Is it my imagination…?

…or are more people than ever trying to exploit 9/11 for personal gain? Be it the GOP or some of the most remarkably tacky 9/11-related commemorative merchandise ever.

If anyone is interested in seeing the tragedy used for keenly dramatic purposes, I refer you to the FX series “Rescue Me,” in which it’s three years later and a group of firemen are still wrestling with the aftershocks of what they witnessed that day.


57 comments on “Is it my imagination…?

  1. Den W:

    >>Particularly poignant, were his thoughts on the first U.S. invasion of Iraq.

    >Uh, The U. S. has only invaded Iraq once. We did not invade Iraq during the first Gulf War, because, as Bush Sr noted in his memoirs, it would involve us in a long-term occupation of the country with no viable exit strategy and cause widespread hostility towards the US in the world.

    Oops, mispoke. The first widespread bombing and organized movement of Troops in Iraq. Typed it without thinking. I’ve always been facinated by the terminology involved in aggressive actions though. Semantics are a wonderful thing, aint they? 🙂

  2. The first widespread bombing and organized movement of Troops in Iraq.

    Even that isn’t quite accurate. We bombed Iraq in 1990, but we never landed any troops in Iraq, just Kuwait.

  3. EClark,
    I’m Jewish. I go to Synagogue. Any assumptions about unanswered questions that you make about me is entirely speculation, since you and I have never met.

  4. On those “Freedom Tower” coins: Yes, they are said to be government-authorized. But listen further and you discover that the “government” is not ours but that of (do I have this right?) the Commonwealth of North Mariana Island. I have no idea if they even use dollars, let alone whether you can use these coins there.

    Commercialization? Oh yeah. Cheesy? Well . . . I could wish for a word that didn’t demean dairy products by applying them to this.

  5. Right, so Bill Hicks did in fact speak out about Leary. And that makes his word law? Why? Just because he said so?
    Still sounds to me that Bill could in fact have been jealous that Leary became more successful than he did, when they both had some of the same ideas. That doesn’t mean Leary stole his ideas from Bill, it could just mean his material became more well-known first.
    There are three sides to every story….Side A, Side B, and then the truth that lies somewhere in the middle.

  6. There’s also verifiable facts. Hicks did the material first, on stage and on CDs. And there’s a difference between Melville being influenced by Shakespeare and a counterfeiter being influenced by the Denver mint.

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