No, it’s not what you think. I’ve gotten e-mails recently asking me why I “hate” Todd McFarlane or “hate” John Byrne or “hate” Marvel Comics.

Can we, y’know, retire that word except when and where it’s relevant?

I’m reminded of the exchange between Pete Lorre and Bogie in “Casblanca,” in which Lorre’s character says, “You despise me, don’t you, Rick.” To which Rick replies, “I don’t know. I suppose I would if I gave you any thought.”

Do you guys have ANY idea how much effort it is to hate someone? Really hate them?

No, I don’t hate Todd, no, I don’t hate John, no, I don’t hate anyone at Marvel. I can think of two, maybe three people in my life I’ve encountered personally that I truly hate. The thing is, if I really hate someone…I never talk about them. Because just bringing them up gets me so worked up that I can’t stand it.

Hatred’s a lot of work. I try to reserve my energies for other things.


63 comments on “HATE MAIL

  1. You hit the nail on the, uh, part you hit it with a hammer… to drive it in…

    Hate really requires a great deal of energy. It comes creeping into your mind and heart and you need to put a lot of effort into either trying to kill or re-inforce your hate… Let it go.


    Just kidding.

    I hate waiting for comics, for new DVDs, and my co-worker to an extent.

    What? I am man. I am, after all, inherantly evil. Man is a wolf for man, and all that jazz. Bloody Jazz!

  2. Just for amusement value given the thread, the punt returner for the Carolina Panthers will be the first former XFL player to play in the Super Bowl…and yes, he’s the one whose XFL jersey’s back had on it “He Hate Me”.

  3. And let us not forget that PAD did put his money – er, rather – mouth where his mouth is with the Great Debate.

    The Toddster dinna know wha’ hit ‘im.

  4. I won’t even pretend to remember th exact wording, But my alltime favorite letter to CBG was written by John Byrne. It was short and sweet and had to do with “The Great Debate.”

    Mr. Byrne was quite amusing in stating something like “Hey Peter, don’t hurt him too bad!”

    Just another example of, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Or just a situation where John saw Peter as the lesser of two evils.

  5. Den – … all I can think of is, “how did such a no talent hack ever get work in Hollyweird?”

    I think you answered your own question — Johnny Depp is as weird as they come. And you want to fûçk him. Or you don’t exist. Either is entirely possible.

  6. Many years ago I happened to see the funniest thing I have ever seen in a panto…

    It was ” Ali Baba and the Forty thieves” – and several of the thieves were given speaking parts… because the play was being mounted by, wait for it, the inmates of Barlinnie Prison outside Glasgow. Possibly the hardest men in the UK – certainly the scariest.

    Anyway, watching these big men with names such as Mad Frankie and Billy the Razor performing a panto for kids was a bit strange, but highly enjoyable for them and very therapeutic. I should at this stage point out that the panto was NOT being mounted for kids – it was a bit, um, ” adult “

    Well, half a dozen of these hard men sat around a wee camp fire and discussed ” who was the worst of them all “. And it was agreed that the worst people had the owrst hatreds, and they would have a competition to decide who was the worst of them all .

    So, one ventured that he hated his teachers at school – but since they all could say that, he was a bit lame.

    Another ventured that he hated ” the polis” – which got a round of applause. A third that he hated ” The army – and he would chin any sodjer who wanted to call this into question.” – which got a laugh.

    Number four hated ” Maggie Thatcher and that Ronnie Reagan ” – which gives you some idea of the timing of the show. Number five got a gsap – he hated ” Father McGinty – the priest at the seminary I w as taught at ” – this led to some mutterings from the Celtic supporters in the audience.

    But number six, well, in hushed tones he announced that ” Ah hate… ah hate…” and we all hung on what was coming next…

    ” Ah hate…ma maw .”

    And at this, his fellow thieves agreed that anyone that could hate his mother w as dámņëd beyond redemption, a nd could just leave the company right now, a s no-one wanted to be a ssociated with him…

    The moral ? I dunno – some folk can take hating too far ???

  7. I know the feeling, PAD. I’ve felt that way quite often about the obnoxious journo-talker who harrassed and insulted me over at another forum I later boycotted, and who was eventually thrown out of the forum for his behaviour, and then out of the newspaper he worked at for embarrassing the editorial staff.

    I also felt that way towards the very pathetically hyprocritical administrator who discriminated against me and excused his behaviour, yet, when it comes to him, since he later seemed to regret having approached the whole matter the way he did, should I continue to do so? To say the least, if he were to just open up properly to someone and admit that he went about the whole matter in the wrong way, maybe I could forgive him, ditto if he were to have emailed me and apologized.

  8. A note of the PAD/Byrne “feud.” During the 15 minutes Byrne was writing X-Men over Lee & Portacio’s plots, some 13 years ago, Byrne mentioned, among other things that I don’t remember now that PAD had written a story must have been for Marvel Comics Presents or something that had Spitfire, who he had just de-aged in her costume, which destroyed a scene he had intended to write with with the young Jacqueline Falsworth trying out tentatively what the costume would look like holding it in front of her in the mirror or something. The reason I remember this is because I never got the oppertunity to tell him I read something similar to his description, but didn’t remember PAD’s name and I didn’t think he wrote it.

    So, it may not matter now at this point. But I think is this long standing acrimony has some dubious basis in at least some repsects.


  9. Brian–I have no idea WHAT is being talked about in regards to some Spitfire story. The only stories I recall writing for “Marvel Presents” were the Wolverine “Blood Hungry” story and a couple of Hulk one-shots. Never wrote Spitfire.


  10. And you want to fûçk him. Or you don’t exist. Either is entirely possible

    Then I guess I don’t exist. What is so attractive about looking like you’ve just fell out of bed after a three-day coke binge?

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