Final words on Terri Schiavo

In any court proceeding, there’s usually a winner and a loser. Not in this case, though. Here, everyone loses.

Her husband has been nationally villified by people who don’t even know him. His parents have lost their daughter, but not before presenting a national picture of themselves that wavered between pathos and pathetic, depending upon one’s point of view. Her life was cut short. And whereas anyone who remembers Karen Quinlan has forever etched in their minds the smiling picture taken as a school portrait, Terri Schiavo leaves behind a lasting image of a bedridden woman with glassy eyes who is either looking hopefully at her parents or–as her liquified brain would suggest–wasn’t looking at anything. Politicians attempted to make some quick hay and capital by going national over something that should have remained personal, with plenty of shame available to cover both GOP and Dem behavior.

Everyone loses.

This should never happen again.

But it will.


111 comments on “Final words on Terri Schiavo

  1. From the perspective of watching my mom deteriorate from Alzheimer’s, watch my dad see his best friend fade away more everyday, from the perspective of swabbing her mouth on her deathbed to give her a LITTLE comfort from the dehydration, from the perspective of having to watch your dad cry more in one day then you EVER saw him cry in the years before, from the perspective of seeing firsthand that death for the most part is not a pretty thing, and we usually don’t go easy, I offer this thought for those of you that that think Schiavo is a Killer:
    Until you’ve been in his shoes, shut your pie holes. I’m not trying to be sanctimonious, on a high horse, or preachy, but I am so very tired of hearing what “life” is, and what Terri “had to teach us.” Compassion is more than just a feeding tube, it’s letting go when it’s needed, and not turning someone’s life into a circus to push your own agenda or theories. That’s all that happened here.
    But who cares now? The Pope died a little bit ago. On to another media event…

  2. “How, exactly, is it bullying? How is it an abuse of power?”

    And while we’re asking questions, how’s the view of Tom DeLay’s prostate from where you are? Must be pretty clear.

    “Is there a single judge, liberal or conservative, who is going to change their opinion because Delay made this “threat”?”

    Read up on the term “chilling effect.”


  3. R. Maheras, I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the memos passed by TOm Delay (who now denies to the hilt that he made it and blames a “staffer”…yeah, right) promoting the “opportunity” the Schiavo case had. The Republicans DID parlay this case into something big…and are now standing with salad dressing on their faces because of it.

    Unless you know something I don’t, the “memo” was supposedly distributed TO SENATE members, NOT distributed BY a member of the House.

    If there is new info on which you based your statement, please send a link–I’ve been curious about this story.

    re; “salad dressing”–if the left isn’t careful they might manage to do something nobody every expected–make Pat Buchanan look classy in comparison.

  4. In the “For What It’s Worth” category, a new Zogby poll indicates that the decision to remove the tube may not have been as popular as the highly loaded and heavily cited ABC poll indicated.

    Doesn’t change my opinion but it may mean that those hoping for an uprising among the electorate may be in for a surprise. Again.

  5. Zogby poll indicates that the decision to remove the tube may not have been as popular…

    I’m not sure popular is the word that I would use but I know what you’re saying. This thing is prob going to be split right down the middle by the end of it all. Two or three polls I’ve seen seem to go one way or the other and each one disagrees with the next. Just the odd poll can be sited as biase or “loaded” but I have a feeling this is going to end up like the 2000 election polls. So many of them came out so close but with a different winner then the one before it. I think it’s the same thing here. The nation is, not a money bet mind you, 50/50 on this or as close as makes no odds.
    What I’m interested in now is to see who makes the dumber move next. Some of the less shining examples of rational minds on both side of the media have already started talking as though Terri is the movements vote getter in the 2006 & 2008 elections. Any bets on if or how soon some twit in one of the two parties puts that forward as a platform &, even more fun, if that gets them thier votes or costs them their votes?

  6. That still doesn’t mean he’s not a dìçk.

    What’s your point?

    This is pretty obviously a case of the guy being spiteful and vindictive.

    Right, after all the utter bûllšhìŧ that the Schindler’s had said about Michael Schiavo in recent months and whatnot.

    You’re pretty dámņ braindead yourself if you think that you’d want to be anywhere near people that are saying those kinds of things about you.

    So much for “respecting Terri’s wishes.”

    Yeah, her parents needed to pack it in years ago, instead of remaining delusional about Terri’s condition.

    There IS a constitutional way of providing a check on the judiciary. It is impeachment.

    PAD summed up my thoughts on this line pretty nicely. Up to and including the view you have of DeLay’s prostate.

    So, I say leave the judges in place and impeach Bush & DeLay.

    These guys must being doing it (and dead on funny as hëll) in days/weeks

    South Park is done with CG, so they have, like in the past, been able to put together an entire episode in a matter of days.

    I still remember the episode they did based on the Elias Gonzalez case, and being amazed that the episode aired 2-3 days after the boy was taken from his mother’s relatives.

  7. A lot of people seem to be missing the point that whether or not her feeding tube should have been taken out or not is a separate issue from the Bush administration utterly showing its ášš on this one.
    Many people on both sides of the “Life at all costs” vs “Quality of life” debate agree that the prez and congress should have kept their dirty little fingers out of it.

    -Rex Hondo-

  8. A lot of people seem to be missing the point that whether or not her feeding tube should have been taken out or not is a separate issue from the Bush administration utterly showing its ášš on this one.

    Exactly. Whatever they’re feelings on Terri Shiavo’s condition in particular, a clear majority of Americans, as shown in at least three separate polls believe Congress should not have gotten involved.

  9. //God has a Big Foot//

    Now, just hold yer horses, there laddie … it be well known that Bigfoot be not God.

    God is the Loch Ness Monster, don’t ye know!

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