83 comments on “Out this week: Hulk #79

  1. As far as I recall, Peter has dropped two hints concerning the antagonist of TEMPEST FUGIT:

    1. It AIN’T the Leader.
    2. It IS a previously established villian in the Marvel universe.

    My vote’s on Nightmare (the nasty S.O.B. who drove the Hulk insane in issues 290-300 of the classic run), but that could easily change with the next issue. Needless to say, part of the fun is the mystery of it all – just as long as it doesn’t run for over 50 issues.

  2. Boy, am I ever happy Peter David is back on the title!! The dialogue was great, and the Wolvie cameo and the “cut through the fog” quip were great. The Hulk being with Banner through high school is a big change… must’ve taken some okay from the top (Joe Q maybe?) Can’t wait to see where Peter takes us!! Make mine David! 🙂

  3. I wouldn’t say Hulk being with Banner is that big of a change for the character. I mean it was already well established that Bruce suffers from multiple personalities… Well at least it didn’t seem like much of a leap to the Hulk being in there in Bruce’s mind. Especially after the many arguments between Fix-It and Green Jeans back before the “Professor” Days. And I thought we had seen this “Savage” Hulk before, I mean he acts much like the Hulk did back when he lost Banner during Onslaught… Like the Hulk Island Hulk. A sort of combination of the major Hulk personalities… but without Bruces mind controlling him…

  4. First I am so loving this arc,the first time Hulk has been fun for me in some time.Fin Fang Foom???
    Didnt he fight Thor on Simonson’s run or am i confusing him with the World Serpent??
    Anyway fun battle,I loved Hulk grabbing his tongue and yanking.What is going on on this island???We shall see I suppose.
    By the way ,the whole sequence with Bruce and Carla was painful to read,while i didnt get my butt kicked i had a girl reject me like that in high school.Just Brutal to the young teenage male self esteem.
    Is it deliberate that Banner is seen in the trenchcoat and black watch cap???Kind reminds me of the whole trenchcoat mafia with Columbine …Creepy

  5. If Hulk is on Monster Island, mystery villain could be Tyrannus. I seem to recall reading somewhere(Warlock & Inf. Watch maybe)that he was trying to run the island.

  6. Fred Chamberlain: Wow, Luigi, this appears to be nitpicking and is uncharacteristic of you.
    Luigi Novi: Check out any of the boards at http://www.nitcentral.com, particularly the Trek boards, and then say that. And then watch the laughter. 🙂

    As an example, try, and do a search on the phrase “an omen” (but not with the quotes) to find the post in question.

  7. Wow. Nice. I read this first off the stack. The rest was Teen Titans, UXM, and Young Avengers. You got read before a Geoff Johns book, and in my world, that’s dámņ tough (unless Green Arrow is out that week). I have a feeling though, that your mystery project may even knock Winnick off the top of the list (please be writing more Madrox).

    Also, marvel sucks for never making a Madrox wallpaper for the website, and giving me X23.

  8. Lee Weeks. You MUST keep this man!!! You guys have a great story telling combo going!!! I love it.
    Oh,…and Im digging the fact that this is part mystery/part self-resurrection.

    Very cool.
    Thanks for doing some great stuff PAD.

  9. Please….. don’t let the mystery villain be Tyrannus. I’m hoping it’s either Cloot or Mephisto.

    –Don aka Ygor

  10. A brief scene in PAD’s original run of “The Incredible Hulk” obliquely addressed that issue.

    Thanks for the history. I only started reading PAD’s Hulk during the Pantheon days (and dropped it when he was done), so there is A LOT of Hulk history that I don’t know (such as the grey and purple years).

    Iowa Jim

  11. First I am so loving this arc,the first time Hulk has been fun for me in some time.Fin Fang Foom??? Didnt he fight Thor on Simonson’s run or am i confusing him with the World Serpent??

    I don’t know if he ever fought Thor, but I am pretty sure that he has been a repeat villain for Iron Man. (Since I have read every Iron Man monthly written since issue #79 of the orginal series, that is my recollection. But I have no idea which issues he was in!)

    Iowa Jim

  12. First I am so loving this arc,the first time Hulk has been fun for me in some time.Fin Fang Foom??? Didnt he fight Thor on Simonson’s run or am i confusing him with the World Serpent??

    Actually, IIRC, Simonson had FFF turn out to be the World Serpent. But then, Ol Fin Fang Foom has been depicted in many different ways, by different writers. Anybody remember that prestige format two-shot that came 10 or more years ago, with a bunch of Marvel’s supernatural-type characters and the bad guys were the Cult of Fin Fang Foom? Seems FFF was being treated as a kind of Cuthulu-type figure, where the cult wanted to bring him into the world and he would destroy it, or something. (It has been a few years, so my recollections may not be the best…) I think it was called Nightsiders or something like that?

    Anybody else remember that, or is it just me? (And if it is just me, I guess that would explain why the sales on the two-parter weren’t enough for it to go to series… *g*)

  13. The Hulk’s personality seems to be the same as it was when PAD left – Bruce on one end, a combined Green/Gray Hulk on the other (formerly the merged Hulk seen during the Pantheon era, but minus Banner due to the events of Onslaught).

  14. Can anyone tell me what else Jorge Lucas (the artist for the House of M arc) has worked on?

    Good to hear about more Madrox later this year too.

    And I don’t suppose you’ll give any hints towards your new post-HOM series?

  15. This is the first time I’ve ever read Incredible Hulk, and I’m reading it based solely on the fact that Captain Marvel, Madrox, and X-Factor 71-89 are my favorite comics ever. I’m enjoying Hulk more than I thought I would and I’m very interested in seeing where the arc goes. The flashbacks manage to show so much depth of character in just a couple pages…it inspires me.



  16. Ya know with the appearance of Triple F,I was reminded of a story of the Hulk from WAAAY back,at least for me.XEMNU THE TITAN had set some old school ,Marvel Monster comics villains on the Hulk.There was Diablo,the Blip,Groot,Goom ,and another,all together it was six.It was really cool as i recall and one of my all time favorite comics!!!Hulk annual # 5 was the issue if anyone can recall all the details.Hey maybe the villain is Xemnu !!!I seem to remember him taking on the Thing and WonderMan in Marvel two in One too.Man i miss the old comics !!!Btw I hope it isnt Xemnu

  17. Awesome story! The name Stephen Yarish bugged me, so I did a search on-line and determined that it was a fan that ran a Hulk website? Any particular reason why you gave him a credit? Randomness or are you being awesome and giving a fan a shout out?

  18. Raelly liking this story. Nice to see old Fin Fang Foom again, disappointing to see the whørë of the Marvel Universe show up on the final page, but I trust Peter will do something entertaining with him.

    Is it now a contractual obligation that Wolverine has to appear in every book Marvel publish, or does it just seem that way? I quite like the character, but these days it’s like having a stalker. Every time you open a Marvel comic, there he is.

  19. Jim Moore,
    “Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find 77 anywhere, guess everyone other than the fans underestimated you, eh?”

    Not my LCS dealer. He still ordered plenty, figuring buzz would pick up as the series went along, and he was right!

    Ravenwing 263,
    “Has there been any news about whether or not David will continue after #82?”
    believe it was recently announced PAD is guaranteed one more arc after this one.

    Fred Chamberlain,
    “I was also one who SAW the ‘so not caring’ line and thought of PAD’s Buffy influence. It didn’t add or take away anything from the story…simply a fun nod to a great series.”
    “As much as hate to disagree wth what was aparently everyone’s favorite line the Hulk never says,’So not caring’. What he said was ‘Not realy caring.’ Which doesn’t sound especialy uffy to me, although personally I think we’re reaching new heights in attemptng to draw paralels between my work and Whedon’s.
    “On ocasion he’ll [the Hulk] use personal pronouns, but for the most part, none at all.”
    “None of which has a dámņëd thing to do with Buffy.”
    Fred Chamberlain,
    “I was also one who saw the ‘so not caring line”
    Luigi Novi,
    “Despite the fact that it wasn’t in there:-)”
    “Wow, Luigi, this apears to be nitpicking and is uncharacteristic of you.”

    He’s not nitpicking. He’s simply stating that you and others were incorrect and SAW a quote that was NOT in the book. PAD set the record straight as well. Why didn’t you accuse him of nitpicking?
    “I didn’t pull out the book to find out the exact quote, but based upon the fact that several people here were reminded of Buffyisms when reading should say somethng about the simlarities, no?”
    Not really. Besides, you didn’t state how ‘similar’ the line was. You got the line wrong, as did others. You also cited it as a “fun nod to a great series”, when PAD says it was nothing of the sort.
    That should say something, no?

    “‘So not caring’ or ‘Not really caring’ came across as Buffy with the way it reads.”
    In your opinion. I, for one, failed to see the similarity. Maybe if he HAD said “So not caring”, which is more ‘Valley Girl’. But he didn’t.

    Scott Iskow,
    “Banner killed his father?”
    Yes, at his mother’s grave, no less. The story, which was in “Incredible Hulk -1” (Flashback Month) is one of PAD’s best, and one I included in a list of THE TOP ELEVEN HULK STORIES EVER. (PAD’s issues took 7 of the 11 slots.

  20. Re: Wolverine

    Gotta admit, I think it’s his best entrance so far. Really suspenseful cliffhanger. How’s Banner gonna get out of this one? He’s all squishy!

    Anyone else catch the Spirit stamp on the envelope in the flashback?

  21. Yeah, I was wondering about that stamp. It seems that for the past 3 issues, there have been refrences to old comics (all during the flashbacks). In 77 we saw what looked like Batman and Robin on the “have you seen” ad on a milk carton. In 78 we see a refrence to “Justice” or something like that. In 79, we have the Spirit stamp and Hulk comic lying on the ground.

    As for who the villian is, all I can figure is that it’s someone with a shriveled (old and wrinkly?) arm/hand, and that they have long, well-manacured fingernails.

  22. The scene where HULK ripped off Fin-Fang-Foom’s wings made me think of Gabriel in CONSTANTINE and Lucifer in Sandman…and I smiled.

  23. 1I liked it. Some really great dialogue and Lee Week’s art looks better than ever. It’s been an enjoyable story.

    Bobby Nash
    Writer @ Large

  24. I’ve really enjoyed the Tempus Fugit story and as one who doesn’t like to guess what’s going to happen but just let the story evolve, this little mystery has me hooked.
    It was also exciting to see my hometown, Modesto, in a comic (for the first time, I believe) even if it didn’t really look like it. Seemed more Midwestern or Eastern suburbia than California suburbs.
    Still, both PAD and Lee Weeks are doing a fantastic job and that’s really a tiny nitpick.
    Since I’d read a PAD-written Hulk no matter who drew it, I’d still like to put a vote for keeping Lee Weeks around. He’s one of my favorite Hulk artists now.

  25. Don’t know if anyone reads the column section, but supposedly:

    -Weeks will leave after this arc. Wether he will come back is unknown (atleast by me).
    -Jae Lee will do a one-issue stint.
    -Marvel invited Dale Keown “to do some HULK stuff,” but he’s busy at the moment.
    -Uncle Andy wants YOU to suggest which artist should work with Peter David.
    I belive this will have no effect (since Peter would probobly have a say in who he works with), but I feel I should put a good word in for Clayton Henry. (with Morales for inks)If not Henry, maybe Kubert.

  26. Well, I finally picked it up. (along with Runaways #2. Great book. anyone reading this sentence, if you haven’t read runaways — walk away from the computer screen and go buy that book. Now.)

    Awesome read. The art was great, the twists were nice and, uh, “twisty”. (my favourite being the random joke – “Well, I don’t see any 3 headed dogs around here AHHHHHHHH!!!” *chomp chomp chomp*) The Hulk flashback stuff continues to be my favourite stuff in this whole arc. Loved the last 2 pannels of the final flashback scene.

    One complaint: I wish there had been a nice and good closeup of when Hulk ripped off Fing Fang Foom’s Wings. Only cuz I’m a sick mofo who likes me gore. The ripping off the wings idea is a badass one, just wish it had been more, uh, graphic.

    Anyway, great book. Here’s hoping PAD never leaves Hulk ever again. Ever. Period. Declarative statement.

    (I did read the next arc is a House of M tie-in on Newsarama. I’ll still get it, and it’ll probably still rock the hizzouse . . . but crossovers usually ain’t my thing. I get mid-90s flashbacks that makes me want to curl up into a corner and whimper.)

  27. My guess for the mystery villain is Madman, if only because he’s one of PAD’s lesser-known but still cool villains, who’s very much into manipulating things behind the scenes.

    If I recall correctly, he only appeared once after his initial “Countdown” appearance, and it wasn’t much of a big deal at the time. (My very bad memory is telling me it involved She-Hulk and Bi-Beast, but I could be wrong.)

    It might just be my love of really obscure villains, plus the fact that “Countdown” was my first exposure to PAD’s work, that has me talking here.

  28. The “Not really caring” line doesn’t sound like Buffy at all. It obviuosly sounds just like Angel:-}

  29. Well, PAD. It looks like it can be officially said that your return to the HULK has been well received saleswise.
    “Incredible Hulk” # 77 was the #26 book in terms of sales for books released in January. This means it beat out Waid’s “Fantastic Four” #522 (No. 27); Johns’ “JSA” #69 (No. 28) and “The Flash” #218 (No. 31); “Detective Comics” #802 (No. 32); “New X-Men” #8 (No. 33)and #9 (No. 38); Winick’s “Outsiders” #19 (No.34)and “Green Arrow” #46 (No. 49); Ennis’s “The Punisher” #16 (No. 35); Busiek’s “Conan” #12 (No. 36); “The Adventures of Superman” #636 (No. 37) and “Action Comics” #823 (No.40); “Nightwing” #101 (No. 39) and #102 (No. 41) – the first two parts of Nightwing: Year One -; Michael Turner’s “Soulfire” #3 (No. 44) and Bendis’s “The Pulse” #7.
    For your first issue back, I’d say that’s pretty dámņëd impressive. Give yourself – and smart retailers and your fans – a nice pat on the back PAD. It looks like you have a hit on your hands:)

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