Bill Liebowitz

Bill Liebowitz, owner of “Golden Apple,” passed away this morning of a heart attack.

I’ve known Bill for over twenty years. A top retailer, a great guy, and he and his wife, Sharon, always had time for me whenever I would drop by their store in Los Angeles.

He will be sorely missed.


7 comments on “Bill Liebowitz

  1. Sorry for the loss of you friend. Doesn’t it seem, as we get older… but don’t feel old, that more people we care about are starting to pass away? Wish I could be six again, and my only concern was why my food wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do.

  2. I didn’t really know Bill, except in the sense that I would see him and know “That’s Bill Liebowitz and he owns the comic shop I frequent”, and only spoke with him maybe once or twice, but I was a little sad tonight when I went into Golden Apple to get this week’s books. The place just didn’t feel quite the same without him hanging around all paternal-like.

  3. I was a regular at Golden Apple when I lived in LA in the 80s. Bill and Sharon were simply the nicest and best Comic Shop owners I’ve ever known. We lost a great friend.

  4. I’ve never been to LA, thus never went to Golden Apple or met Bill Liebowitz. This being said, I can only feel sadness for the family and friends he left behind as noted here and on numerous other professional’s boards and other comic sites. That says something about the man and the legacy he left behind.

  5. Awwww, nuts. I, too, lived in Los Angeles in the late ’80s / very early ’90s, and Golden Apple was my comics shop of choice. It still is, when I visit from time to time.
    I even was interviewed by Bill when I applied for a job at GA. Heh.
    He will be missed.


  6. I’m not trying to be cruel I am just trying to remember where I heard his name prior to this.
    Was that the guy who came up with the idea to raise the prices of the X-books during the whole save Captain Marvel thing?

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