“Fallen Angel” bookplate art

I asked Dave Lopez to do a simple headshot of the Fallen Angel for the bookplate, and instead Dave outdid himself with the following pencil drawing. So it’s taking a little longer to produce it than anticipated, but I think you’ll find it worth the wait, right?

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12 comments on ““Fallen Angel” bookplate art

  1. Great art. Lee looks as conflicted, sad, and dangerous as ever.

    Of course, I am a bit surprised to find her standing between 2 statues reminiscent of C’thulhu.

  2. I noticed the Cthulhus as well. Does that mean the Great Old Ones will be factoring into the storyline?

  3. I’ve never read Fallen Angel (I know…I’m a bad person…:( ) nor do I have any idea exactly what a book plate is, but that is f*cking gorgeous!!!

    Probably won’t be able to resist that FA TPB if I see it at Barnes and Noble…

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…did I miss something? There is a lightly shaded Vertigo imprint above the piece by Lopez.

    I have to say Lopez impresses me more and more every time I see anything of his, and it will be a sore disappointment if he ever departs from Fallen Angel.

  5. Ðámņ…Nevermind…there is also a DC bullet and Wildstorm “W,” so I guess I shouldn’t get too excited.

  6. Crap – makes me wish I’d not bought the monthlies and had just done the ol’ “waited for the trade” bit. That’s a nice piece of work. Mr. Lopez has definitely been growing as an artist over the course of the series’ run.

  7. I’m from Spain like Dave Lopez. I’m buying the series since the beginning and now I’ve ordered the trade as well. What would be the easiest way of get the bookplate, Mr. David?

  8. *whistles* Pretty.

    Very nice, and very glad I decided to send the SASE. PAD, if you ever lose Mr. Lopez as FA artist, the series will truly suffer.

    #15 was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Great stuff. And the free FA #1 I picked up yesterday will go to a dear friend whom I’ve been trying to get into the series.



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