So we spent the weekend up in Boston for a couple of reasons. First, as always, to visit with my daughter, Gwen (who’s doing fine, thanks, and made the Dean’s list. The good kind, not the list that the guys from “Animal House” always made.) And second, it was the last weekend for the “Lord of the Rings” exhibit at the Boston Science Museum.

While there, we met up with my sister, Beth, and her husband Rande, and their friend Marcie (whose name I probably just spelled wrong) and had lunch. Caroline entertained herself at the Discovery Center, the only mishap being when she was playing in this little water display they have in which the kids are supposed to learn about how water flows, and Caroline–deciding it was bath time–leaped in with lightning speed and soaked herself head to toe.

Anyway, once we go ther dried off, we went to the LOTR exhibit, which was amazingly detailed. And at one point, Kathleen–who’s got Caorline in a backpack and is standing in front of a huge display of a Ring Wraith–calls me over and says, “Caroline said ‘Ring Wraith.'” I said, “Yeah, right.” And she points and says, “Caroline, what’s that?” And Caroline promptly says, “Wing Waif.” So that was pretty impressive.

I also conducted an experiment. I sat at one place in the Museum and counted off how many seconds could pass, over a period of ten minutes, before someone walked past wearing something about the Boston Red Sox. Longest time: Thirty seconds. More often than not, more like three or four seconds. The whole town is nuts for the Sox. The first night of the series, when they won, we were kept up at night by people in the streets screaming their heads off. Bad night to get mugged in Boston; people would just think you were celebrating.