alongside the delightful PAD humour), and I adore the artwork.

    I enjoy expecting the unexpected – the sex, the relationship with Juris, the torture chamber at the end. Who is Lee? Why is she a Fallen Angel? What is this competition with Black Mariah? I’d rather this version of adult than MAX’s to be honest, and I’m with this for as long as it lasts.


  34. Does she often go out in costume without the binds (this was the first time I saw her like that in 7 issues), or was this just an instance when she just conveniently ‘forgot’ to put them on, so Mariah could demonstrate her touch-effective powers? Does this mean that as long as Lee has the wraps on (which is almost always), Mariah can’t touch her?

    This occured in the past remmeber (it was a flashback). Later in the comic, Lee tells Black Mariah the reason she wears the bindings is in honor of her – without bare flesh, Mariah can’t drain life. I suppose a blow to the face could drain Lee of life – but who’s going to be fast enough to hit her? Not me 😉

  35. (But then again, only rich and stupid people send their kids to private schools. So mabye I’m overlooking the obvious.)

    Obviously, yes. If I could afford to , I’d send my kids to private school. As it is, I live with the limitations of public school, and try to teach my children to excel.

    Anyway, I enjoyed the book. It’s one of the few interesting books out there that doesn’t seem to follow any popular (i.e. overused) trends. Keep up the good work, PAD!

  36. dAN told me I was overlooking something…

    “Obviously, yes. If I could afford to , I’d send my kids to private school. As it is, I live with the limitations of public school, and try to teach my children to excel.”

    You’re doing the right thing. Private schools are zoos where rich parents lock up their kids so they don’t have to bother with them. They figure the initial sex act (for the man) and childbirth (for the woman) was enough effort, and so they pay for someone else to do the real work of child-raising.

    Consequently, the teachers in these “zoos” are…well, let’s just be charitable and say they will never win any rewards for teaching. Or humanity, or respect for their charges…

    You, on the other hand, love your children enough to expose them to the real world and its dangers…and opportunities. Including public schools with people of other races, backgrounds, religions, economic classes and intentions. You’re taking active involvement in their lives, and raising them to be real people.

    If you ever become rich, don’t send your kids to private school. Hire a domestic instead, so you can spend more time with them.

  37. I’m from Spain and I haven’t still received FA #7, but I want to say that FA is nowadays my favourite american comic-book.

    I like the characters, the city, the scripts and art. And I’ll be here until the finish… but I’m a little worried.

    I thought that in the April previews should appear a trade with the first issues. I have been talking about the series and the trade with some of my friends. But the trade doesn’t appear.

    Furthermore, the FA # 10 is more expensive. It costs 2’95$ now.

    Like I said, I gonna follow with the series until the ending, but is perhaps this ending too much near?

  38. Considering that I wasn’t that excited with issue #1 of the series, I have gotten more and more into it as it’s progressed. I really liked the last story arc, and this one already seems like it could be better.

    And while I’m thinking about it — when the series first started I always hoped Lee would be Linda, but as the story moves forward, I don’t care anymore. Lee is such an interesting character that is varied and intriguing on her own, I’d almost rather see her *not* be Linda. Though I must admit I’m still curious how FA will wrap up and what will be revealed about Bete Noire.

  39. I got Fallen Angel #7 today and while I liked it, I was a bit lost since I had missed many issues…too bad the book doesn’t have a recap like Captain Marvel (which I also picked up today). I really do want to catch up with the series. When I got the money, I might try get the issues I missed. Interesting series. Very mysterious.

    I thought the whole tree scene was cool, even though I had no idea what the Shard was or who the nun was…er…boy I missed a lot. lol. Could someone maybe fill me in a little? lol.

    Anyway, I thought I’d buy an issue. I like the series.

    (aside: though I think Captain Marvel is the best PAD series though!)


  40. I’m impressed with the series so far, even the intimations as to Lee’s past (’nuff said on that). I’m intrigued by the Black Mariah stuff, and was dying to know what it was Lee had done to BM when she had arrived in Bete Noir. Everyone seemed to talk about it in such hushed “Don’t mention details” tones in the early parts of the series, and I liked the fact that obvious seeds were lain for future stories.

    I like seeing Lee’s dark side, too. She’s the classic anti-hero, which is nice. She has a legitimate desire to do good for others, but completely on her terms, and isn’t afraid to get her hands very dirty in the process.

    Kudos to you, Peter. This book is the one that always makes me dash to my comic shop monthly, as the one week where I just can’t miss the issue. 🙂

  41. My eyes were WIDE open for this whole read. Can’t wait until I can go back for another run-through.

  42. << Private schools are zoos where rich parents lock up their kids so they don’t have to bother with them. They figure the initial sex act (for the man) and childbirth (for the woman) was enough effort, and so they pay for someone else to do the real work of child-raising.

    Consequently, the teachers in these “zoos” are…well, let’s just be charitable and say they will never win any rewards for teaching. Or humanity, or respect for their charges… >>

    As one who has taught in two different private schools for the last ten years (and won awards for teaching, BTW), please allow me to be the first to cordially invite you to piss up a rope.

    Some private schools are as you describe. So, regrettably, are some public schools. Coloring either with too broad a brush is fairly stupid. I’ve had my share of students and parents who are as you describe. I’ve also had an awful lot more who aren’t — the parents are involved and interested, and the kids are smart and motivated.

    If you’re ever in the Bay Area, come drop by for a visit to the Castilleja campus. You may learn a few things.

    As for the book … most intrigued. I’m already liking this arc quite a bit better than the last one. The opening flashback was a little bit disorienting (as in, I had to leaf back and look at it again after Lee’s “I started wearing these bindings because of you”), but that seemed effective.

    And Lopez’s art is either improving, growing on me, or both.


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