Part 2 of our five issue limited series as Jamie travels to the Windy City to pursue his dupe’s killer. Whad’ja think?


40 comments on “OUT THIS WEEK: MADROX #2

  1. Loved it. This comic is very original and the scene with Jamie climbing over that wall was hilarious!
    Keep up the good work, PAD!

  2. Nice issue.

    I like that Madrox’s dupes are showing differing personalities now, but I’d like to start seeing a pattern in the dupes’ variant personalities soon, rather than completely random elements of Jamie’s psyche.

    Oh, and I want to lay money on “Kim” actually being a cocker spaniel 🙂

    [And, BTW, would you know if the cover drawn smaller than normal? The linework looked thick enough that I thought it was drawn smaller & scanned @ higher dpi…]

  3. “Oh, and I want to lay money on “Kim” actually being a cocker spaniel :-)”

    Or a small Pteradactyl… 😛

  4. I am being forced to sign in with TypeKey again to post here.

    If I don’t, I get the following when I try to post:

    Your comment was denied for questionable content.

    I suppose my email will be displayed again after this. *sigh*

  5. Ah…
    In an effort to curb malicious comment posting by abusive users, I’ve enabled a feature that requires a weblog commenter to wait a short amount of time before being able to post again. Please try to post your comment again in a short while. Thanks for your patience.

    Probably a reference to the troll on this thread earlier, although I only saw one message.

  6. I really like this mini. I am soooo glad that you got a great Artist for it also! Its nice to see MM drawn in a cool sexy way and not a cartoonish way.

  7. I liked this issue a lot. The scenes with the wall and Steve Buscemi were great. Can’t wait to see the look on the assassin’s face when he realizes that his high-caliber rifle shot created fifty Madroxes. Considering that Strong Guy was in the same office, getting pounded on by fifty guys crammed into the same tight space activating HIS kinetic powers, there probably won’t be enough left of the would-be killer to fill Wolfsbane’s supper dish.


  8. I liked it, Peter. The art was good too (Pablo Raimondi’s design and spotting of blacks is particularly apt for a crime mystery story), and I hope it continues.

  9. I loved it. I wish that I did not have to wait a month between issues. The fact is that you are again taking a character treated blandly by other writers and making him/her interesting.

    If MADROX becomes a series, I would buy it if you are the writer. Any news?

  10. Still not sure where you’re going with the plot…

    BTW, I tried to buy the Fallen Angel GN this week but was told by my local store that it’s out of stock and they’re being told temporarily out of print. They KNOW it’s not out of print, but are on backorder to get it for a month now. If anyone knows a store in South Florida that has it in stock, please let me know.

  11. “BTW, I tried to buy the Fallen Angel GN this week but was told by my local store that it’s out of stock and they’re being told temporarily out of print. They KNOW it’s not out of print, but are on backorder to get it for a month now. If anyone knows a store in South Florida that has it in stock, please let me know.”

    Really. Okay, let’s test it out. Tell me the name of the store, and I’ll call them and ask who exactly is telling them it’s out of print/out of stock, because DC assures me that Diamond has copies of it. Because this is the second time in a week that I’m being told a store is claiming that they can’t get it, and it’s time to see where the fault line is.


  12. Another great issue. Wish it had more Guido, but at least Jamie is just as cool, right?

    An interesting characterization point — Didn’t Jamie turn down romantic advances from Siren because she had fallen in love with a dupe and not him? He doesn’t seem to have a problem with that anymore, hah. It was a long time ago, though, and Jamie’s certainly become a very different person since then.

  13. Quite enjoyed the issue. I’m intrigued to see the changes in Jamie’s powers, that is, manifesting different aspects of his personality. Like the poster above, I’d like to see some sort of pattern in the created dupes personalities rather than just random bits.

    I’m having a good time trying to figure out where this is going and still have no idea. That’s a good thing, by the way.

  14. Peter,

    I loved the second issue of this mini! The best part was in the beginning when the “extraneous-thug-guy” explained film noir. Thanks!

  15. I REALLY enjoyed this issue. I’ve already read it twice and laughed loudly both times. My favorite line in the issue comes from a dupe, “They send one of ours to the morgue, we send one of theirs to the freakin’ cornfield. That’s the Chicago way!” LOL! That’s inspired. Bravo, Mr. David!

  16. Like Mr Madrox,lot !!!Gotta admit some of his conversations with the multiples reminds of the very funny Micheal Keaton movie “Multiplicity”

  17. Hi PAD. Madrox Continues to be great 😉

    On the other hand ..here in france we do have a problem to find Fallen Angel . Wich is only bought in small stocks by resellers . and they dont do back issues. For the TPB, they only had 1 or ( for 2 of them ) 2 exemplairies. And dont intend to have more. ( the 4 comics shops in paris , france that i do know) One reseller told me that FA would sell much more with a Vetigo Imprint .

  18. I liked the issue but couldn’t stand the artwork. Is this a mini or ongoing? If it’s a mini I’ll stick it through to see the end of the story. But if it’s an ongoing I don’t think I can get past the visuals to get to the story.

  19. this is my first post here and just let me say mr david that i am a big fan of your work. i have been following you since the hulk days, and let me say that i love your sir apropos novels and i hope you do more of them. with taht out of the way, lets talk about the shows. west wing- i didn’t become addicted to this show until i started watching reruns on bravo. this season opener was very compelling and interesting, i can’t wait to see where they go from here. smallville-the flash is my favorite dc character, so i was anticipating this episode and i was not disappointed, a great episode that did not revolve around the freak of the week. loved all the in jokes. another show that has really improved is enterprise, they finally resolved the whole temporal war storyline and this weeks was a great character driven episode. i can’t wait til next weeks episode with brent spiner as noonien singh, it looks awesome.


  20. So Marvel’s censoring out chocolate cigarettes now?

    I guess we won’t be seeing Madrox eating any Big League Chew, either…


  21. I liked it a lot. In fact, I’m surprised at how much I liked it. I mean, it’s not like this character was in crying need of a series (thousands of fans, every Wednesday, turning away from the racks heartbroken that no one has yet found a higher purpose for Multiple Man).

    But the “noir” thing works well for this character, and I’m genuinly interested to see how this mystery works out (in a way I’m not interested in, say, Avengers Dissaembled).

  22. Got issue 2 yesterday here in good old Blighty. Really enjoying the series – I didn’t realise I missed X-Factor quite so much! Any chance of an extended mayonnaise jar gag? Please?! It’d make me feel ten years younger!!

  23. An interesting characterization point — Didn’t Jamie turn down romantic advances from Siren because she had fallen in love with a dupe and not him? He doesn’t seem to have a problem with that anymore, hah. It was a long time ago, though, and Jamie’s certainly become a very different person since then.

    With Siryn there was really know reason to hook up with her. And Thunderbird would have killed him. Which is a pretty good deterent. He also turned down Rahne on several occasions. (Once during Peter’s run and four or five times during J.M. Dematies’s run) I’m not sure if it was the she couldn’t switch back and fourth back then, that she was underage, or if it is because they are legally siblings. (Of course every Madrox writer since Giant Sized Fantastic Four #4 seems to have forgotten that. Besides, they are only sibling in the same way Nightcrawler and Amanda Sefton are.)
    In this case Jamie needed to information. I think he’s trying to go undercover in more ways than one.

    Got issue 2 yesterday here in good old Blighty. Really enjoying the series – I didn’t realise I missed X-Factor quite so much! Any chance of an extended mayonnaise jar gag? Please?! It’d make me feel ten years younger!!

    Being fourteen was hard enough the first time around, thank you very much.

  24. Comics: Madrox #1 & 2

    by David, Raimondi & Hennessy
    (Marvel Knights)
    Peter David makes a return of sorts to his X-Factor run, with Jamie ‘Multiple Man’ Madrox now running a detective agency alongside fellow X-rejects Wolfsbane and Strong Guy.

  25. Loved the issue, one question:

    Can Jamie’s duplicates create dupes as well, or is that solely an ability left to the original?


  26. I really enjoyed the issue, as well as the series so far. This is the first time I’ve encountered the character (I haven’t read PAD’s X-Factor run, although I may go hunting for it now), but I’d happily keep buying this title if it became ongoing. One thought – anyone else read “Dice Man”? I do wonder whether Jamie is heading in the same direction, towards the death of personality.

  27. Can Jamie’s duplicates create dupes as well, or is that solely an ability left to the original?

    Yes, the duplicates can make dupes. Happened a lot in the Madrox vs. Madrox brawl in the early part of the ‘All-New, All-Different’ X-Factor.

  28. Like everyone else, I enjoyed the issue. Just wanted to point out that the cover copy “4X the Multiple Man Action!” made me giggle. Yes, my mind is in the gutter.

  29. > > Can Jamie’s duplicates create dupes as well, or is that solely an ability left to the original?

    > Yes, the duplicates can make dupes. Happened a lot in the Madrox vs. Madrox brawl in the early part of the ‘All-New, All-Different’ X-Factor.

    Yeah, but PAD’s playing fast & loose here with his powers – the fact that he didn’t absorb any of the stabbed dupe’s injury, and the comment about not actually having any of the smashed dupe’s alcohol in his bloodstream (so how’d he get the Legacy Virus from the dupe he made just to do that then?)

  30. Yeah, but PAD’s playing fast & loose here with his powers – the fact that he didn’t absorb any of the stabbed dupe’s injury, and the comment about not actually having any of the smashed dupe’s alcohol in his bloodstream (so how’d he get the Legacy Virus from the dupe he made just to do that then?)

    The Legacy Virus was genetically designed (originally anyway) for mutants. I figure that Jamie just has some mechanism for absorbing injury and the Legacy virus found a way to circumvent it. Given enough time, it might have found a way to kill Logan.

  31. Both issues sounded great. It’s a pity that all London’s comic shops seem to have chronically under-ordered it, so I haven’t ben able to get my hands on a copy of either issue.

  32. Madrox #2 was great, PAD. Good work. Hopefully enough people will pick this series up to give you the chance to make it an ongoing.

  33. Awesome issue. I have my comic store in Switzerland order a copy for me (along with Fallen Angel).

    The story is great … I loved your X-factor issues … (of course issue 87 is one of my all time favourite comics) … but madrox seems to be more mature than that series (I think the great art helps … i love the artist … plus he’s made Jamie look like an abercrombie & fitch model … which has elevated him [in addition to the excellent characterisation supplied by you mr PAD] to sexiest male comic book character in my humble opinion).

    Anyway love the way you’re playing with the character, lots of neat ideas. and can’t wait to read more.

  34. Mr. David,

    it is wonderful to have you writing the madrox character again. he is one of the most interesting marvel characters and so little has been done with him.

    i was very saddend when you had to leave x-factor. here’s hoping you’ll get to do future projects with this great character.

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