Sox’s chances tonight

So I was at a podiatrist’s today, dealing with Ariel having an ingrown toenail. And out of curiosity, I asked, “So what are Schilling’s chances tonight?”

He shook his head and laughed. “Non-existent. There’s no way. A shoe isn’t going to do it. He needs surgery.” He then proceeded to describe the flapping piece of meat that was once the Red Sox ace’s tendon. “If he makes it out of the second inning, it’ll be a miracle,” he said.

Which means that the Sox have exactly one shot: Get to the Yankees’ starter early, knock him out of the game, and then have it boil down to a duel of two exhausted bullpens.

Can the Red Sox really pull out two miracles in the Bronx? I really don’t know. Common sense and history both say no freakin’ way. I predicted the Sox in five. Obviously that’s not happening. But just dwell on this:

Can you imagine if the Yankees wind up owning not one, but two records of futility? Not only do they have that monumental 22-0 loss under their belts, but just think how amazing it would be if, in the same season, they became the first team in the history of baseball to be up 3-0 in a best-of-seven contest and lose. Steinbrenner would wind up looking like that poster from “Scanners.”


Fallen Angel #19

Yes, I’m aware that “Fallen Angel #19” isn’t on the January solicits. Don’t worry about it.

I announced about a week or so ago that DC had given the go-ahead to continue the series past #18. But since we hadn’t started it yet, we had two choices: Try to slap-dash issue #19 together to meet the deadlines, or skip a month and do it right. We opted for the latter.

So you’ll see “Fallen Angel #19” solicited for February release.