For the last several months, as Caroline has gazed lovingly at Kathleen and said, “Ma ma! Ma ma!” or clutched her bottle and said, “Ba ba,” I’ve tried to get her to say “Da da” with absolutely no luck.

So yesterday I’m sitting with her in my lap, and she suddenly slams her head back into the right side of my face, smack into the side of my nose. I literally saw stars. My hands went limp and Caroline started to tumble off my lap before Kathleen caught her.

Immediately that side of my face began to swell up. “I think she broke your nose,” Kathleen opined. I sat there, my face throbbing, glared at Caroline who was in Kath’s lap.

And Caroline smiles at me and chirps happily, “Da da!”

I suppose it’s marginally better than being hit in the head with a skillet while she says “Not the mama!”, but only marginally.