This blog mourns the passing of Chris Reeve. He truly made us believe a man could fly, in terms of spirit if not in body.

I keep thinking of that commercial where, through computer imagery, he was shown getting up out of his chair. I always thought how magnificent that would be if he was actually able to accomplish it. Instead a runner who couldn’t walk has fallen. Let’s hope that others pick up the baton.

Kathleen has a number of personal recollections of him, having actually met Reeve early in his career. She’ll be posting them up later on her blog.


Today (well, yesterday) she is a woman

Ariel did a wonderful job yesterday at her Bat Mitzvah. She accomplished her torah reading and Haftarah reading with panache, and did a superb and animated job with her speech as well. After that the assemblage, approximately seventy strong, adjourned to the reception hall where attendees danced from everything from traditional circle dances to “Time Warp.” Friends and notables from this board who attended included Elayne and Robin Riggs, Bob and Deb Greenberger, Glenn and Brandy Hauman, Mike and Joan Friedman, John and Nan Peel, Steve and Dana Saffel, and many others.

Woodbury Catering handled the food and Albert Lee Music oversaw the DJ’ing, so if anyone in the Long Island area is looking to cater or provide music for a function, I can’t recommend those stalwarts highly enough.

It was great watching her having such fun with friends and family. She certainly worked hard enough for it and deserved her celebration. And by the way, she read the previous thread and extends her thanks to all who offered their congratulations.


On The Road, Redux

But I Digress...
June 7, 1991

Appropriately enough for a column about failure, last week’s included the date “Monday, April 30” which should, in fact, have been “Tuesday, April 30”–a typo originated with the writer that went past two more people. Right day, wrong date. And so, concluding the last installment of Peter David’s up-and-down trip to duh Coast…

Hi, what’d I miss?

Just got back from synagogue. So let’s see what’s going on.

9:45 Good fast defense of John Edwards and he’s talking about health care. Seems to be doing a good job.

9:47 Has Bush been sounding this whiney the whole time?

9:49 So Bush is blaming the recession on Clinton? Gee. There’s a surprise.

9:50 Thus far, Bush seems more comfortable in this format than he was last week. On the other hand, he had all the questions ahead of time. I’m not sure if he answered the question though.

9:52 Kerry’s doing a good presentation. On the other hand, I’m not sure if he’s answering the question either. For that matter, I’ve forgotten what it was.

9:53 Okay, the moderator just said, “How?” Bush is not answering it. Let’s see if Kerry presents how.

9:54 Nope. He didn’t either.

9:55 Well, if Kerry gets elected and winds up raising taxes, this answer’ll come back to bite him on the ášš.

9:57 Wait…”Either he’s going to break all these promises he made, or he’s going to raise taxes.” Bush just said the same thing twice. He should be writing Daily Bugle headlines. “Spider-Man: Threat or Menace.”

9:59 “Look at the record.” Mr. President, you really, REALLY don’t want your record looked at too closely.

10:00 I’ll be interested to see the fact checkers on Bush’s response about environmental initiatives.

10:02 Well, Kerry just lost Boston.

10:03 Good riposte on Kyoto by Kerry.

10:06 Good answer from Kerry about being competitive.

10:08 Bush continues to hammer the “didn’t show up” thing. I really think someone whose military history is criticized for his not showing up shouldn’t be going down that path.

10:09 Okay, DOES Bush own a timber company? Because if he does and it really is news to him, boy, that’s going to be all over the papers tomorrow.

10:11 “I don’t think the Patriot Act abridges your rights at all.” Oooooh, that may not have been the smartest thing to say.

10:12 “Whole bunch of folks.” Kerry’s starting to talk like Bush.

10:14 Kerry seems reaaaally uncomfortable in handling the stem cell question. Which is odd, because he’s been extremely firm on his opinion about it. He probably doesn’t want to risk offending the extreme religious folks any more than Bush does. Silly. They’re gonna vote for Bush either way. Might as well just go for it.

10:16 Never seen Kerry so tongue-tied.

10:17 Bush is doing better on this question than Kerry, which is interesting since so many people support stem cell research.

10:21 Kerry is absolutely knocking the judge question out of the park while Bush was muddy over it.

10:23 Kerry is doing only so-so with the question about tax dollars. I get the whole “respecting” thing, but it’s really all over the place.

10:27 “It’s never quite as simple as the president wants you to believe.” And Bush is not getting it.

10:28 Ohhhhh,Bush is going right down the chute on ths question, I have a feeling.

10:28 Wow. Bush’s rebuttal was really quite awful.

10:29 Those last two should have been switched. Bush’s rebuttal on partial birth was awful. The down the chute is on the question about making mistakes, and yeah, I was right. Awful.

10:30 “Gut check time?”” I like that. “IT’S GUT CHECK TIME!”

10:31 “Saddam would be in power and the world would be a lot better off.”

10:33 You know waht would be interesting? If Kerry said, “If you guys want, I’ll hang out and answer more of your questions, unprepared. Just toss ’em out.”

10:35 Kerry’s closing was basic stump speech.

10:36 Same with Bush. “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” “9/11.” Typical buzz scare talk.