Halfway through the four part HURLYBURLY, and knowing that the saga of the “Fallen Angel” will continue at least through 19 and 20 (and boy, do we have something nifty planned for that, which will be a two-parter), whad’ja think?


36 comments on “OUT THIS WEEK: FALLEN ANGEL #16

  1. whatdi think?

    i liked it. a lot. i was actually upset at the end cause i had to wait another month to find out about the hierarchy.

    course, i also had a little bit of a weird resonance when reading it cause i had just finished listening to the audiobook of sir Apropos of nothing, and your voices for the characters were ringing in my head as i went through fallen angel, and they kind of meshed together.

    (by the by, any chance of future pad-audiobooks?)

  2. Andy, PAD’s Fallen Angel has been available in trade for a few months. Look at your LCS, and have ’em order it if they don’t have one.

    PAD, maybe you should consider putting a link up to one of your favorite online stores so that fans who come to the main blog page know the book’s definitely available?

    As for #16: another fun read, PAD, and I’ll post more once I’ve reread it.


  3. I liked the issue, and the series as a whole continues to grow on me.

    Now a question. I asked it with last issue’s “whad’ja think?” but it was pretty far down, so you may have missed it.

    You once wrote in a “But I Digress” column that you write your comicbook titles for a specific person or people, e.g. “Supergirl” for your daughters; “Young Justice” for a hypothetical future son; etc. Who, if anyone, do you write “Fallen Angel” for?


  4. Excellent. Still recovering from the experience. Of fighting over it with my wife, that is (she won). There was only one copy left at our local store, which I hope is a good sign for sales.

    So far haven’t been disappointed with regard to guesses on who did or didn’t blow up the school… guess there’s still time for a surprise in that area.

    I was kind of wondering if there was a bit more to the name ‘Shadow Boxer’ (well, there were certainly enough hints). The additional backstory for him adds more dimension to some of his actions in earlier issues. He could have been such a throwaway stereotype, he’s getting quite interesting now.

    Also interesting is the little scene where Lee almost pops the paramedic… then doesn’t. Can’t see her being quite so restrained a while back.

  5. Considering I’ve been with this series from the start and will stay with it for as long as it goes, my opinion will naturally be biased. But I loved this issue, and I’m grinding my teeth wondering A) Who set the bomb last issue, and B) Who tried to warn her?

    Of course, I’m also biased since I have a classmate who strongly resembles a cross between Lee (as she’s drawn) and Mila Jovovich as she appears in ‘Resident Evil’. And I can’t look at her in class anymore without picturing her in a red cape. Mrowr.

  6. By the way, on another “Fallen Angel” thread, a poster stated that his store had been trying to order the trade paperback, hadn’t received it, and finally told him Diamond claimed they didn’t have the book in stock.

    I’ve checked with DC. This is untrue. Diamond does indeed have the book in stock. Which leaves one of two possibilities: Either the Diamond rep couldn’t read an inventory list, or the retailer just wasn’t bothering to order the trade and was trying to blame Diamond for it to cover himself.

    Either way, if your retailer tries to tell you the book can’t be gotten…let him know DC says it can, and that there are plenty of on-line alternatives if he really doesn’t want your money.


  7. Well, I feel a bit stupid here, ’cause I bailed on FA back around issue #8 or 9. I picked up the latest issue because of all your promotional efforts and to assuage my guilt. And I, umm, loved it. Great stuff. Still not crazy about the art — it’s good, but not great, and it seems as if it has gotten more stylized over time — but the story was wonderful, and I think I have to put it back on my pull-list and start hunting back issues.

  8. I’m gonna say that, in a lot of ways, FALLEN ANGEL would work better with live actors. I think the motivations and characterizations would be cleaner and clearer, as actors can work a lot of the stuff in the silences that seem to cause so many comic readers problems.

  9. PAD, any further clues on ‘nifty’? Dream of the Endless shows up? Juris gets wings (literally)?

  10. totally loved it… the more i read teh more i like the series… what will it take to get DC to renew for at least another year after issue 20?

  11. I’m wondering, though. Are we REALLY seeing Shadow Boxer’s past or, through visual and narrative legerdemain, are we actually seeing Doctor Juris’ past and the cut-back to the present are coincidental or a juxtaposition to Boxer’s current actions.

  12. Hi I was wondering if anyone can email with some info on the Character “Dougside” from Spyboy/Young Justice.

    I was just doing a google search and discovered a review of Spyboy/Young Justice #1 which mentioned a character by that name. I only ask because I have been using the Dougside name since Feb. 1988 when the first installment of my Tales From the Dougside comic strip appeared, I self published 4 book collections of my cartoons (which have sold almost 500 copies total) over the years and actually met Peter David at a comic convention in Niagara Falls around 1996 or 1997 where we were both guests.

    Now I am not saying he stole the name or anything, I am just curious about the character. He seems to be a minor one at best.
    Lord knows I have probably subliminally added ideas to my work from others. Like I said just a curiosity on my part at this point.

    And before any of you start thinking that this is some looney self-publisher looking for a quick buck, I am not. My comic books were actually chosen by the University of Buffalo to be included in their Poetry and Rare Books Collection as examples of Underground local publishing. So it does have some small local renown at least. I have also had a web prescence for Tales From the Dougside since 1997 when I put up the website on Geocities. (I have since moved it to 50megs.com in 2000)

    Please respond to my email: dougside@yahoo.com

    thanks in advance for all your help,

    Douglas Arthur
    Tales From the Dougside

  13. I loved the flashback sequence in the beginning where we are treated to the origin of ShadowBoxers powers.

    I have the uncomfortable feeling that ShadowBoxer will have to pay up on his “marker” in the form of killing Juris.

    Especially given the fact that he let Lee live once he discovered that she was pregnant with his child.

    Great artwork and storylines…I hope that this comic reaches the 450 issue milestone that the Xmen just passed.

    Warren S. Jones III

  14. The coolest issue untill now. Very interesting Shadow boxer’s history. When are we getting Lee’s history?

    Thanks for this PAD.

  15. “Hi I was wondering if anyone can email with some info on the Character “Dougside” from Spyboy/Young Justice.

    I was just doing a google search and discovered a review of Spyboy/Young Justice #1 which mentioned a character by that name. I only ask because I have been using the Dougside name since Feb. 1988 when the first installment of my Tales From the Dougside comic strip appeared, I self published 4 book collections of my cartoons (which have sold almost 500 copies total) over the years and actually met Peter David at a comic convention in Niagara Falls around 1996 or 1997 where we were both guests.”

    Boy, are YOU about to feel silly.

    There is no character named “Doug Side” in “Young Justice.” What happened was that, in one issue, the character of Secret encountered Darkseid, ruler of Apokolyps. I always envisioned Darkseid’s voice as being low and rumbling and ominous, and thought it would be funny that–as a result of that–Secret would misunderstand what he was saying and think his name was “Doug Side.” Which led to her chipperly introducing her new friend to the stunned members of YJ by saying, “Doug, this is the gang. Gang, this is Doug.”

    So long story short, I don’t have any offhand recollection of your work, but there’s no “Dougside” character in the DCU to be a conflict to your copyright or trademark.


  16. Peter, I really liked it. I was having problems getting into the series, for a while, but last issue was where it started to get good on all levels (that establishing shot of the city was great), and this issue continued that. And the sense of line and lighting of the art looked better in this issue, particularly the opening coal mine sequence, and while Boxer hit the punching bag with Mariah looking on.

  17. I am really enjoying the ride, Peter, on this title. The series is getting better. You got me for the duration.

  18. Thanks for the info Peter.

    I don’t really feel all that silly though. I have no knowlegde of you series and the search engine popped back with the result, so I felt curious enough to enquire, which I think anyone in my position would have done.

    That is really funny though about mishearing the name of Dark Seid. The review didn’t mention him, so maybe I should go strangle the reviewer!

    Anyway, this is what I love and hate about the internet. You can’t trust everything you see and read on it for accuracy, but within hours I can have my question answered by the writer himself. How cool is that?

    Thanks for clearing that up Peter,


    –Douglas Arthur

  19. I thought the story was great and was pleased to see that Lopez did an amazing job on the art which as always was a gradual improvement over the previous issue. When I initial learned he was coming on as artist I hated it because of his run on legend of the dark knight but from the inception of this series he has continued to amaze me. I could be wrong but I believe he has penciled all sixteen issues, in a timely manner, which is unheard of in an age where comics can be six months late and still be on top of the sales chart. Congratulation on this issue goes to everyone on this issue but I really do feel that Lopez

  20. Just finished #16. Liked it alot. For me me this series has really been picking up steam in it’s second year. Back when #13 came out I thought it was the best issue to date, then #14 came out and blew it away, then came #15, and now 16. I can’t wait to see 17 is like.
    Another thing, not only do I feel the series is really starting to pick up, I’m finally starting to like Lee. This may sound funny, but in the beginning while I did find her an interesting charactor she was just so bitter, full of self loathing, and down right “make-the-Punisher-seem-like a teddybear” mean I just couldn’t find anything to like about her. Now with the baby on the way she seems to be letting her more human side show through. (don’t mellow her out to much though)
    Also, I’m glad to hear DC has committed to at least 2 more issues and I hope many more after that. It would be a shame to see cut down now that it’s really starting to bloom.
    On a simmilar note, how long would YOU (PAD) like to see the series run? What I mean by that is when you first invisioned Fallen Angel did you have some sort of definite destination in mind, like a “Lord of the Rings” type of story with a strongly defined beginning, middle, and end, where if DC would just let it run until issue “X” you could tell the complete story of Lee. Or a more “Les Miserables” form of story where we get to see Lee grow and evolve over the course of many year of her life. (Hmmm, I guess Cerebus would be a more applicable comic reference)
    I don’t mean to place one form of story telling over another, I was just wondering what you had in mind.
    -=-=-=-=-Russ W

  21. Juris may be able to stop a threat he’s immediately aware of, but we know Lee can move without his being aware of it. If she can thus show up and blindside him, one stone-crushing punch and … bye-bye Juris, power or not.

    The character I’m worried about, however, is Lee’s baby. Given the kind of opposition she’s going to be up against and the sorts of stress and physical punishment she may be taking at that time, well, miscarriages happen for far less. And THEN, all hëll would really be out for noon.

  22. Juris was, in my first impression, a rather cold and calculating villain-type, with the only human trait being his strange, masochistic desire for sex with Lee.

    Yes, masochistic. Maybe this marks me as being old-fashioned, but IF I was to be intimate with a woman (I’m a comic book fan, no chance of that, nevertheless…) I would want to be emotionally intimate with her as well. To be that close to someone as self-hating as Lee would be masochistic.

    Now…where he would have killed her outright before he saw the embryo growing inside her (and how the hëll did he see that?) he seems to be turning against his hidden puppet masters.

    I hope I’ll have the good fortune to follow this series for a few more years. Otherwise, Mr. D., I hope you won’t mind me and a few hundred other fans pinning you down at your convention panels to explain just what you had in mind.

  23. PAD,

    Thanks for checking — I had posted about my comic shop reporting that Diamond was reporting they didn’t have it. I thoroughly believe that Diamond shouldn’t have had any issues with getting the book. I initially thought it was an issue with my comic book store since back before september several attempts to order the book were interupted by hurricanes (FL doncha know).

    However, I have a very good relationship with my comic book store to the point that when I asked them point blank about the situation this last week, they were as perplexed as I was since it kept showing up on their inventory but not being delivered for 3 weeks.

    Regardless of who’s at fault, it’s just one more chapter in the ongoing saga of this book being slightly harder to find than is good for it. For the record, I’m a reader of the monthlies. I’ve been trying to get some TP’s for some friends. But no worries — if its not resolved this week, I’ll go back to Amazon. I want to make sure we can get this series up to issue past 20 (50 would be a good start).

  24. Another great issue as Hurlyburly continues to move ahead. I can’t believe that this storyline will be wrapped up in just another 2 issues.

    If we believe all that we saw and heard, it looks like Boxer, Mariah and Juris were not involved in the bombing. Since I had guessed Juris at least ordered the bombing I was a little crest-fallen. So who’s left? Asia? Slate?

    The continuing back story of Boxer’s origins are great. We all knew he was more than just muscle when he singlehandedly took out Azmil’s attack squad outside of Dolph’s in issue 6. And to find out that he gained his powers from the hierarchy adds depth to his place in Bete Noire. Are we to assume that all people with ‘powers’ in Bete Noire have made similar deals?

    And the guy who made the deal with Boxer … Mr. Goode? So the 2 guys in the Hierarchy we have met are Goode and Kind? There is power in names … maybe they were angels who have fallen.

    The glance between Lee and Boxer makes me think we will see a brawl somewhere in the next 2 issues. Could Boxer be the guy who character who dies? I don’t think so.

    But the most powerful exchange in this issue was that between Juris and Lee. To hear him say the words that he had simply chosen himself over her, that he was ready to pull that trigger until he ‘saw’ the fetus, that’s cold-blooded and cruel. Sparing her has to have sealed his fate. He is the character who dies here.

    Here happily until issue 20 and beyond.

  25. “Juris may be able to stop a threat he’s immediately aware of, but we know Lee can move without his being aware of it. If she can thus show up and blindside him, one stone-crushing punch and … bye-bye Juris, power or not.”

    Nope. Take my word for it: That wouldn’t work. Juris can foresee any attack upon him and counter it.

    For instance: Notice that Juris is calmly removing all the paperwork from his desk and clearing off his blotter seconds before the Angel bursts in. He clears off the paper because he doesn’t want it blown all over the place; he cleans off the blotter so he can hold it up and block the flying glass.

    Juris cannot be hurt.


  26. I loved it….especially the part where Juris holds a gun to Lee’s head and he notices she’s looking “downward” great stuff! Keep it coming

  27. A thought about the fact that Lee is carrying Juris’s baby and the fact that the Juris claims that it is a family trait that protects him from harm. Is the baby protected similarly? If so the protection must include Lee as the mother, as till the baby is born it can’t survive without her. It will be intresting to know how this power works. For instance the foreknowledge aspect could the note Lee found at the school, be a manifestation of this power?

    Also is the real name of Bette Noir, a place we have heard of? I would guess so or else why the mytery around it. My hunch/guess is for Eden but I am not sure by the fact that it seems to have been corrupted.

    Great series though and I’m looking forward to many more issues.

    Well lets be hopeful anyway. 🙂

  28. “Juris cannot be hurt.”

    So there’s more to it than the ability to freeze an attacker. Should have figured that from the rest of this strip where everything is never simple. I please senile decay.

    But I’ll bet the hiearchy can find ways. Unless the reason he knuckles under earlier is that he honestly feels HE is the one needed to maintain the essential order in that city.

  29. Juris might be immune to physical injury, but I’ll bet you anything that someone killing Lee (and/or the baby) would hurt him emotionally. That’s just an example of something of which he might be afraid.

    The Hierarchy could have something on him and be extorting his services/loyalty somehow…


  30. I know this is probably quite boring, but it struck me the other day, was the choice of making Lee a red-head, something to do with the fact that linda is a brunnette and supergirl is a blonde? …

  31. Just read the issue and a few things struck me.
    Lee not stiking the paramedic..Is it me or was there more to the exchange than was on the surface?Somehow it seemed to me she knew the guy could take a shot her from her full force.Maybe he is another player we dont know or i am reaching.
    The names of hierarchy members Good and Kind ,geez what a sick joke that is .
    Juris’power and his revelation about Lee being pregnant.Powerful scene,particularly Lee and her eyes ,Very good artwork.
    I believe Boxer ,dont think he did the bombing.He strikes me as a hands on guy.Well next issue more to the story .JOY!!!!:)

  32. Great issue.

    I originally started buying the book because PAD was the writer, and I’ve enjoyed most of what he’s done. In the beginning it was good, but it wasn’t really grabbing me.

    Some time during the last half dozen issues, this changed. I’m REALLY enjoying the book, now, and I can’t wait for the next issue to come out.

    Nice work. I hope the book continues for a long time to come.

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