Almost Done…

Ariel wrapped up her stint as Golde in “Fiddler,” and acquitted herself wonderfully. And we’re almost done with the steady flow of visitors who have been coming through since last Monday. It’s not that we don’t love seeing parents and my older daughters, because obviously we do. But, boy, it makes you realize how relatively quiet it is around here under normal circumstances.

Looking forward to watching PBA Bowling today at 12:30. History in the making as a woman bowler made the cut for the first time and will be competing on the main Sunday broadcast. It’s Liz Johnson, whom Ariel met and bowled with back when the Women’s Int’l Bowling Association was on tour. So naturally we’ll be pulling for her.


4 comments on “Almost Done…

  1. Glad to hear that Ariel both acquitted herself well and had a great time — sounds like she had a blast, and didn’t bludgeon anyone into senselessness with a loose shoe. 🙂

    (And I’ll be pulling for Liz Johnson as well — not because I have any clue who said bowler is, but because there’s a student at my school named Liz Johnson who’s a great person. It’d be cool to have her namesake win.)


  2. As I mentioned response to Kath’s blog, Phil’s in a Purim spiel this week, playing The King. No, not that “The King”… but The King of Shushan, and if you think I’m trying to spell a name that is more like a sound effect, you have another think coming.

  3. I’ve never watched bowling on TV, are they always getting strike / spare / strike / spare / strike?

  4. Sounds like fun…did you happen to catch “Gilmore Girls” from a couple of weeks ago? The local elementary school did a production of “Fiddler” with a cringe-worthy twist.

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