37 comments on “Out this week: “Fallen Angel #19”

  1. It was wonderful seeing the two of them again. I laughed out loud.

    I’m gonna miss this book.

  2. I’m still about 12 issues behind, but if I see it on the shelf, (and if the owner overlooks the mature sign) I’ll pick up a copy

  3. Best comic I’ve read this week. None of prostitutes looked underage to me though. Let me guess… Bumper is sixteen or something like that, right?

  4. First issue of FA I’ve read since #12. I had no difficulties following the story. Great point for people to jump on for a 2 part story.

    Brian Thomer

  5. The “next issue blurb” says that Fallen Angel #20 is 60 days away. Is this correct? If so why?
    (Issue 19 was fun by the way.)

  6. I picked it up for the one-issue sales boost, but I’m still working my way through the back issues. I finished #12 last night and quite liked it though. 🙂

  7. Question. Are Sachs and Violens DC Universe characters? And if so, does that destroy any chance that Fallen Angel can be continued at another comic company?

  8. I thought George Perez owned them. My concerns are 1) I didn’t a copyright notice for S&V, and 2) That Peter’s co. and someone else has the copyright, but DC has the trademark. Hopefully that won’t prevent FA from appearing somewhere else.

  9. DC didn’t pull the Perez cover. George wasn’t able to get a cover done in time for solicitation deadlines, so the editor had Dave and Fernando do one. But then it turned out that George WOULD be able to complete a cover in time for actual publication, particularly since DC(don’t ask me why) had actually cut the book to bi-monthly publication. So that’s the cover we’ll be using. Technically speaking it makes #20 returnable, but we’re pretty confident retailers won’t return copies on the basis that it has a George Perez cover.


  10. Good introduction to the rest of the story. I hope you continue to publish this book elsewhere. David’s artwork seems to be getting better and better… I’ve been a fan of his since Espiral. Can’t wait for the next issue. It seems like you really enjoy writing it. I bet the characters “tell” you what’s oing to happen next.

  11. Excellent story. Interesting how L- has again run into a sort of awkward situation with a person of sort of the opposite sex. There being again ambiguities surrounding said other person’s gender.

    Interestingly, I started out as a “Lee is not Linda” person (and have migrated away). Those who are of that school of thought may not agree with the above… those who are, think Andy. I hope that made sense. I’m too tired to reword things right now.

    By the way, my comic store had twelve copies of this issue. Usually they have three. So I bought one more than usual, just for fun. Wouldn’t it be neat if all the retailers did that, and better yet if it wasn’t a case of closing the barn door after the horse is gone…

  12. Loved it as usual! Gonna be sad as hëll to see this book go. Although I’m going to have to re-read it again, because I think I missed something… Is it me, or does it seem like everyone in Bette Noir is sweating up a storm this month? Either it’s a heat wave, or Lee’s broadcasting sexual tension to everyone in a 500 foot radius. (If I missed dialogue explaining this, feel free to whallop me)

  13. I liked it, but I seemed to recall that Sachs was colored as a Latina in Sachs & Violens, and I got the strong impression that she and her sister were. Here, she was colored to look like an African-American. Which is it?

  14. I am so upset with DC for cancelling this book. There’s no way a lot of the things brought up in this issue will remotely be resolved by the end of #20, and I was dying to see where Peter was going with them. Personally I was hoping to see an arc that addressed the relationship between Bete Noire and its denizens, so I’m pulling for the title to be renewed at another company. I’m officially BEGGING for Peter not to give up on Lee until she finds another home. I’m very attached to this character.

    That said, I’ve got to bring up ehat I feel was the most significant part of #19. The return of Sachs and Violens was nifty, of course (yes, I have the miniseries, and everyone else needs to pick it up too, if only for Gerry the Gerrymander), but the part that reallt thwacked me upside the head and demanded my attention was the scene between Dolf and Lee in Furor’s.

    “I don’t RECOGNIZE you…this cannot keep up,” Dolf tells Lee. “Don’t come back until you’re something OTHER than you are now.”

    Dolf had placed great importance on the nature of Lee’s character. Her “quiet despair,” the way she did things. It seems as though he depended on her to always remain the same.

    And why has Lee changed so? Why is she operating under a cloud of “deafening fury,” as Dolf put it? We the readers know that Lee didn’t miscarry and that Jude is alive. But it affects Lee the way it does because for the first time since her introduction, something has touched her heart, the heart she’d previously claimed was “walled off” or nonexistent.

    Before, Lee had operated, as I put it once, on “autopilot.” She had no purpose other than to do what she thought Bete Noire needed her to do. All her heroics were nothing more than a way to fill the void inside.

    In doing so, Lee inadvertently became a cog in the machine. Kinda like working for an enormous corporation – day in, day out, punch in, do the same thing over and over in a consistent manner, punch out. Repeat till insane. (Yes, I know whereof I speak.) And this worked for the purposes of the city – what they ARE will probably not be revealed for some time, thanks oh so much for the cancellation, DC.

    By the end of #18, Lee knew she had been caught up in the mechanics of Bete Noire, that she can no longer leave, she is part of it as surely as her blood is part of her.

    But she’s not the same anymore. Now she’s pìššëd. Pìššëd that she had to give up her baby, pìššëd about being a corporate puppet, about having to be the same thing over and over for the rest of her life. She’s “only human.”

    This can’t bode well for her position in Bete Noire. Lee’s drastic change in behavioral patterns obviously concern Dolf, and it very likely will concern the Hierarchy and other key players in Bete Noire. If they can’t get Lee back to the way she was before, something’s gonna happen, and it’s gonna get ugly.

    Too bad we’ll NEVER KNOW, at least under this company.

    Yes, I’m bitter. Does it show? Just a little around the edges? 🙂

    Thanks to everyone who read through that overblown rant; I told you I loved Lee and I had to get that off my chest. Peter, you’ve done great things with this woman; don’t let her go just yet.


  15. I loved it, and it’s absolutely spectacular to see Ernie and J.J. again. I wish it had come out a week earlier — I just saw Perez at MegaCon last week and would have loved to have had him sign the cover.

    DC is losing a great title. Any word on where it will be published next?

  16. Man, when Adolf Hitler tells you you have anger issues, it’s time to take a step back.

    “Best comic I’ve read this week. None of prostitutes looked underage to me though. Let me guess… Bumper is sixteen or something like that, right?”

    That’s because none of them are underage. It was pretty obvious from S&V’s conversation with Benny that *he’s* the one running the kiddie pørņ ring, and that S&V have bad intel.

    I like the Lee bits better than I like the S&V bits, although that would probably be different if I had read the earlier series.

  17. An off topic comic about comic book “sex and violence.”

    Everyone might want to check out Sunday’s (3-6-05)Funky Winkerbean comic strip. It is obviously leading up to a major story arc regarding censorship. Although I have no idea exactly what is going to happen next, knowing Tom Batiuk, this is something that comic fans should take note of. It will be really interesting to see what happens next. Now that fans of the strip actually have a face to put to a comic store owner, it will be interesting to see reaction if he is put out of business. I personally would love to see the character contact the CBLDF and get more info on the CBLDF out to public — though one wonders if the casual reader would grok to the fact the the CBLDF is a real organization and not just one that exists in the comic strip.

    Check out Funky Winkerbean.

  18. Bought it today – comments pending (and I’m a newbie, so that is one extra sale that would not have happened prior to this month). Took me a few minutes to find it (it was figuring out how the store frakkin’ shelved everything). It’s been awhile since I been inside a comic store, but I have now found my home. It is simply a wonderful place.

    My son keeps bugging me about when that Abomination story is going to come out. I should not have mentioned it to a 10 year old. 🙂

  19. This was the first issue of this title I really didn’t like. I understand the need to emphasize these thing with the guest stars involved, but I just don’t find stories with lots of violence, sexual deviancy, and foul language entertaining. When the most sympathetic character in the story is Adolph Hitler, then I think I’d probably be finished with the title even if it wasn’t going to be cancelled.

    Otherwise, I’m enjoying Hulk and Negimi.

    –your pal, Hoy

  20. I only wish that George Perez had done the interiors as well. Why Peter and George don’t do a monthly (or bi-monthly)should be asked a lot more. Their collaborations have been excellent in the past. Peter, I’ve followed you’re work for two decades now, and I’ve come to the conclusion that if you wish to continue writing “secondary” or “non-star” characters, then a name, superstar artist like George Perez will be necessary. I’ve always appreciated your writing, but sales too often seem to be based on whether a Michael Turner or Jim Lee are drawing it.

  21. The issue was great. I hope something can save this comic. It is nice to have an alternative to some of the other stuff being published

  22. Gods above and below!! I loved this issue. Fallen Angel is my favorite book every month and I’m sad to see it go…but I have faith (reliable faith) that it’ll be back.Sach & Violens is one of my favorite mini series of all time as well…so it was great to see them again. I would love to see a new Sachs & Violens mini series. I had an interesting hour long conversation with my favorite artist in comics the other day in a Radioligist’s waiting room. It was George Perez. He was really nice and open about a great many things. It made going through the discomfort of a CAT scan and the illness of the Barium worth it. He’s such a nice guy. A pleasure to talk to…especially out of the confines of a convention setting. We talked about FA and S&V. He mentioned that he would like to do another S&V…but that it would have to be soon…as he has other commitments. So get on the ball Peter!! We don’t have enough Sex and Violence in our lives!!! Seriously, it was great talking to George. He did a sketch of Wonder Woman in my wifes sketch book. Nicest guy in the world. What was this thread about?

  23. Enjoyed it very, very much. I only wish I had returned to comic reading sooner and discoverd it then. Looking forward to #20.

  24. Well, here’s an interesting li’l tidbit from Rick Johnston’s “Lying In The Gutters” from comicbookresources.com published today Monday March 7, 2005


    It appears that IDW is the front-runner to publish “Fallen Angel” once it ends its DC run with issue #20.

    “Fallen Angel,” creator owned by Peter David, but published in the DC Universe, has had a troubled history at DC, though survived longer than other similar attempts to launch brand new titles. Partly this was due to intentional speculation that the central character was Linda Danvers, the Supergirl from Peter David’s cancelled series of the same name. And a dedicated fan base willing to make their views known to DC and other fans also gave DC reason to support this book, despite failing to sell as well as they might have liked.

    But recently, it was made known that “Fallen Angel” had finally been cancelled by DC. But David made it clear that all was not lost.

    Horror comics publisher IDW have made it clear that they wish to continue the series. And I understand that David is working on scripts past the DC-cancelled issue, involving the origin of the central character, the Fallen Angel (and in doing so will clarify that the character is not Supergirl or Linda Danvers or anyone else from the DC Universe).

    It’s interesting to note that while sales of the series were insufficient to justify continued publication from DC, they would make the title one of IDW’s best sellers, and very profitable indeed.

    However DC has been loath to let other “creator-owned” projects leave in the past. Certainly the contracts usually give DC extended options, renewals and exclusive rights to publish and represent the properties, even if they no longer wish to publish them. It took Jamie Delano years to extract his “2020 Visions” series, to be published elsewhere. It seems to have taken Peter David a matter of months.

    Both Peter David, IDW and DC Comics declined to comment on this story.

    However, I’m also told that the cover originally intended for issue 20, before the George Perez “Sachs And Violens” cover replaced it, is being considered as the cover to launch the first issue from the new publisher.”

  25. Any chance of seeing Sachs and Violens collected in a trade? I have the first issue, but that is it.

  26. As much as I love this series, I’ll have to say that this issue wasn’t one of my favorite issues (and I bought 2 issues to support the apparently moot campaign to save the book.)

    In any case, Sachs and Violens didn’t really grab me as characters. I haven’t read anything with them before, so I imagine I’d be more excited if I had. As it was, the timing seemed pretty off for them to appear.

    We just had an incredible arc, and it was pretty much brushed to the side (at least with this issue) to introduce the guest stars.

    I also think the artwork was some of the most rushed and blah we’ve seen from the team. I think comparing the rendition of the guest stars from the cover to the interiors didn’t help either. I think they’ve turned in some good work in the past though.

    I hope FA makes the jump to another company. One week issue hasn’t put me off.

  27. My copy hasn’t come in yet from G-Mart. Do they usually take this long?


  28. 1Just a word to give a voice of hope IDW will take on publishing after Ff 20. I have read this before it would be better not to finish up all the plot lines just to finish a story that PDseemed to be intended to go further.

  29. First off, I loved it. But then, I am a fan of this book and fondly remember S&V. Still, on the other hand, if I were trying to boost sales, I would not necessarily have as the first crossover/guest star, characters that were from the last decade and have not been seen since.

    Good news (or good rumor) about IDW. I think that this would make a good match. I will pay the extra money (I believe that most IDW titles are sold at $3.99.) Hey, can we now expect the FALLEN ANGEL/24 crossover? I can just see Jack Bauer bumping into Dolf. 🙂

    By the way, I loved the latest issue of SOULSEARCHERS & Company. 70 issues and still funny.

  30. Finally read it today, loved the bit when Lee walked into Bumper’s place.

    “Can’t she just, you know, kick down the door?”
    “You’re kind of spoiling the mood here.”

    Funny stuff. Thought I thought we were gonna get some lesbo action at the end there.

  31. Hi guys,

    look, i too am upset that FA is gone, but all companies have had to cut expenses on titles that don’t sell to a particular standard. It’s all about the sales. Keeping a book that is not profitable for them makes no fiscal sense.

    marvel & DC cancel titles all the time. I seem to notice a lot of anger toward DC from a lot of you over this, anger that was not directed at marvel when capt. marvel was canceled. when i read some of the posts it looks to me like you guys are treating dc like a red headed step child. i don’t think that’s a fair assumption.

    could they have done more?of course. but advertising cost money & they have to spend it wisely. ultimatly the cancelation falls on us for not spreading the word.

    Peter is an excellemt writer with a loyal following. i think the problem lies in that when he does new obscure projects (like FA), only those loyal to him pick it up. everyone else passes it by.

    i bet that if PAD wrote batman, superman, Wolvie, Spidey, JLA, x men, he would be a top 5 writer (i meant in popularity) he is #2 for me (Geoff Johns is #1)

    i just hope that those of you angry at dc reconsider & give them another chance.

    i’m a a dc nut, what can i say.

    Joe V.

    Joe V.

  32. I am putting this here on this thread since the thread does deal with the works of Peter.

    I just picked up the latest issue of Locus. The magazine about the SF/Fantasy industry. Anyway, every quarter, Locus runs a list of SF/Fantasy books due to be scheduled in the months to come. This issue covered all the books until the end of the year. I noticed that Peter does not have a new New Frotiers book listed. I hope that the series has not been cancelled. Does anyone know what is going on?

  33. Recently it was announced that starting with June Pocket Books will only publish one mass market Star Trek book a month instead of two. This new rule includes reprints of hardcovers and S.C.E. e-book reprints as well. It was also announced that as a consequence, such reprints will be rarer so that fans can no longer expect the paperback version about a year later.

    Hardcovers and trade paperbacks will not be affected by this, we were told. That means, HOPEFULLY!, there will still be a new NF hardcover at the end of the year.

    When the paperback reprint for “After the Fall” will be out is a different question. The new regulation is certainly bad news for fans with a lower budget.

    I am hoping, after Shore Leave, we will get the full schedule for this year and maybe also a bit beyond that.

  34. The various “toys”on Bumper’s wall had me laughing out loud.By no means am I a prude but it just seemed funny seeing them on display in a comic.Benny is still on the prowl Huh???That snake is going is never gonna learn.BTW when Benny was confused by the line of questioning I assumed it was about Bumper’s gender more so than who was in charge of the pørņ ring.

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