Boo who?

Tonight was Caroline’s first serious foray into that festive day when, all across America, America’s youth goes door to door, their faces hidden, begging for food. This violates several laws regarding trespassing, vagrancy, mask wearing, and harassment. Indeed, on any other day and practiced by adults, the authorities would be summoned and the perpetrator taken straight away. Amazingly, the police turn a blind eye to it and thus is Halloween and trick-or-treating perpetuated.

Ariel dressed as Dora the Explorer, the animated pint-sized adventurer who’s got my youngest speaking Spanish before she’s got English down. And Caroline, in a home made costume courtesy of mom, was dressed as Dora’s simian companion, Boots…so called because he wears boots (presumably before he adopted the footwear, his name was “Feet.”) Caroline’s patience for running door to door was exhausted after three houses because, once she realized people were giving her stuff, she got so overanxious that she kept sprinting and thus tripping over either her boots or her tail. Fortunately, I’d brought the stroller along, and so her highness rode from one house to the next in a typical “awwww” inspiring outing.

Best moment was when we encountered a six year old girl also dressed as Dora. But she looked at Ariel and Caroline in amazement, as if she’d actually run into the genuine items. Ariel dutifully collected candy for her little sister as well. Once we got home, we sorted judiciously through the candy to see what, if anything, Caroline could eat. Anything that presented a choking hazard was right out, but I figured we could let her have a Kitkat bar. I unwrapped it for her, and she carefully began sucking on it. Her eyes lit up (not literally, but close) and she started “mmm”ing. And then, as she chewed on it, the Kitkat bar split lengthwise into its two pieces. Caroline immediatley let out an alarmed yelp, thinking she’d broken it, and started trying to mush the two pieces back together again. But then she realized she could hold one in each hand and suck on both, and she was happy. Goldfish crackers were also a big hit.

Boy, she’s gonna have a festive diaper by tomorrow morning.



Welcome back, pardners. Interesting week, highlighted by my eating my words from last week regarding “Smallville.” But before we get rocking, I wish to say that I think it absolutely sucks that–according to–Fox has suddenly come to its non-senses and canceled “Tru Calling.” WTF?! For one brief, shining moment, they have the brains to keep an SF/fantasy series going for another season, allowing it to build. And suddenly they revert to the same brilliant form that blew away “Firefly,” left “John Doe” hanging, and send “Wonderfalls” over in a barrel. Not to be confused with the WB which is suddenly trying to find a way to get new episodes of “Angel.” Does anyone on TV pay attention to the fact that the so-called niche market of SF and fantasy, which they treat with such disrespect, is responsible for just about every movie in the all-time top ten moneymakers? Idiots. Well, Hëll, maybe an “Angel”-deprived WB will try to make up for it by picking up “Tru.” We’ll see. Anyway, onward…

Tragedy Strikes Boston

At approximately 11:40 last night, Boston baseball fans forever lost the righ tot blame their team’s woes on a decades-dead player. Instead from now on, win or lose, their team’s fortunes will now rest squarely on their own heads. Henceforth no matter what happens with the Boston Red Sox, it’s their fault. If/when the team shows up next year bearing no resemblance at all to their current state, the fans don’t get to claim that Babe Ruth caused over half of them to be up for free agency this year.

This is, of course, a mortal blow to the perpetually victimized Red Sox Nation, whose team is no longer a collection of pre-destined losers who will always break your heart, but instead…just another team. And that may turn out to be the most heartbreaking development yet.


Bill Liebowitz

Bill Liebowitz, owner of “Golden Apple,” passed away this morning of a heart attack.

I’ve known Bill for over twenty years. A top retailer, a great guy, and he and his wife, Sharon, always had time for me whenever I would drop by their store in Los Angeles.

He will be sorely missed.