Foolish Consistencies and…

But I Digress...
April 12, 1996

And now, due to popular demand (well, a couple of people have asked) here’s an installment of a brand new features which I call:


Yes, what WTRTCBS represents are weird stories of stuff I’ve done in comic books, “reasonably true” because they’re being reported to the best of my recollection.

And what’s the subject of this installment? Well, as it so happens I’ve gotten several inquiries recently, both postal and electronic, about my unexpected involvement with what was–at the time–one of the most successful mysteries Marvel had going. It was in the Spider-Man titles, back when the words, “Who do you think he really is?” applied to someone other than the title character.

In this instance, the question referred to a Spidey villain whose true identity had fired the imaginations of Marvel readers (this was back when Marvel fired something other than editorial personnel.) And that villain was:


Yes, the Hobgoblin…a villain whose identity was revealed to fans in one of the most bizarre twists that Marvel ever embarked upon. Stunned fans demanded, “Why the hëll did you do it this way?” And I shall now answer that.

Back to press on “Fallen Angel” trade paperback

According to Bob Greenberger’s website (which you can go read for yourself by pressing on the link over on the right), DC is going back to press on the first “Fallen Angel” trade paperback. There’s no more sure indicator of rising interest than that. Now we can only hope it presages a second collection of the obscenely difficult-to-find issues 7-12.

Keep the word getting out there, folks. Issues 19 and 20 are the make-or-break, and we need to take the two month delay and turn it to our advantage. Remember, if every retailer out there orders exactly one copy more than he’s carrying now (and for a goodly number that would mean basically ordering a single shelf copy since many are only ordering sub copies) that alone will get the job done.


Gene Roddenberry’s “Starpoint Academy”

I have signed with IDT Entertainment to write the screenplay for a new GR theatrical project, “Gene Roddenberry’s ‘Starpoint Academy.'” An original Gene Roddenberry concept in conjunction with Majel Roddenberry, “Starpoint Academy” is intended as a full length animated CGI film. IDT exec and Silver Bullet contributor Clifford Meth will be acting as story editor on the project, which is also being seen as a potential springboard for graphic novels and other venues.

I’ll be making more story details and other information public as the script moves further along.