Appropriate “Princess Bride” quote

Ariel’s watching “Princess Bride” and we just had the scene where a cackling Vizzini (Wally Shawn) declares, “You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The best known of course is, ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia!'”

So now I wonder if, in addition to making that mistake, George W. Bush has ever gone up against a Sicilian when death was on the line.


19 comments on “Appropriate “Princess Bride” quote

  1. Funny, whenever I listen to Bush talking about the war against terrorism, I keep hearing Inigo Montoya’s voice saying,’You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means!’

    Or for that matter, Vicini’s words, ‘Did I make it clear that your job is at stake?’

  2. Well, the Iraq war has been called Operation: Inigo Montoya, in relation to the 1993 attempt on the life of GHWBush. Although, first, I wonder if that’s still considered to be true, considering how much of what we thought we knew about Hussein turned out not to be true, and, second, it sure seems like Bush II’s relationship with Bush I is sort of contentious.

  3. Hmmmm. Everythign I KNow About Life, I Learned from The Princess Bride.

    *The multi-hand fight scene atop the cliffs*
    In Real life: The Administration’s left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

    *My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!*
    In Real Life: *My name is George Bush Jnr. You insulted my father. Prepare to be invaded.

    In Real Life: Stem Cell research doesn’t go down well with Republicans.

    *Vizzini: Pick up one of those rocks. Go behind a boulder. In a few minutes the man in black will come running around the bend. The minute his head is in view hit him with the rock!*

    In Real Life: The current ground-war plan.

  4. I thought that the current Iraq situation was likened to the Princess Bride (You tried to kill my father, prepare to die), but then I realized that it was all a put up job by Cheney to get Haliburton some work. (taking tongue out of cheek)

  5. The Inigo comments can be supported with the line “I have no gift for strategy,” and thus Inigo’s need for Westley to plan. The analogy especially ties in with the book’s final lines: “Life isn’t fair, it’s just fairer than death, that’s all.” If only we had Miracle Max to revive the country with a bellows, a miracle pill, and the comment that he’s “Seen worse.”

    On a related note, does anyone know if Goldman really is working on penning more than just the first chapter of “Buttercup’s Baby?” He strongly hinted at it in one of the intros to the 30th anniversary edition of TPB.


  6. Originally posted by PAD:
    So now I wonder if, in addition to making that mistake, George W. Bush has ever gone up against a Sicilian when death was on the line.

    Only if he spent the last several years building up an immunity to iocaine powder…;)

  7. Ok. Not fair. I am all set to be grumpy. It’s Monday morning, I’ve been up since 5:30 ferrying various members of my family around, all without a cup of coffee YET, and here’s this entry.
    DAMMIT, Peter, I did not want to laugh at this particular time.

  8. Peter…you…must stop political commentary….please…!!!

    1. It’s his website, he can post whatever he wants.

    2. It is his right as an American to bìŧçh and moan about any politician whenever and however he wants. Just like it is your right to not read the parts that you don’t want to read, or not read it at all even.

    3. I find PAD’s commentary to be not at all preachy and done in creative ways. PAD makes me smile with his commentary, and I need that first thing in the morning.

  9. Yeah, Jacob–WTF? This is America. We can say whatever we want, and yes, that extends to questioning our leaders in a time of “war.” I’d say that’s the most important time to do so. Why? Because it has become increasingly obvious over the last few decades that our political leaders are no more competent and informed than your average American (though they are usually wealthier).

    They need to be told when they’re ****ing up–either in words, polls, or best of all, with votes.

  10. Peter, please do not stop the political commentary. Jacob, you are however, not obligated to read it. But feel free to start your own website where you can post whatever commentary you wish.

  11. I think poor Jacob was just laughing too hard to breathe when he read this… that’s why he’s begging PAD to knock it off 🙂

  12. Maybe if he (Jacob) built up a resistance to iaocane powder he wouldn’t find Peter’s political commentary so offense.

    Warren S. Jones III

  13. Actually, prior to the start of the war, there was a photo on the web of Wallace Shawn at a protest, carrying a sign, saying “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.” He appeared to be in a great mood. I assume it was a legit photo. I really wish I had saved the link at the time… For some reason seeing that made me feel very happy.

  14. “Actually, prior to the start of the war, there was a photo on the web of Wallace Shawn at a protest, carrying a sign, saying “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.” He appeared to be in a great mood. I assume it was a legit photo. I really wish I had saved the link at the time…”

    Actually, it was posted on this very site a year and a half ago (by Glenn; perhaps PAD forgot):


  15. Alas, it appears the picture of Wallace Shawn holding up the “Never get involved in a land war in Asia” sign was Fun with Photoshop. It is, however, one of my favorite usericons. 🙂

  16. At least we don’t have to worry about Bush getting involved in a land war on Vulcan or going up against a Ferengi when money was on the line.

    Speaking of which, I had a great moment to quote from that scene. I was at a party and a friend of mine had gotten up to get a beer for herself and another friend. When she came back she handed him the cup and I said to him, “You know only a great fool takes what is handed him and you are no great fool.” Everything went into a fit of hysterics. My friends are all geeks like me.

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