New Spider-Man title

When “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man,” the new Spidey series coming from Marvel late this summer, hits the stands, it will be launching with a different creative team than previously announced: Mike Wieringo as artist, and yours truly as writer.

I’m really excited about this, since it’s been years since I’ve written on ongoing Spidey title and fans have been asking when, or if, I’ll ever have the opportunity again. I’m pleased to be working with Ringo, whose art I’ve very much enjoyed, and am grateful to editor Tom Brevoort for offering me the assignment (and Joe Q, naturally, for giving the final OK). Spidey was my very first comic work for Marvel, and it’s great to be back.


49 comments on “New Spider-Man title

  1. I was on the fence with this title before (Waid has always been 50-50 for me, but I do enjoy Ringo’s art). Now, however, I am fully on board.

    Plus, I like the title.

  2. This is very good news!

    I’ve been one of the ones clamoring to see Peter tackle Spidey again, and I couldn’t be happier.

    I wanted to see a Waid-penned Spidey, but I’m just as happy with a David-penned Spidey!

    Spidey’s my all-time favorite comic book character, and it’s good to have you back, Peter. 😉

  3. Peter’s old Spectacular Spider-Man stories are some of my favorites. I’m so excited about this, I can’t stand it.

  4. What is the focus of this Spidey title? How does it tie into the general Spidey hierarchy? (Amazing, Spectacular, etc.) While I generally like PAD’s writing, the title of this series “Friendly neighborhood” makes it sound like a fairly kid-centric title (which wouldn’t be my cup of tea).

  5. I was really looking forward or the Waid and ‘Ringo, book, but I’m looking forward to this even more.

    I hope we get to see what Mark Waid had planned for Peter someday, but I just bought “The Death of Jean DeWolf” in trade and now I’ve seen what Peter can do with the character. I cannot wait for this book.

  6. I’ve always been a fan of PAD’s Spider-Man work so this is good news for me. I’ll tell my comic book store to hold a copy for me. Good luck to you PAD, I hope this book is as enjoyable as your last run. My only fear is that PAD will reference some of the stuff going on in Amazing Spider-Man, that is the only thing that will make me drop the book.
    I like a lot of JMS’s work but to me he is one of the worst Spider-Man writers out there. Spider-Man is my favorite hero and I collected Spider-Man for 20 years before JMS took over. I’ll probably pick up the book again when someone comes along and “fixes” the character.

  7. Awesome news, congrats to both you and the fans! I’m more psyched about this than I’ve been for anything Spdey-related since BENDIS! was announced to be taking on the character in Ultimate.

    Looking forward once again to recognizable characterization, stories with both forward-moving momentum and consistancy. It has been far too long since we’ve seen all of these ingredients for more than a few fleeting moments in the Marvel Universe Spidey books.


  8. Well, this isn’t related to the new Spidey book (congratulations BTW) but what happened to the BID reprints? They cut off near the end of November, and looking back I don’t see any explanation in December for them going missing.

    Personally, I’d be strongly in favor of a return to them, I was enjoying them immensely…

  9. Hi this is the first time I’ve posted.

    I don’t know if I’ve ever read any of Peters Spider Man before, but I know that since I read the Captain Marvel guest starring the webhead, I’ve been wanting to see PAD Spiderman more than just about anything else.

    Yay for Peter

    Yay for the fans.

  10. It’s about time. I’ve always felt PAD and Spidey were the perfect fit. Ol’ Webhead’s recent appearance in Captain Marvel reminded me of that. Ringo has really grown on me on his FF run, so I was already looking forward to the new title, but now it’s a top-of-the-pile first-read. Congratulations, PAD. Can’t wait. Also, loving the Hulk. That’s TWO flagship characters. Woo-hoo!

  11. NRAMA: A new Peter David project coming out of House of M?

    JQ: Yes, possibly, maybe

  12. One of my favorite creators leaves, another enters. Mixed feelings, as I was looking forward to Waid’s take, but on t’other hand, y’know, Peter writing Spidey.

    I wasn’t fond of the name when I heard it, but I’m becoming more and more attached to it as the days go by. So, in all, looking forward to it.

  13. Well, even if this is replacing an existing Spidey title… there are too many Spidey titles out there.

    Good luck with it as always, PAD, but… yeah… too much Spidey, too much Wolverine. 🙂

  14. “This is potentially very bad news for Madrox or X-Factor or whatever. Also, for any hypothectical Fallen Angel resurrection. I’m still in, I’m just worried now.”

    Not sure why this necessarily bodes ill for Fallen Angel – it’s not like Peter has never written more than one book at a time, after all. I just hope it doesn’t mean he’s off the Hulk (then again, I would be able to stop buying HULK if that were the case, so that *would* help my budget)…

  15. Congrats, man! This is the best news to hit the Spider-Man titles in a long time! I remember reading your work on Spider-Man the first time, and my reaction was something like, “Intelligent plots, intelligent dialogue…Spider-Man’s actually funny? Who is this guy?!” Turned out he would become one of my fave writers.

  16. As somone who owns Spectacular Spidey titles signed by Peter, (one really great xmas story comes to mind which wasn’t the only memorable one) I am excited about PAD writing the webhead again. I would like to see Fallen Angel resurrected though. I can’t understand why it stopped in the first place as it was my favorite DC title

  17. Great news! I think a Mark Waid Spidey might have been cool, but this is just GREAT! PAD has a great sense of humor, imo. I’m sure we’re going to be seeing Spidey wisecracking up a storm! Can’t wait!

    Oh and the title: LOVE it. ” Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman! “. Great title! I like Amazing, Web, etc, but they’ve been done to death! I’m glad this title is getting a brand new and fun title!

    I definitly have to, at the very least, check out the first issue. Although I think its going to be a series that I’ll want to collect each month! Can’t wait!

    ” This is the best news in comics since PAD returned to Hulk! Heck, I think this is better then PAD on Hulk! “

  18. Finally! PAD, will you be bringing back the Foreigner (maybe he’s dead)? Whatever happened to your old Spider-Man artist, Rick (Rich?) Buckler?

  19. This is great news. Say with both JMS and Peter writing Spider-Man books, we have to have another Spidey title written by Neil Gaiman. After all they all have written for B5.

  20. To me, the title “Friendly Neighborhood” suggests that the stories won’t be the gigantic, world-conqueror stories every other comic is filled with. It suggests smaller stories, where Peter (in and out of costume) helps ordianry people with devastating problems. Like the local pusher, whose drugs wreak havoc in many lives – not just the ones buying or using the drugs. Or a neighborhood shakedown scheme that hits the local merchants. Something, in other words, to bring out the humanity and not the power of the heroic character. And perhaps with stories where Peter must throw up his hands and admit there’s nothing he can do.

    Of course, I could be off-base completely. It is just a title, after all.

  21. For anyone who, like me, hasn’t read PAD’s Spidey, the UK CE Astonishing Spider-Man will start reprinting the Jean DeWolf story next issue, out in three weeks.


  22. For anyone who, like me, hasn’t read PAD’s Spidey, the UK CE Astonishing Spider-Man will start reprinting the Jean DeWolf story next issue, out in three weeks.


  23. I love JMS Spider-Man and I am excited that PAD will be writing Spider-Man too. I most definitely hope that both authors will work together, not that we get two different Spider-Man universes. Not that I think it would be a good idea to intertwine both series so that fans might feel forced to buy both just in order to know what is going on, but I wouldn`t mind an occasional crossover and brief references to the other series in question. I am not forgetting that Peter is now an Avenger as well.

    When JMS started writing Spider-Man I thought, I have never been into this series in the past and am buying too much already. I am sure it must be good but I can`t buy everything. Only when the movies started I got interested and decided to compromise by buying a trade paperback just to test if I would like to read more. I loved the book in question and am still continuing to buy the trades. So far I am very impressed!

    With PAD and Spider-Man I will do more and buy the singles when they come out. If I will buy trades as well is something I will decide later but if I really enjoy the stories, it is very likely that I will do that. Supporting PAD, especially when I like something, is very important to me.

    Anyway, as others also mentioned, I also would like to have an idea what to expect. The title also gives me the impression that the series is mainly intended for lighter stories. I always liked PAD`s sense of humour, on the other hand, the series shouldn`t be too one sided. I am hoping for a mix here.

  24. Given the title and Wieringo’s style, I’m guessing this will book will be lighter in tone. Hopefully something smart and funny and fit to share with the youngsters.

    Peter, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you and Mike on FNSM strikes me as a potential ULTIMATE or ALL-STAR for the 12 and under set…

  25. Great job landing this new gig, Peter! Everything old truly is new again. I still fondly remember your stories on Spectacular Spidey when you were just a relatively fledgling writer. “The Death of Jean DeWolff” is still one of the best Spidey stories of the 1980s, and, well, therewas something about the Mark Beachum art in the #110’s that was just cool. (Maybe it was how well he drew Felicia. Mrrrooowwwwwlll!) At the risk of sounding like I only want retreads of old stuff, here’s hoping we’ll see the return of some old-school favorites, like the Foreigner, Blaze, and Ace. (Okay, maybe not so much the last one!)

    On second thought, considering the topicality, maybe a Michael Jackson-esque character might be just the right fit.:-D

    Oh, and it’s interesting that this is the second time this title has been brandished about: it’s a little-known fact that one of the early titles of what eventually became UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN was…wait for it…FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN.

    Best of luck, Peter.


  26. Some of us expressed surprise at the sheer amount of positivity at the Newsarama board. They like you, PAD, they really like you! (The real question now is, where were all these fans when people were badmouthing you?)

  27. “Peter, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you and Mike on FNSM strikes me as a potential ULTIMATE or ALL-STAR for the 12 and under set…”

    I’ll tell you right now, if the title changes before publication (which it well may) it will likely be to avoid exactly that. If retailers perceive it as being aimed at kids (which it’s not) I guarantee orders will be so anemic that they’d likely cancel the book before it comes out.


  28. Hopefully the title won’t change! It seems to be getting mostly postive feedback so far (from what I can tell) and I think it would really good fit for a PAD Spidey comic. 🙂

    Anyway, I can’t wait to read the title! It should be fun!

    ” Thinks that it would be cool if Peter/Spidey had more of a supporting cast in FNHS. I miss the supporting casts.”

  29. I know you don’t want a previously used title, but I think your best bet is using “Spectacular Spider-man.” It’s not a new title, but it’s a mainstay, and fans wouldn’t go into it expecting any particular kind of Spider-man stories. And the alliteration works. How about “The Many Adjectives of Spider-man”?

  30. PAD,
    This is great, great, great, greeeeaaaaaat news. May the critics and naysayers who are criticizing everything from the title to the idea of it being “another” Spider-man title be dámņëd. I love your take on the wall-crawler, I love the idea of your doing another book that looks to do big numbers and as for there being “too many Spider-Man titles” people should stop their bìŧçhìņg. There are entirely as many titles as the market will support. If there were enough demand/fans to publish four “Moon Knight” titles a month, Marvel would do that.
    It’s just that simple.
    Again, thrilled beyond belief at this one, PAD!!!!

  31. PAD,
    This is great, great, great, greeeeaaaaaat news. May the critics and naysayers who are criticizing everything from the title to the idea of it being “another” Spider-man title be dámņëd. I love your take on the wall-crawler, I love the idea of your doing another book that looks to do big numbers and as for there being “too many Spider-Man titles” people should stop their bìŧçhìņg. There are entirely as many titles as the market will support. If there were enough demand/fans to publish four “Moon Knight” titles a month, Marvel would do that.
    It’s just that simple.
    Again, thrilled beyond belief at this one, PAD!!!!

  32. >”Peter, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you and Mike on FNSM strikes me as a potential ULTIMATE or ALL-STAR for the 12 and under set…”

    >I’ll tell you right now, if the title changes before publication (which it well may) it will likely be to avoid exactly that. If retailers perceive it as being aimed at kids (which it’s not) I guarantee orders will be so anemic that they’d likely cancel the book before it comes out.


    When I first heard the working title, Iwas hit with a wave of nostalgia. The title smacks of the Bronze Age books to me. While the original target audience certainly didn’t hurt the sales of Ultimate Spidey, the most recent line of comics aimed at the kiddies has been Electric Company/Spidey Super Stories material and I suspect that you are right about retailers being hesistant to lay out cash on what they view as another such book. I do think that with your name attached to it, your most recent success with your return to the Hulk and your previous work with Spider-Man will offset the reservations that anyone has in preordering it.


  33. Gotta say I’m REALLY looking forward to reading a PAD Spidey again.

    Now, this is a little off-topic so apologies, but can anyone tell me when The Sandman became a villain again? Last I recall he’d reformed and became a good guy (even ljoinning The Avengers IIRC) but I see in MArvel Knight’s Spiser-Man and She-Hulk he’s a bad guy again – wha hoppen???


  34. I look forward to the upcoming Hostile Globe-Trotting Spider-Man title.

    On a mildly more serious note, did anyone else ever read “Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” as implying there was a whole Spider-Man franchise, and other neighborhoods had their own friendly Spider-Man?

    On a completely serious note, really looking forward to this. I really enjoyed Peter’s first run on Spider-Man.

  35. Peter David on Spider-man. Like a previous poster said, I’m hit or miss with Waid so I had no thoughts one way or the other on his writing of Spider-man.

    But Peter David is a different story. That I will have to check out. Partially because, Peter wrote Spider-man back in the days before I knew who Peter David was.

    The thing I think that makes this so intriguing is that Peter’s writing style has changed so much over the years. He throws in a lot more humor (or maybe humor of a different sort) than when he wrote Spider-man, but if any on-going character can enjoy Peter’s subtle (and not so subtle) humor it’s Spider-man.

    Peter, do you worry about people comparing this current line to the previous one?


  36. I am pretty excited about this. I wasn’t sure I’d be checking it out before, but now I definitely shall be.

    Congrats on this title, PAD, as well as general makings of a comeback at Marvel.

  37. I’m in, but please fix the Gwen/Norman šlûŧ child thing. That story made me give up JMS title and long for clones.

  38. 1. Great, great news. Really looking forward to it.

    2. Great title. Doesn’t sound childish or silly, just sounds like fun.

    3. It will be the only Spidey title I purchase so I really hope it has its own identity and doesn’t interact too much w/the other Spidey titles. Each book should have its own feel so that those of us not into JMS or Bendis’ interpretation have a Spidey book to read.

  39. Whenever I watch one of the Spider-Man movies, I think to myself, “Man…if only there was a Spider-Man book that good, I’d actually read it.”

    Now, there will be. 🙂

    Congrats! And, I’m looking forward to it.

  40. Peter David to the rescue!!!

    Woo hoo! I’m so glad you’re coming aboard on this title, the books really need yours and Mike’s prior experience with the character.

    Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store.


  41. Picked up “The Death of Jean DeWolf” today.

    This morning I was excited to see that one of my favorite writers was on a new montly.

    Right now I’m excitedx10 to see the writer of the best Spider-Man story I’ve ever read return to the character.

    Man, this is gonna be awesome.

  42. I kinda second (or third, or whatever the number is by now) the concerns over the title. It first struck me as a kids series. Which would be fine in itself, just not my cup of tea (which is southern fruit at the moment).
    Since it’s drawn by Mike Wieringo, “Sensational” might be a nice touch, and of course “Web of” is still available. Or just to piss everyone off, you could go for “Scarlet Spider-Man”.

    Regardless, I’ll be getting me this series as soon as it comes out. Gonna be good stuff, I’d imagine.

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