OUT THIS WEEK: “Fallen Angel #15,” “Spyboy: Final Exam #4”

The issue of “Fallen Angel” which kicks off a major four-part story arc that will result in major revelations about Bete Noire, and the “Spyboy” issue that wraps up the current four parter.

Whad’ja think?


46 comments on “OUT THIS WEEK: “Fallen Angel #15,” “Spyboy: Final Exam #4”

  1. First post!

    Wait, wrong board. I bought both of them, Peter. I haven’t yet read them. But let me say, I’m with you on both of them as long as they last. Spyboy is just so much fun and Fallen Angel is truly some of your finest writing.

  2. I haven’t read FA yet (I am reviewing it, and I always read my review books last), but I came here to post about SpyBoy. That ending was either the best or worst possible way to end a mini. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that SpyBoy will be coming back and soon.

    But, it was great issue, with two twists that really surprised me. Awesome work, PAD!

  3. Missed the Spyboy. I’ll have to check back.

    As to Fallen Angel — loved that two page spread, her “bouyancy” problem, her conversation with the girl and the ending…

  4. It sucks, Peter. You think that everything you do is the knockout, but the reality is other. Some of your work is fine, some is superb, some sucks. You don’t have the magical power to do everything perfect. You are not perfect.
    Think about Grant Morrison as someone that have something NEW to say, not the old-fashioned jokes and the references to famous films (the brain behind these references are de writers of the films, ok?)
    Take a rest.

  5. “It sucks, Peter. You think that everything you do is the knockout, but the reality is other. Some of your work is fine, some is superb, some sucks. You don’t have the magical power to do everything perfect. You are not perfect.”

    Looks more like somebody hit their head falling out of bed today, and it WASN’T Peter. 🙂

    As for the shock endings to both FA and SPYBOY, I sure didn’t see either of ’em coming. Good job, PAD.


  6. “Looks more like somebody hit their head falling out of bed today, and it WASN’T Peter. :)”

    Ignore him. He’s one of these multiple personality trolls who’s just looking to stir up trouble. He’ll probably concoct a few more alliterative AOL accounts (to go with the “Jimmy James” he already posted under in another thread) for the sole purpose of bad mouthing “Fallen Angel.”


  7. OK the last opinion not withstanding. I loved the Spyboy Final Exam storyline. I won’t post any spoilers…but I have to say that I have been in a dream world because I didn’t recognize the Ian Fleming name until Alex’s dad that he changed his name from (Roger) Moore.


    Fallen Angel has been and will always be a great read in my humble opinion.

    Keep up the great work.

    Warren S. Jones III

  8. The new Fallen Angel was truly excellent! I loved the feeling that a major player has hit the town.

    The issue itself just really got that feeling across that major things are happening.
    It also made me wonder if there’s been any indication that Bette Noir is actually located in the U.S. Right now it looks more like England maybe it proper home.

    Truly an enjoyable read, Thanx PAD.

  9. It always amazes me how these supposedly all-knowing/powerful/wise/whatever types never seem to catch on to the fact that, if you try to stomp out something causing ripples, you risk winding up all wet.

    Note to the Hierarchy: if you didn’t like her ripples, wait until you get a load of her incoming tsunamis.

  10. On Fallen Angel:

    Good issue. Nice cliffhanger. I liked the whole floating/not floating thing with the girl. And I especially liked the small Fooly Cooly reference.


  11. A great issue of Fallen Angel…BUT the characterisation of anyone from County Durham in 1984 was way off the mark. People from Durham just don’t speak like that (“pissant”?, nah…) and in 1984 we were in the middle of probably the most bitter industrial dispute ever between the miners and the government and there was no mention of it (!). I really do love Fallen Angel but the stuff about Durham was just ugly. Sorry PAD 🙁

  12. “A great issue of Fallen Angel…BUT the characterisation of anyone from County Durham in 1984 was way off the mark. People from Durham just don’t speak like that (“pissant”?, nah…) and in 1984 we were in the middle of probably the most bitter industrial dispute ever between the miners and the government and there was no mention of it (!). I really do love Fallen Angel but the stuff about Durham was just ugly. Sorry PAD”

    My research for the sequence consisted of watching “Billy Elliot” two times. So gimme a break, okay?


  13. Billy Elliot…that explains it!
    Have to admit though the Lee’s comments after she’d finished driving the porcelain bus was the funniest thing I’ve read in a comic in a long time. Here’s looking forward to issue 16 🙂

  14. I got home late, running around with friends, wanting to do something between hurricanes. Being trapped in the house sucks, but at least my neighborhood is still intact. So, what’s that got to do with Fallen Angel? I got home around 4am, dead tired. But, I got my comics that evening and took them out. I was like, dámņ, I need sleep. Then I saw FA in the stack. Aw sh*t, I thought, I can’t go to bed without reading that! And of course I loved it, loved the background on Boxer, whom I disliked, almost hated till now. Haven’t got to the new Spyboy, wanted to read them all together. Oh yeah, got a sneak in the advance books they send out on Madrox, that was pretty dámņëd good too, I love to see the characters I haven’t seen in a long time used that way. Kind of reminded me of “Alias”, super-hero characters now trying to live in the real world instead of at the X-Mansion. So, I will definitely get it when it comes out next week. Keep the hits coming and thanks…

  15. After seeing the street plans, I am starting to think that the Bete Noire, while on Earth, is a small battleground for the Heaven/Hëll war. Like trench warfare, ground is probably lost/gained in small amounts. That ‘ground’ is amplified over the planet as a whole. If Hëll is winning in the city more nastiness is seen on Earth; if heaven is winning, more good is seen.

    Other guesses? Juris had the bomb and the warning placed. His hope being that he can convince Lee to leave Bete Noire and that the explosion can be used as a cover for her ‘death’. Knowing Lee and how she reacted to Mariah’s mere presence on the school’s grounds, I doubt that will happen. Looks like it’s going to be all out war.

    Lee will end up losing her baby but winning the war. At the end of #18 she will be set up as Magistrate of Bete Noire, opening up a whole new chapter in her life. And as for the last panel of #18 which Mr. David has only hinted at … I’m thinking glorious wings of flame.

  16. Those are some pretty intriguing guesses.

    I have to admit to some curiosity as to what you guys think. Understand, it can’t impact on the story: It’s all written already. But tell me your opinions:

    1) Who blew up the school?

    2) Who warned Lee to get out (presuming it was the same person)?

    3) Will Lee lose the child?


  17. 2) Who warned Lee to get out (presuming
    it was the same person)?

    Hmm. Lot of clues to sift.

    Always throughout the series, there’re a lot
    of references to the importance/contrast of
    day and night in Bete Noire, and the
    transistions (Stay with me Lee. Watch the
    sun rise…’).

    That includes the direct and indirect
    references to there being no crime in the
    day in Bete Noire. It’s all at night.
    That’s part of the city’s nature.

    Now, Boxer is the chief enforcer, and what’s
    more, he seems to deeply respect Bete Noire.
    So it seems unlikely that he and/or Juris
    would have blown up the school in the
    daytime (St. Jude Community College, after
    the patron saint of lost causes, I like that
    :). Besides, they seem to prefer a cleaner

    Slate? He already tried to warn her & she
    seemed uninterested. He was listening in on
    Juris & Mr. Kind, perhaps he thought a more
    emphatic warning was necessary. Doesn’t
    seem too probable given his character &

    It seems more likely that it would be
    someone who isn’t as intimately concerned
    with the working of the city. Someone who’s
    either 1. very annoyed with Lee, enough to
    chance killing other people as well, or 2.
    is trying reeaaaallly hard to let her know
    something serious is going on, and that she
    better pay attention. Dolf is almost a fit
    for #2, but I could argue against the
    plausibility of him as well…

    So I’m not really answering the question,
    because the longer I think about it, the
    more possibilities I think of, and I’m
    running out of time right now.

    Guess that means I’ll have to buy #16-18. And hopefully #19-24+

    dranj70 writes:

    “I’m thinking glorious wings of flame.”

    I like that. I don’t really want her to be
    the-other-one-whose-name-starts-with-L, but
    that’s a really neat idea.

  18. FA #15 The overhead shot of Bete Noir and the last page …Whoa!There is obviously a lot going on in Bete Noir jsut based on design of the city.Which kind of reminds me of AZTEK where the city was designed in a specific way for mystical purposes if memory serves.
    The background on Boxer was a nice touch in that i enjoy understanding more about the charcters involved and why they are who they are instead of just “he is evil,she is good.”Subtle touches make this book for me ,Lee’s post vomit speech,the floating feet,the girl’s tantrum at Lee not listening before the Boom,Good Stuff!
    Was Lee’s loss of footing due to the rain,her pregnancy,or the interference of Mr Kind?
    1) Who blew up the school?
    IMO I dont think it was Mr.Kind to blatant,
    ripples and all.Boxer seemed to want a more personal touch to his work. I think it was our friendly ,neighborhood Inspector Slate.
    Maybe Juris knew something was going down and tried to warn her but I think Slate did the deed.
    This way he either eliminates the problem opening the door for him with Mr Kind,or he causes Lee to go on a rampage ,cleaning house and again potentially openeing doors for him to move up if she eliminates Juris.Of course Slate may actaully have warned her to hope he scares her off or to align himself with her later.Bottom line the ripples from this are gonna be huge!!!!
    I think she may end up losing the child ,maybe not the explosion but what will result in the upcoming battle that I am sure is coming after this issue.
    Also we will find out about her first pregnancy???Any possibility we will find out about the “interceders from before”???
    Can anyone suggest which TPB of Supergirl to read ,I have been looking and want to know whats a good starting point or good story arc for the character.

  19. Slightly off-topic, but did anyone see the premiere of The Apprentice? When Carolyn Kepcher criticized the toy name “Crustacean Nation” because it was too sophisticated, and that kids only know crabs and lobsters, was I the only one who thought “Wow, ya think she’s gonna suggest something like Pirahna Guy?”

  20. ) Who blew up the school? -Juris under orders

    2) Who warned Lee to get out (presuming it was the same person)? -Juris

    3) Will Lee lose the child- Nope. The shard won’t allow it. She gets to keep this one.

  21. Both Spy Boy and Fallen Angel were top notch stories that had twist and turns that I did not see coming. When Peter resolves a story don

  22. FA has definitely come up higher on my radar in the last 3 issues. Loving the amped up feel of it.

    The nature of Bete Noire definitely leads me to want to believe there are certain rules and contrasts that the city and its’ workers have to follow. The day/night possibilities is intriguing.

    1. Yes, I believe Juris planted the bomb. But that’s because-
    2. Slate sent the note. Juris runs/is intimately connected to the whole of the city. You think he doesn’t know about a bug in his office? I think his Chief Examiner would know it to be okay to send the note.
    3. She keeps the child. She may not be able to leave Bete Noire, so maybe it’s also a bit of a curse to have a child there, but Lee would gladly do it.

  23. Okay, I’ll play, too. PAD asked:

    “1) Who blew up the school?”

    I’d say Black Mariah (with perhaps a little help from Boxer), since she’s previously been seen hanging around the school.

    “2) Who warned Lee to get out (presuming it was the same person)?”

    Slate. The Angel’s no good to him dead.

    “3) Will Lee lose the child?”

    The outcome could go either way at this point, I’d say…. 🙂


  24. Excellent cliffhanger in FA.

    For some reason, even though I haven’t read #1-3, I picked up Spyboy. Everyone was saying how fun it was, and they were definitely right. Even without the first three issues, it wasn’t difficult to get involved with the characters.

    And like everyone else, I can’t imagine it ending there. I mean, the ceremony marking every graduation might be called, “commencement,” but still…

  25. Picked up FA#15 and really, really enjoyed. I see alot coming together and have some guesses as to where things may be headed.

    Still having problems finding issue #14 though. I live in central jersey and visited about 5 comics shops in the area and all sold out. Thats what I get for skipping the comic shop one week.

  26. Peter, in yet another great issue, the highlight has to be


    — Ken from Chicago

    P.S. Sometimes ya gotta step back and see the big picture.

  27. 1) Who blew up the school?

    I’ll take Boxer for $500, Alex. Mr. Kind seemed to scare the living hëll out of him, for some reason, whereas Juris took him in stride. Slate seemed pretty interested in what Kind had to say about the position of Magistrate, so I’d say he’s concentrating more on getting Juris out of the way than Lee. Boxer looked like he would snap to attention before Kind even told him which way to salute, so he figured he would kiss Kind’s ášš a little so as to get in the man’s good graces. Not a lot of people freak out a guy like Boxer.

    2) Who warned Lee to get out (presuming it was the same person)?

    Just this once, I’ll go with “obvious” and say Juris. He’s been trying to separate himself from Lee since #11. Also, it was mentioned this issue that he was expecting a visit from the Hierarchy, so he probably figured it was a good idea to get her the hëll out of that situation before someone found out, got pìššëd and got her killed. So my theory is that Kind ordered Boxer to terminate Lee, Juris found out about it (he CAN’T be so stupid as to not know his employees are scrabbling for his position, so he’d probably know about this) and left Lee the note.

    3) Will Lee lose the child?

    God, I certainly hope not. Besides, maybe something’s going to protect it. The child could grow up to be a pretty major stone-thrower itself. Not only that, but I think it ties into the nature of Bete Noire – I think the city is sentient, in a way – its denizens are its hands and eyes and ears. They are part of the city, like cells in a larger organism. But I think the city wants to keep a balance in the world, or that it was at least meant to – not too much good, not too much evil. But I think something went wrong somewhere along the way, and evil got too strong, figured out how to really manipulate the city to its own ends, and that’s why all the previous “interceders” ended up gone/dead/whatever. Lee’s stronger than that, because she’s not JUST a force of good – she’s got just enough darkness in her soul in order to keep herself…whatever the opposite of naive is. She operates both in darkness AND light, VERY unlike most of Bete Noire’s inhabitants. Have we seen Mariah out during the day? Benny? Asia? The only other one I’ve seen out in the light was Dolf. Once. I could be mistaken but I’m really thinking back, and I’m thinking Lee’s pretty much the only one who really functions during both times.

    Make of that what you will, but I think Lee and/or her child could end up completely in control of Bete Noire and, by extension, the fate of the world.

    P.S. In regards to the “glorious wings of flame” comment – remember, Twilight is still (as far as we know) the current Angel of Fire. So maybe it’s Molly (Mol-LEE? *wink*) who’s the Fallen Angel. She’s bonded with Matrix, remember, and Matrix DID have TK abilities…and Molly is definitely the type to become cold and dead inside, maybe even have a falling out with God…hmmmm…

    Bonus: Twilight is creator-owned, so Lee could still have a Supergirl connection if the PTB over at DC have explicitly stated that she can’t be Linda for a myriad of reasons.

    Just a curveball theory that I’m throwin’ out.

  28. Hey Peter. First time poster. I followed your Supergirl religiously. I was so sad when it was cancelled. That series made me a huge fan of your writing, so, not unlike many readers, I immediately transfered my attention to FALLEN ANGEL when I read that you were starting a new book. The first cover had me hooked as a reader to the run. And then there was the first story. I LOVE this book!!!!
    On a less happy note, I’m not sure if it’s been stated and i just haven’t seen it yet or what, but I was curious when you would hear about any cancellation or probation kind of thing? I assume, needing time to finalize a story or whatever that you would have a decent amount of time in advance. Not to say that I want it to end, at all, just wondering. Has there been any word on continuing after issue 18?
    Also, I was wondering if you had any plans of continuing this some other way if it was to get cancelled. FA is too good to not continue somehow. Anyways…
    I think issue 15 is the best thus far (which doesn’t exactly say that much since I think every new issue is the best of the series but still it’s the thought that counts). I can’t wait to see what is going on with this story arc. The winds of change are blowing. I’m intrigued to know BOXER’s part in this story. It seems obvious that he plays a big part in this somehow since a small portion of his background was revealed, setting up something. I don’t think that he set the bomb or the note however, not really sure why.
    As for who did set the bomb or leave the note. I’m thinking maybe, granted they were not in this issue, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t involved… Old Asia (who by the way is the funniest comic character ever). I think he might have tried to get even with her for not letting the ghost have him. I doubt that story line was a one shot issue placed there ONLY for the reason to allow new readers to jump on easily from the trade. As far as the note, Black Mariah is my guess. I wonder if perhaps Boxer, having listened to the conversation between Juris and Mr. Kind, went back to Mariah and told her about it. It appears that the duo had there own plans for Angel girl. Maybe they tried to save her so that they could finish her themselves… well… at least try to. It’s kind of a stetch but, it makes some sort of sense I think.
    Then there is the child. I’d like to think that the baby doesn’t die, and I hope it doesn’t die to keep story and send her over the edge when she needs it. It seems like she wants it, so I guess that means it will die, but at the same time not necessarily. I would hope it survives, after all, look at its parents. Lee has powers. And though I don’t think we have actually seen him do anything power wise, I’d be willing to bet that Juris has powers of his own as well as being magistrate… there’s gotta be perks somewhere right?
    Just my mind wondering, of course I’m probably totally wrong, but that’s the fun of comics, and this comic particularly, it’s hard to see where things are going.
    I leave that up to you. Thanks for reading all this.
    Lookin’ forward to the rest.

  29. First post here on this site.
    I LOVED your X-factor run (happy you got Madrox!!), but due to budgetary problems never read your Hulk. That is going to change of course when you return. I’m not going to miss this again!
    Just wanted to say that I was one of many who never knew Fallen Angel was around, untill I read it on another site. I checked an online store here in the Netherlands and they have all 14 issues in stock!! I will be ordering them today when it’s daytime here (it’s the middle of the night right now), and I can’t wait to read it. I will be ordering FA every month now at my comic shop.

  30. I’d answer “Juris” to the first two questions and I’d bet I’m bang on about that. If I’m wrong, I’d be very surprised.

    As for the “will Lee lose the baby” question: I’m gonna go for a yes/no question. I think she won’t just flat out lose it, I’m betting something mystic / otherworldly will be involved re. her pregancy. I can’t quite say it specifically, but maybe Baby Lee pulled from Mommy before its born to be matured / raised / whatever. I don’t think flat out “miscarriage” because it’d be just mean to have her loose another child and make it dead dead. Sides this is Bette Noir, lots of freaky-ášš stuff happens all the time.

    But Lee can’t keep this baby for very long. Why is that? As much as Peter David likes to do the unexpected I *really* can’t see The Fallen Angel running around in a flowing maternity dress. Not that it’d piss me off and I’d stop buying the book – it would just be flat out awkward after awhile.

    Or heck, maybe she’ll have the kid nice and normal and one page will just skip ahead 9 months so we don’t have to see it. I *could* see a single mother superheroine to be an interesting angle…


    Baby = gone but not dead. Just out of the picture.

  31. I can’t believe how great Fallen Angel is. Every issue feels important, whether it’s a stand-alone story or part of a larger arc. Wonderful characters, wonderful ideas, and wonderful execution. This series is very rereadable. Now where’s the next trade, DC?

  32. Scott: [quote]I can’t believe how great Fallen Angel is. Every issue feels important, whether it’s a stand-alone story or part of a larger arc. Wonderful characters, wonderful ideas, and wonderful execution. This series is very rereadable. Now where’s the next trade, DC?[/quote]

    If you really think it’s that great, why not buy it monthly? That way you get a great read every month, instead of waiting months for a trade. Plus it helps support the book….

  33. If you really think it’s that great, why not buy it monthly? That way you get a great read every month, instead of waiting months for a trade. Plus it helps support the book….

    I do buy it monthly. I have every issue. ^_^ I’ve even considered buying each issue twice, but that would be cheating. I have gotten another friend hooked on the series via the trade, and he has expressed interest in finding the remaining issues.

    The December solicits for DC have been posted on their web site, including issue 18 for Fallen Angel. It doesn’t say that 18 will be the last issue specifically, but there’s a kind of finality in the wording of it. Is this a bad sign?

    2) Who warned Lee to get out (presuming it was the same person)?

    Lee and Becky were talking about parents when Lee found the note. So my guess is that it is one of two people: God or her child. Maybe both?

  34. To be really honest, I thought the story went by so quickly, I was pretty sure I missed something. I didn’t.

    I know I SHOULD be curious as to who blew up the school but I’m not. Not even mildly. However, I did promise you that I’d give you several issues to try and hook me, so I’ll buy issue number sixteen.

  35. PAD,

    To answer your questions, I’m gonna go with Juris for the answer to both questions 1 and 2. He doesn’t expect the bomb to seriously harm Lee, but it sends a message to her to be careful. At the same time, Juris appears to be carrying out Mr. Kind’s orders.

    As to why Juris sent the note, it was to put Lee on her guard. We know she can be hurt when she’s off guard but the note made her wary, even before she opened and read it.

    No, she won’t lose the child.

    As the issue itself, I liked it, and look forward to the rest of the current arc.

    Now, a question. Long ago in your “But I Digress..” column, you said you write your various comicbooks for specific people: “Supergirl” for your daughters, “Young Justice” (if I remember correctly) for a hypothetical future son, etc. Who are you writing “Fallen Angel” for?


  36. “Of course, Lee’s gonna have an abortion, right?”

    No. But back in issue #3, her pregnancy is foreshadowed when she comments that abortion is still legal, for the moment. However, it’s an option that she would never even consider availing herself of.


  37. Just finished “Many happy Returns “TPB and i loved it!!!Now i understand the references others have made to Lee being Supergirl/Linda Danvers.The loss of a child ,the telekinetic abilities,etc.The only thing i regret is not having read the character in her original run,I should have known ,with you and Gary Frank it was good but I blew it.Now i need to hunt the first storyarc to find out who the hëll “Buzz ” is.
    While not a Fallen Angel comment,i just wanted to compliment PAD on another great job.I was always a Wonder woman,Power Girl guy but now i am
    Supergirl fan.Better late than never:)

  38. Well, since I heard the script at Dragoncon, I knew the surprise ending. 🙂 And it was still great.

    My pick is that Juris ordered the explosion, figuring that would be the quickest and easiest way to eliminate Lee without losing half his henchpeople in the bargain. Mr. Kind said it was time to eighty-six Lee, and Juris knew she’d never leave voluntarily.

    It was Boxer who warned her. He knows that Juris will do what he’s ordered, and as much as Juris says otherwise, it’ll kill him to lose Lee. I may be off-base, but I sense that Boxer’s loyalties are to Juris, not to the hierarchy. So he warned Lee without Juris’ knowledge.

    Will Lee lose the baby? I hope not. Once you go down the baby road with a character, you can’t skip out of it that way. I mean, you can, but it’s kind of a cheat, given that Lee’s already gone through that once. Besides, with a child, Lee has something more interesting to fight for and protect than herself. That’s assuming we get to see FA past issue 18. Knock on wood.

    But there’ll still be some fun angst over the student. I mean, it’s kind of like the old cliffhangers, where the car goes over the edge of the cliff with the hero trapped inside. How does he escape? I’ll buy that Lee’s otherworldliness will save her life, but the ordinary human student is toast. So to speak.

    🙂 eKd

  39. Does anyone else think that Dolf may have a bigger hand in this whole thing, like he’s part of the heirachy or at least associated with them somehow? He knows too much information about Lee, I think there’s something to it.

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