Fallen Angel Back Issue availability

Some folks are writing me, telling me that their interest has been piqued by the recent “Fallen Angel” promotion, but that back issues are hard to come by.

I’ve checked with DC. They have, in stock, issues 12, 13 and 14. Each of these are stand alone issues, but contain important groundwork for the current arc in 15-18. So if your retailer claims he can’t obtain those issues, as some are…well, I don’t want to say anyone’s lying. Let’s just say they’re misinformed.

As for issues 7 through 11, DC hasn’t announced a trade collection of them yet, but certainly sales on the current one will determine that.


9 comments on “Fallen Angel Back Issue availability

  1. Hi-This isn’t actualy about Fallen Angel. I was wondering if any more of Soulseachers & Company is ever going to be collected in trade collections? I have the first two volumes and I would love to see more.

  2. Ah, good. I’ve been having a hëll of a time finding 7-9. 10-15 are at my store but there’s really no point in buying them if I can’t read the issues before that, right? I honestly hope there’s a second trade because I absolutely love this book.

    Oh, and I promise this is the last time I plug this review but…


    Contains a heartfelt apology to Peter David. =) This review came out about a week or two after the first TPB was released.

  3. Peter:

    Even though DC has them in stock, Diamond (which most stores use) is currently saying not available for re-order, which means that they don’t have any in warehouse (I only checked issues 7+8, and that can change hourly, as a caveat).


  4. My comics shop had a problem getting Fallen Angel #14 from their distributor, but they are very cooperative and are ordering more (1 for me) for people who are interested. Their backstock consists of only 1 copy of issue 8. Fans in San Jose and Sunnyvale California are interested in Fallen Angel which is encouraging.


  5. A comment to Nick. You should grab issues 10 – 15 now while you can. What if you locate issues 7 – 9 and then the later issues are unavailable?



  6. I completed getting all of the back issues just today. I picked up the first four issues last week to see if I would enjoy them. Dammit….I did! Thanks Peter!

  7. I am not 100% on this, but the shop I buy from may have copies of all the back issues.

    I just found out today that I am the only regular who has Fallen Angel on his pull-list. He wanted to give me one of the free #1s because “I deserved it”. I told him that he should leave it for someone else who may be interested, as I had no real need of another copy of #1.

    Even though I am the only one ordering it, I know he does have extra copies of Fallen Angel. I know he has some older issues still on the shelf. He may even have all the issues. So here is the website if you feel like contacting the shop:


  8. I had bought the trade from my shop a couple months ago, and finally remembered to try to get the rest of the series (I don’t get to my shop more than about once a month anyway — 18 years of buying from the same place has earned me discounts that make it worth a 10-mile drive).

    They had the entire series from #7 forward in stock, up to 14 (15 comes out this week, right?). I may have taken the last copy of one of the issues (8 and 11 were in short supply, IIRC). Also copies of the trade.

    Phoenix Comics, Morton Grove IL

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