Eisner Memorial

Just came back from the memorial service sponsored by DC today for Will Eisner. It was held in a deconsecrated synagogue that, honestly, looked like something out of the Spirit or “Contract with God,” which was perfect for the occasion. Paul Levitz oversaw the proceedings (a responsibility that, as Bob Greenberger observed, Paul has unfortunately had fall upon him all too often of late) and various speakers talked both of what they felt Eisner had contributed to the industry and artform, and what Eisner meant to them personally. Among the speakers and attendees (simpler for me to group them together) were Denis Kitchen, Harlan and Susan Ellison, Ellison, Jerry Robinson, Karen Berger, Michael Uslan (the movie producer who has optioned the “Spirit” film)Frank Miller, John Byrne, Maggie Thompson, Ron Goulart, Cliff Meth, Nick Barrucci, Scott McCleod (bet I spelled his name wrong; sorry, Scott), Jackie Estrada, Heidi McDonald, and many others, as well as members of Eisner’s family, including his widow.

He meant a lot to a good number of people, and he will be missed.