The penalties of excellence

In the brilliant “Adventures of Baron Munchausen,” the Prefect (Jonathan Pryce) of a city under siege by the Turks has brought before him a valiant, heroic soldier (Sting) who singlehandedly took out several Turkish cannons. The Prefect promptly has the stunned soldier executed, contending that his heroism served as a bad example for lesser soldiers who would be incapable of duplicating his feats.

And you laugh at the satirical content of the notion…until you read the following from the preferred news publication of, “The Week”:

“A California sixth grader was suspended from school for performing cartwheels and handstands in the schoolyard. Eleven-year-old Deirdre Faegre ‘created an unsafe situation for herself and others,’ said principal Denise Patton. She explained that other, less skilled kids might try to imitate Faegre and get hurt. In that case, Faegre said, the school should also ban basketball.”

Suddenly it’s not as funny anymore.