Final words on Terri Schiavo

In any court proceeding, there’s usually a winner and a loser. Not in this case, though. Here, everyone loses.

Her husband has been nationally villified by people who don’t even know him. His parents have lost their daughter, but not before presenting a national picture of themselves that wavered between pathos and pathetic, depending upon one’s point of view. Her life was cut short. And whereas anyone who remembers Karen Quinlan has forever etched in their minds the smiling picture taken as a school portrait, Terri Schiavo leaves behind a lasting image of a bedridden woman with glassy eyes who is either looking hopefully at her parents or–as her liquified brain would suggest–wasn’t looking at anything. Politicians attempted to make some quick hay and capital by going national over something that should have remained personal, with plenty of shame available to cover both GOP and Dem behavior.

Everyone loses.

This should never happen again.

But it will.