Son of an itch

So I’ve got this stupid toe fungus on my right big toe, like the kind you’ve seen in the commercials. You know, where the anthropomorphic germ is snickering about having set up shop in someone’s toe, and he’s got a little briefcase and lots of smiling friends.

So the doctor prescribed this stuff called “Sporanox.” You take it for some months and it’s supposed to clear up the fungus…provided it doesn’t destroy your liver. But since I don’t drink booze, my liver’s in pretty good shape.

So I take it for two, three days and I’m doing okay.

Day four, I’m starting to itch.

Day five…hives. All up and down my arms, on my chest, base of my neck. I haven’t felt this miserable and uncomfortable since I had chicken pox when I was fifteen.

I stopped taking the stuff immediately, am using everything from Benadryl to calimine lotion to an oatmeal bath to cope with the rash, and I cannot warn folks strongly enough that if the doctor recommends Sporanox, stay the hëll away.


Star Trek VI

But I Digress...
December 27, 1991

In case some of you are in a hurry, and want to know my bottom line on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, here it is. Some films are rated G, PG, R, and so on. ST VI is rated BTF: Better Than Five.

If that satisfies your interest in ST VI, you can move on to the CBG classifieds. Otherwise, here’s the rest of it…and without spoilers beyond what’s already been trumpeted in trailers and various press releases.