Easter eggs on Spider-Man 2

I have the DVD for Spidey 2 (don’t ask how) and found some fun Easter Eggs. They may already well have been posted elsewhere, but if not, here they are. Both that I’ve found are on Disk 2:

Click on the “Gallery section. Once you get to the screen that talks about Alex Ross being commissioned, click “Up” until the little spider-sense lines emerge from Spidey’s head on the left. Hit “enter” and it takes you to an out take of Alfred Molina, in full Ock gear, singing the first verse of “Rich Man” while the tentacles move in synch.

Click on the “Making the Amazing” section. When you’re in the menu, click “Up” and it causes Doc’s right arm (his right, left on the screen) to light up green. Hit “enter” and it takes you to a behind-the-scenes rehearsal sequence with Sam Raimi and Molina that’s so funny, I don’t want to spoil it.