We know the comments aren’t working…again.

I’ll be really surprised if this entry posts, but…

Basically, Glenn spent hours fixing all the wrong files, and then sometime during the night, the entire site reset itself to the wrong settings again. Kind of like a sick body rejecting a healthy transplanted organ so it can stay sick.

He’s working on it.


12 comments on “We know the comments aren’t working…again.

  1. 1:47pm Central time: I think that comments are working again. I am posting this with Firefox.

  2. Yep, looks like comments are good again.

    Just as an aside, since I think my question got lost in the chaos of the last few days, whatever happened to the But I Digress reprints?

    I was really enjoying them, but they dropped off in late November, and I haven’t found a post by PAD explaining where they went. Any chance they’re going to start back up again sometime?

  3. I just had to manually delete 27 spam postings that showed up here in less than an hour. That’s basically a spam posting every two minutes.

    Considering the battering down and busting of the spam blocker is, near as I can tell, what led to the crashing of the site in the first place, you can easily see how it’s transforming from a nuisance into a genuine menace. It’s not like getting junk mail. Junk mail doesn’t blow up your house.


  4. It looks like the dirtbag spam client isn’t slowing down either….

  5. At least most of the spams appear to be going to old threads. I am really shocked at the volume of this spam attack here.


  6. I am really shocked at the volume of this spam attack here.

    Spammers are like roaches. Once one finds a way in…

  7. Hey, has anyone thought of just giving in and clicking on all the ads en masse? Maybe it’ll go away after we give in like mindless sheep.

  8. That’s all well and good, but where’s the Cowboy Pete review of the last 2 weeks worth of “Enterprise”? I believe the Mirror Universe is near and dear to your heart, yes?

  9. I’m not sure where exactly I should post this, so I’ll just post it here. What happened to Hulk 81? It was originally planed for last wednesday (4), then this upcoming wednesday(11), and now it’s due to come out on the 25th! Is it some Marvel PR stunt, or is there a problem in the production line?

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