31 comments on “And to all my Jewish friends…

  1. As a member of The Tribe, it’s quite an honor to be the first to post on this particular thread. Disturbing observation though–the first full day of Chanukah happens to fall on JLA Day (that’s John Lennon Assasination Day, BTW, not a day devoted to the superteam). I hope that isn’t a bad omen for the coming year, because the Mideast situation is already scary enough as it is!


    Is it appropriate to mention a few cool comics-related items I’ve read recently? (Well, I suppose if it isn’t, this missive will be yanked). There’s a great article about “Peanuts” in the (I think) latest New Yorker which really made me appreciate the strip in a way I never have before. Secondly, there”s a paper called AVA Oregon (avaoregon.com) which features some wonderful comic book-related articles by somebody who really knows his stuff but is still accessible to comics novices (particularly an article in #4 speculating on whether an Oregon comic book vendor is actually the inspiration for Comic Book Guy from “The Simpsons”). Finally, I just read the Jack Kirby bio “Tales to Astonish” and learned some new things from it–like the fact that the King, in his youth, was NOT someone that you physically messed with!

  2. PAD,
    Let me be the second on this board to wish you a “Chappy Chanukah”. I hope it is very enjoyable for you.
    You deserve a Happy Holiday Season.

  3. Let me be the third (hey, we can all count so far!) to wish you and yours as well as all other members of the forums all the best for Channukah, and for our non-Jewish friends, an upcoming Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa (not sure of the spelling), and yes…even a peaceful Ramadan. And if I’ve left any particular holiday out, I apologize in advance.

  4. In honour of you and all you wacky jewish people, I’m gonna play on winamp the only exposure to Jewish culture I really know. That’s right, Adam Sander’s Chanukah Songs part 1 & 2!

    This is a song that uhh..

  5. Personally, I’d actually recomend listening to Chaunkah Song part 2 – its So much better. He’s got a whole band rockin out and the audience is freaking out, its great.

    Mazel Tov & Shaloom, my Jewish peeps.

  6. I was inspired by a cell-phone commercial that tries to be all-inclusive this hodiay season – and almost makes it…

    Happy Christmahanukkwanzyuldan!

  7. Chag Sameach back atcha.

    A belated “Wow and awesome” for Fallen Angel #18 as well. Lee remains as opaque and enigmatic as ever, but is nonetheless still fascinating to observe. As for the others… a nicely nestled set of truth and lies. It would have worked wonderfully as a coda, but fortunately it’s not (right?). Now if only DC would get off its duff about the second trade paperback (and, with eighteen in the bank, start pondering a third).

  8. I shall also join in the wish for a happy and peaceful holiday for all, MOTs or not. I hope you all get your eight nights’ worth of presents… and as a matter of fact, I’D like eight nights’ worth too! 🙂

  9. let me be the… (counts…) fourteenth person to wish you happy holidays. whatever those holidays are. I may not be jewish, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the season.

    Oy to the world.

  10. well, that freaked me out… I was wondering when I posted to this forum… cause Travis Clark is my name also 🙂


  11. I still perfer the third Hanukah song. Although spinning the draidle with Captin Kirk and Mr. Spock is tempting. 😛

    And for some of the other holidays that have been missed, Happy Korean New Year and Three King’s Day.

  12. To everybody happy holidays. I think that I will go tomorrow to celebrate at Jerry’s Famous Deli.

  13. I still perfer the third Hanukah song.

    Shuttup, there’s a Chaunkah Song part 3? You’re fûçkìņg with me, aren’t you. don’t do that, it makes Baby Jesus cry.

  14. I can’t think of the holiday now without immediately picturing the sketch from the Critic were “Arnold” went undercover as a Rabbi. “Him” singing the Draidle song is pricelss as is his dispatching a bad guy after a bris [sp] “Hava Nagila, baby.”

  15. Well, I wished you a Happy Hannukah on another thread, but since this is the designated one, I’ll just wish it again. Happy Hannukah to you and your family.

  16. Though I’m not Jewish, I wish you a Chappy Channukah as well (eww . . .Chappy? That sounds painful). And of yeah, enjoy the latkes.

  17. Exchange from tonight’s Larry King interview with Jon Stewart…

    LARRY: Are you an optimist?
    JON: Are you kidding?!? I’m a Jew!

  18. Remember people, this is the holiday when you’re supposed to eat deep fried food; jelly donuts are encouraged. (Although this does explain why Jews have such low numbers…)

  19. And I have to throw in the version by The Great Luke Ski:

    It’s Star Wars Chanukah
    You can hang out with Qui-Gon-ika
    On the Mil-len-i-um Fal-Con-ika
    With a Woo-kie named Chew-bon-ika
    (Please help me, O-bi-wan-ika!)
    So go see Ep-i-sode One-ika
    And have a hap-py, hap-py, hap-py, Star Wars Chanukah!

  20. OK, is it just me, or does “Chappy Chanukah” sound like it should be the name of some Jewish cowboy character from a early to mid-century comic strip?

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