DC’s “Fallen Angel” offer

UPDATE: Check out the latest www.thefourthrail.com to see a rave review for “Fallen Angel #15,” out this week.
The following is a DC press release that went out September 7.

On September 9, retailers will receive free copies of a special new printing of DC Comics’ FALLEN ANGEL #1 (PROM60034), featuring the first story from the FALLEN ANGEL TP (APR040304). This issue, which features the words “This issue free” on the cover, is written by Peter David, with art by David Lopez & Fernando Blanco and cover art by Brian Stelfreeze. The issue also includes a letter to readers from David.

This edition of FALLEN ANGEL #1 is provided to retailers in quantities equal to half of their initial orders of HELLBLAZER #200 (JUL040693).

“I am very pleased that DC feels that FALLEN ANGEL is worth the time, consideration and energy for this extra promotional step,” says David. “Part of it stems from the nearly unanimous critical raves the series has gotten, and part from DC’s knowing that upcoming issues will answer a lot of questions. As for the much-debated background of the Fallen Angel herself, well… let’s just say that the final panel of issue #18 should pretty much point the way, once and for all, in the direction of her true origins. By giving readers a second look at series’ start, DC is inviting and urging readers who missed it the first time to give it a try.”

Here’s what the critics are saying about FALLEN ANGEL:

“Some of Peter David’s finest work in comics. The mysterious setting of Bete Noire is a fascinating creation, the cast of characters delightfully morally ambiguious…” – thefourthrail.com

“Worth my money every month… DC’s best kept secret.” – aintitcoolnews.com

“…the best book out there you aren’t reading. The characters are intense and exciting.” – 4colorreview.com

“Books like FALLEN ANGEL ensure I will be continuing to read comics for a long time.” – 411mania.com

“Every issue is packed with enough twists, surprises, action, and psychological tension to make a therapist seek mental help. If you can find another title with more bang for your buck every month, let me know.” – Paperbackreader.com

“You wouldn’t expect this dark writing from a guy famous for his humor and puns. But David has pulled it off, showing he’s a lot more versatile – and a lot more serious – than anyone else thinks. – stupidscifi.com

“…the most mature, twisted, deep and emotional book Peter David has ever written… a new benchmark in his long and distinguished career.” – herorealm.com

“This is Peter David’s best writing since finishing THE INCREDIBLE HULK.” – mediasharx.com

Upcoming issues of FALLEN ANGEL are available as follows:

FALLEN ANGEL #15 (JUL040617) is available for advance reorder and is scheduled to arrive in stores on September 9.

FALLEN ANGEL #16 (AUG040381) is solicited in the August issue of Previews (Volume XIV #8) and is scheduled to arrive in stores on October 13.

FALLEN ANGEL #17 (SEP040314) is solicited in the September issue of Previews (Volume XIV #9) and is scheduled to arrive in stores on November 3

In addition, the FALLEN ANGEL TP (APR040304) available for reorder. This title collects FALLEN ANGEL #1-6 and features an introduction by Harlan Ellison.

49 comments on “DC’s “Fallen Angel” offer

  1. “This is Peter David’s best writing since finishing THE INCREDIBLE HULK.” – mediasharx.com

    No offense to Mediasharx, but PAD has been doing a LOT of excellent writing since his run on the Hulk. Where have those numbnuts been?

  2. PAD, what was the thought process behind pairing this with Hellblazer versus a better selling title? Just curious.

  3. Congrats! Good luck with this promotion. It’s good to see DC supporting you. I hope it reaches the audience that you are looking for.

  4. I look forward to reading the whole FA run, now that I know it’s an 18-part arc. Does anyone know for certain if all 18 parts will be collected in trades? Back issues are VERY hard to come by …


  5. I haven’t read Fallen Angel yet, but I have asked my retailer (George, at Collector’s Choice, Brockport, NY) to get me a copy of the first trade. Looking forward to it.

  6. Go Squeaky Wheel! Congrats PAD for getting SOME promotion out of DC. Thanks to DC for helping this great book get some publicity…

    (Excuse me, I have to go figure out who to buy the Trade Paperback for. _I_ have all the issues out to date. *grin*)

  7. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have the latest issue be free? I think that would attract more new readers than a reprint of the first issue. Even if everybody loves the issue (and there’s no doubt that most will), there’s going to be a significant portion of those readers who’ll say “I liked that, but I’ve missed 15 issues of continuity. I’ll never be able to catch up.”

    So I hope it works, but I’d rather see a new issue be free. Because I think that would work better.

  8. DC won’t let this be a Vertigo book but they are making the number of free issues dependent on how many copies of Hellblazer are orderd?

  9. Alex Clarke,
    “No offense to Mediasharx,but PAD has been doing a LOT of excellent writing since his run on the Hulk. Where have those numbnuts been?”
    Calm down. They didn’t say it was his ONLY GOOD work since the Hulk. They simply claimed it was his BEST work since the Hulk.
    Since PAD’s run on the Hulk is what he is generally best known for, and what many if not most consider to be his best comic work, it only makes sense for mediasharx to use that run for comparison with FALLEN ANGEL.
    Which is probably why if there HAVE been reviews citing “Supergirl”, “Spyboy”, “Young Justice” or “Captain Marvel” as a comparison point for FALLEN ANGEL, DC didn’t use it. Because if somebody reads “PAD’s best work since ‘Spyboy’, there’s a good chance whoever reads that either never read “Spyboy”, doesn’t know what the title is, or didn’t like it, as the sales figures (rightly or wrongly) suggest. So it doesn’t really encourage the average reader to pick up the book at all.
    Bu the Hulk? Both the character, and PAD’s run, are widely known. The average fan, who might not have read a PAD comic in yeras, reads that “Fallen Angel” is PAD’s best work since the Hulk? He’s (or she’s) there! It piques their interest.
    THAT’s why.

  10. Donald Pfeffer,
    I understand what you’re saying, but I feel DC’s aproach is the best way to go, and here’s why.
    First, I disagree with the premise that readers are automatically intimidated by “continuity”.
    Second, I think they would be more “lost” if they were introduced to these characters in issue #12, issue #13, and issue #14. Though stand-alone issues, yu still don’t have as good a sense of the characters, subplots, etc. as you would at the beginning.
    Third, since the past few issues HAVE been a bit easier for new readers to follow, it’s the perfect time to get them hooked with a #1 issue, and then seek out the latest issues.
    Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, if someone like this reprint, they may be inclined to pick up the TRADE to get the rest of the story. PAD has said sales of the trade are crucial, so this could be critical in helping out that effort.

  11. Paul,
    “About bloody time DC wised up”
    The company is making a significant investment and marketing push, and you still have to bìŧçh? Can’t you just give them credit for today, at least?

  12. “No offense to Mediasharx, but PAD has been doing a LOT of excellent writing since his run on the Hulk. Where have those numbnuts been?”

    O.k. That’s my quote and when I wrote it for the trade review, I figured that one day, someone would call me out on it.

    Here’s where I stand on Peter– he’s a frigging great writer. That said, I never got into his two main titles since The Hulk– Young Justice or Supergirl (don’t even ask me about Spy Boy.) For YJ, I just don’t care of the characters and that’s actually spilling into the current Titans title. I know that there’s a lot of people who like this book but it just never did much to make me want to read it.

    Supergirl is a title that I need to go back for (any recommendations?) I enjoyed the Gary Frank stuff but once he left, I jumped off. It’s a shame because I enjoyed Leonard Kirk on JSA and think that I missed some good stuff here. That’s where this numbnuts has been. That said, the storyline at the end of the series featuring 2 Supergirls is one of my current favorite books.

    For my money, Fallen Angel is some of the best writing PAD has done in a long time. It feels like he’s finally been let lose and is able to do what he wants with a book. FA just feels like pure Peter David to me, something that I think has been missing for a long time.

    Just my humble opinion.

  13. It is great to see DC finally giving some support for Fallen Angel. BUT the store I work for will not have any of these promo’s to hook new readers with as we only ordered a single copy of Hellblazer #200. I guess I’ll just have to keep loaning out the trade on a like it/buy it basis for now.


  14. Good Afternoon Peter:

    All I have to say is finally “the son of Jor-El will kneel before ZOD”

    Oh wait I didn’t take my medication.

    Really this is great news with respect to the attention DC is giving Fallen Angel.

    I wish all the comics that you are writing would get top billing in the marketplace. The only comic that I have a tiny problem with is Soulsearchers and Company, and that is just because I never really warmed up to the black and white medium for comics.

    The covers are so vibrant and alive and then when I turn the page I get a plain vanilla format. Get Claypool to pony up for the colorization of this book or just call Ted Turner I hear his calendar is empty.

    Warren S. Jones III

  15. How exciting that DC is doing this promo! Maybe this book will survive a bit longer now.

    PAD, does this impact the future of the book beyond #18? I can’t imagine DC would do this if it planned to pull the plug in 3 months.

    Here since the beginning of FA,

  16. You’ve already got one more reader. Guy I know who’s been a fan of your novels had a look at my copies of FA this past weekend and immediately opted to add it to his subscription list.

  17. Excuse me, Jerome…but my comment is not a “bìŧçh” as you so eloquently put it. Its an observation that its about time DC stood behind a writer whose deserves his due regarding what I consider to be a great series. If you wish to construe it as a “bìŧçh,” that’s your perrogative. But from what I’ve seen in previous postings re: Fallen Angel on this board, my sentiments are unarguably echoed.

    As to credit [DC] for today…the statment begins with “About time…”

  18. Great!
    Now you just need to get the title and promo copy corrected in the retail bookstore catalogs.
    It’s listed as “Fallen Angels” and described as Fallen Angle. I’ve seen this at Books-A-Million and Borders.

    Fallen Angels
    by Peter David; David Lopez; Fernando Blanco
    In Stock: Ships within 2-3 days.

    Fallen Angle is a story of the supernatural and super-heroism. In the city of Bete Noire, a city of darkness and shadows, there is the woman called the Fallen Angel, who helps people in need when they find themselves at a crossroads in their lives. But the Fallen Angel’s help isn’t always what it seems. If she deems you worthy, she can be your savior. If not, you’ll walk away from her worse off than you before…if at all. Is the Fallen Angle just another of Bete Noire’s shadows – or is she an angel of light? Written by New York Times best-selling novelist Peter David.

  19. Well, at least they got the name right once out of, what, four times? Pathetic.

    It’s good to see that DC is putting some push behind the book, however.

  20. Fallen Angle ???Is that anything like fallen arches??Maybe a geometry teacher that lost thier footing?? 🙂

  21. “Fallen Angle ???Is that anything like fallen arches??Maybe a geometry teacher that lost thier footing?? :)”

    Or a story about the rise and fall of the McDonald’s food chain.

  22. This was a good start, but wish it was tied to a better selling book. I guess I will be able to pick up a few new Fallen Angel readers with this though. I’ll never turn down free swag to give out.


  23. Congratulations, Peter! Hope it works.

    Meanwhile, though – for those of us (me) who got all the singles in real time (me), who like Harlan Ellison and his work (me) and can’t afford to ALSO get the trade (me)… could you maybe reprint his intro over here so we could read it? Please?

  24. Just talked to my local dealer today, and he was pleased. He thinks he may be able to get some new FA readers out of it.
    Here’s hoping:)

  25. Paul Anthony Llossas,
    I apologize if I came across in a rough manner. ust for months I’ve heard from varous quarters about how the Big Two don’t “care” about promoting books other than their major franchises, and sometimes fans of certain writers/artists/charcters tend to feel that the B2 actually “don’t care if a book fails”, as if they enjoy losing money.
    Then, I saw the news and was happy for PAD, and saw your comment and thought it was more of the same “bash DC” mentality.
    I very much agree with you that PAD is deserving of this kind of support, and more. If it makes you feel any better, DC’s P.R. department has improved somewhat in the past 6-8 months. I am getting a lot more press releases and trades and other material to review from them than I ever have in the past four years.
    So, hopefully, this will be the first of many such promotions:)

  26. I ended up buying the trade even though I own the single issues. Any support I can give this book, I will participate in. I have considered starting to pick up two issues a month, like I did with Power Company.

  27. Based on people raving here (and because it’s been an age since I read anything by PAD that wasn’t his blog) I picked up the first 8 issues of F.A. second hand. (They were cheap, and that’s what they had available.)

    I’ve read the first 5 now, and to be blunt, I’m not that impressed. (Some discussion below, so possible spoilers)

    Do I think it’s better than Hellblazer? Yeah, but that’s because I don’t think much of Hellblazer.

    Mostly I’m just not impressed because it seems to be so dámņ predictable. I mean, it’s an easy read, and PAD has always been able to do interesting characters and wonderful dialog. But the plot…

    I mean, I was about 3 or 4 pages into the first issue, when I twigged that the “Dolf” is “Adolph” as in the Furher. Sign on the pub gave it away, along with the many references to being an artist, or collecting WWII guns etc.. Yet I can’t help but feel this was meant to be “subtle”.

    I predicted the “mother” twist, and hëll, even the “love” interest with the Doctor. So far nothing in the plot has surprised me.

    I’ll read the next few issues, because I’ve already bought them, but can someone tell me if the series gets better? Am I missing something? Or is it perhaps just not for me? That’d be a shame, because I like PAD’s work as a general rule.

  28. In terms of Dolf, no, I wasn’t trying to be subtle. And yet it did, in fact, go by quite a number of people. I dropped hints in terms of the mother plot. Nice foreseeing of Juris and the Angel’s relationship.

    But I guarantee you that, as the series becomes more layered and complex, you will not continue to be able to foresee what happens next.


  29. A few things:

    Andrew-What gives you the impression that FA is finished and that it’s an “18-part arc”? All that PAD said in the press release was: “As for the much-debated background of the Fallen Angel herself, well… let’s just say that the final panel of issue #18 should pretty much point the way, once and for all, in the direction of her true origins.” See? Nothing about a final issue there.

    That said, DC marketed this bûggër terribly. Number one faux pas, tying it to orders for a VERTIGO book when Veritgo won’t pick the book up. Number two, tying it to a book that a lot of retailers (especially in this area) really don’t order in huge numbers. My shop got TWO of the FA promos…and they stuck them on the rack furthest back where nobody can even see that THEY’RE FREE. *sigh* (And I work at the shop, but am not the owner…does my guy listen? Nooooooo….)

    DC would have done much, MUCH better getting word out of they’d, say, tied ’em to orders of ACTION COMICS, or even one of the Bat-books. Any book but HELLBLAZER. DC Marketing needs their collective heads examined.

    *sigh* I had high hopes, PAD, such high hopes…

    Still, picked up new FA today. Will post after I read it!


  30. I also had a similar episode at my comic store.

    I imagined they would be near the register.

    Imagine my surprise when I couldn’t even find them out!

    When I asked where they were, the owner said that PAD is coming to the store for a signing soon and he (the owner) will hand out the free copies then to people who *appreciate* the book.

    Seems to defeat the purpose of the free book … that is, to attract new readers.

    Ah well, I guess in theory it’s a good thing that DC is doing this.

  31. Just went to the comic shop on 4th here in Vancouver, picked up the free issue and the TPB, I’ll start on it this weekend. Is there another trade coming out for the subsequent issues? or should I try and hunt down the individual ones?

  32. They also had quite a few of the free issues in a somewhat prominent spot, one in the front window, and then about half a dozen or so on the rack in the store. You can take that for what its worth….

  33. I’m really happy to see DC get behind Fallen Angel like this.

    Read issue #15 last night and it was fantastic. Every issue is better than the last.

  34. So when this promotion fails are you still gonna whine and bìŧçh that nobody likes you? Or are you going to manufacture yet another reason why it “really” didn’t sell. I mean other than the obvious reason: Nobody liked it.

  35. Had never read FA before today. I liked it. It reminded me a little of Marvel’s Moon Knight from the 80s. I picked up an extra copy to give to someone who’s never read a comic before. As much as I enjoyed #1 and didn’t pick it up the first time around, I felt it was my duty to publicize the title.

    Now I need to get a job again so I can pick up all the back issues or at least the upcoming trade.

    Keep up the good work Peter.

  36. Hey, PAD, my nephew just came back from the comic book store a few hours ago where he was presented with a free copy of Fallen Angel #1.
    My 11-year-old nephew. Why isn’t there a “Mature Readers” label on this book? I don’t even know if there’s anything in this particular issue that warrants it but what goes does a giveaway for a Mature Readers book do if it’s handed out to pre-teens?

  37. Sorry, that last sentence should read: “What *good* does a giveaway for a Mature Readers book do if it’s handed out to pre-teens?”

  38. Gary M.Miller,
    “DC marketed this bûggër terribly”.
    DC markets virtually everything terribly, though they’re getting better. And at least thet tried something. This becomes a case of “dámņëd if you do, dámņëd if you don’t’.”

    “Number one faux pas,tying it to orders for a Vertigo book, when Vertigo won’t even pick the book up.”
    PAD has said that “Fallen Angel” is closes to Vertigo in tone than any non-Vertigo book out there. You wouldn’t exactly tell fans, “You love ‘Spider-Girl’ or ‘Plastic Man’? Then this is the book for you! This way, if retailers are actually, you know, doing their jobs, and taking advantage of the opportunity DC is giving them, they can say, “Oh, you like ‘Hellblazer’ (or any Vertigo title), then this is also something you might enjoy. And best of all, it’s free!”
    Which bring s me to…

    “Number two, tying it into a book that a lot of retailers (especially in this area). My shop got TWO of the FA promos…and they stuck them on the rack furthest back where nobody can even see that they’re free.”

    Seems to me the latter problem is far more significant than the first. I mean, if they had received 20 or 200 promos, and still stuck them in the back/failed to push them/failed to market them, would that help at all?
    Seems to me DC was taking a risk, just to see if the critical reviews and such might help grab new readers. They obviously don’t expect FA to shoot into the Top 20 (or even Top 100) overnight, but felt that if they at least pushed the book a bit more, to readers predisposed to similar material, they could at least staunch the bleeding, pick up some new readers, and help get people interested in the trade. But if retalers have give up on or don’t care about the book, what can DC do? They don’t own the retail stores.

    “DC would have done much, much better getting word out if they’d, say, tied ’em to orders of ACTION COMICS, or even one of the Bat-books. Any book but HELLBLAZER.”

    See, therein lies the problem. First, “Action” hasn’t sold healthily until recently, and “The Legends of the Dark Knight” is almost out of the Top 100.
    Also, and this is important, the Mature content of “Fallen Angel” almost precludes it from being “tied-in: with the mainstream icons, because of the tastes of the fans in general and because a lot of kids still do read them.
    For example, my local library has said they are interested in getting comics. So I bought 20 copies of “Batman:The 12-Cent Adventure” and gave them to the head librarian. I would NEVER have been able to do that with a possible “Fallen Angel:The 12-Cent Adventure”, because of the language and nudity. Whether you feel it’s right or wrong, that’s the way it is. (I mean, when I gave free copies of the FCBD “Tomb Raider” comic a few years back, some patrons complained about Lara Croft’s chest and revealing outfit!)Which is a shame, since some of the nudity and sex – and even some of the language – in “Fallen Angel” could be toned down a bit and still be a gritty, different, entertaining read.

  39. I was thinking is Dolph really Adolf Hitler? Looks like it but, no, I don`t think PAD is that tasteless.

    I enjoy Fallen Angel a lot but I hate this idea. I am curious, why did you do that, PAD?

  40. Whoo Hoo.
    DC just gave me a really great birthday gift.

    You mean you’re married to the writer and you still have to pay for your copies? I know he’s willing to do anything to keep sales up but Bad Peter! :0)

  41. “I was thinking is Dolph really Adolf Hitler? Looks like it but, no, I don`t think PAD is that tasteless.”

    “I enjoy Fallen Angel a lot but I hate this idea. I am curious, why did you do that, PAD?”

    Understand, I’m not copping to the notion that Dolf definitivly IS Hitler. But my thinking was this:

    So many people who are elderly look back at their misspent youth and shake their heads and say, “What was I thinking?” You look at them and have trouble associating them with the activities they engaged in when they were younger. I thought it would be interesting to apply the same concept to Hitler. That he’s now a really old guy and he basically thinks, “What was I thinking?” So instead he leads this quiet life, and although there are occasional flashes of the old personality (his treatment of Mariah, for starters), the thing is, if you didn’t know, then you’d never know. You wouldn’t think that this guy led an entire nation into war. He’s just this colorful German guy who serves drinks.

    But I wouldn’t come out and establish because the actuality of Hitler being our heroine’s avuncular advisor is just too, y’know…icky…for words.

    So that was basically the thinking.


  42. Worth mentioning that the 411mania comic guys are now at insidepulse.com (which is also some other name)…
    Anyway, they tend to be gushingly pro-PAD stuff, so I’m sure you can find quotes with both of their new domains…that’s 3 positive reviews for the price of 1:D

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