I know, I know

Suddenly posts are getting punted for “questionable content.” I tried it; it happened to me, too, and my post consisted of “This is just me trying something.” We’ll get it figured out.


UPDATE: Overaggressive comment spam filtering. It’s fixed now. (And if I ever find this one spammer out, I’m going to break his arms.) Now all I have to do is change the orignal author of this to PAD from Kathleen… –GH

14 comments on “I know, I know

  1. I’ve figured out that we can post using Typekey. Is this a response to whomever was causing the problem; or did that person change something that forces us to use Typekey only, and you’re working on correcting it?


  2. Karen,

    Were you able to post in this thread without using Typekey? Will I be able to? Let’s see.

  3. Looks like I can. Hope this means the problem has been corrected.

    Now what caused it in the first place?


  4. PAD, FYI, you should check out an awesome Alex Ross artwork at Comicon.com’s Beat section. Made my day.

  5. I had attempted to post to Cowboy Pete earlier, and used a phrase “… hits the fan”, NOT watching my language. I’m wondering if that is what turned it on. If so, I apologize.


  6. I really miss your weekly BID column I’m not going to resubscribe to CGB because i feel they lost direction over the past 10 years. I feel Wizard has more direction then CBG does. You should consider putting out you own publication about comics you are the biggest name in comics you make it happen. Your a very informed person when it comes to the comics community and fatasy in general. But I make it sound easy

  7. I suspect that Peter’s considered the idea. On several occasions.

    I have to ask the audience at large this in reply to the idea: Would he actually have any time left to write if ever he decided the answer had to be “yes”, though?



  8. And if I ever find this one spammer out, I’m going to break his arms.

    Glenn, you don’t want to break his arms. That still leaves his hands free so that he can type. What you want to do is break each finger individually, so that he can’t.

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