Appropriate “Princess Bride” quote

Ariel’s watching “Princess Bride” and we just had the scene where a cackling Vizzini (Wally Shawn) declares, “You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The best known of course is, ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia!'”

So now I wonder if, in addition to making that mistake, George W. Bush has ever gone up against a Sicilian when death was on the line.



Baseball has caused me to fall behind on TV viewing and I’ve only just now gotten caught up on watching taped programs. And yes, I’ll be doing a special CPTRU once “Peacekeeper Wars” is done. So, onward, with the usual spoiler cautions:

High Stakes 2004

Regular readers of this weblog will note that we haven’t done any blatant pandering to the Joss Whedon fans who come here.

Well, Joss has been a bit busy– not with Serenity or X-Men, but with something important…

High Stakes 2004: Whedon Fans for John Kerry & John Edwards

In every four-year term there is a chosen one. He alone will face the American public, the United Nations, and the forces of darkness. He is the President.

Join us and the Kerry/Edwards campaign at one of the High Stakes parties, or host one of your own. You’ll participate in a nationwide conference call to hear Joss Whedon tell us more about his latest endeavors and why he is supporting John Kerry and John Edwards. Joss has agreed to answer questions, with a goal of answering one question from each party if possible.

The “Sitch”

When: Sunday, October 24, 2004, time TBA

Where: At parties nationwide.

To host a party in your area go to the website and register your party. Be sure to put “High Stakes” in the title of your party.

To find a party near you, go to the John Kerry website, enter your Zip Code, and look for parties with “High Stakes” in the title.

What: This is an official fundraiser for the Kerry/Edwards campaign. Minimum donation is $35.00. Hosts may choose higher minimum donations.

Questions: contact

Note: This site is not affiliated with John Kerry for President. For official information please visit Paid for with volunteer labor.