Gordon Lee Case

Thus far we’re seeing solid progress in the Gordon Lee case down in Georgia, where several of the counts have already been thrown out in pretrial motions. See here for more information, and also check out the various auctions that the CBLDF is running to help raise money for this costly case:



11 comments on “Gordon Lee Case

  1. Peter, I’d like to share that link with my friends at http://www.nitcentral.com, but it doesn’t provide a lot of background on the case, or even the exact nature of two of the laws he was charged with breaking, in the same way that your excellent BID column from CBG #1604 did. Do I have your permission to upload scans of that column at imageshack so they can read it?

  2. Ug, as a Georgian I just find the entire case to be an embarrassment for the entire state. The people involved in prosecuting the case should be fired from their jobs for such a waste of tax payer money.

  3. I wouldn’t worry too much about Georgia looking bad – EVERY state in the union has sad and ignorant people doing foolish things. Of course, the South does seem to have a much higher percentage of idiot mouth-breathing reactionaries who wouldn’t know a coherent thought if it came up and bit them and the ášš and frankly they should all be wrapped in heavy chains and dropped off the side of a ship or just get bullets fired into their skulls and put us all out of our misery for having to suffer sharing the same planet with –

    wait, what was I talking about? Oh yes, CBLDF = Good.

  4. WTF!

    1) why would they ‘sting’ a comic book store?

    2) most “adult” comics are not on the shelves, so are these titles just “mature” titles?

    3) being a “victim” of the courts, the DA or ADA can tell half truths; their goal is to make cases not prove them wrong. So to get the charges the A/DA will show the worst parts of the books, and that the store owner sold them to ‘little kids’. They ‘hand pick’ these 6 juryers, there’s no defense at this point, only the “good old people of you state” against you.

    4) Jerks like that A/DA should be fired, shot, dragged behind horses, etc,

    ps hope i didn’t use too many quotes.


  5. Stings of comic book stores are nothing new. Generally, all it may take is one police complaint.

  6. Kelly, for more info on the titles involved in the case (as well as the stupidity of the wording of two of the laws was charged with breaking), you should read Peter’s excellent But I Digress column from the Comics Buyer’s Guide # 1604. If you don’t have a copy handy, Peter was gracious enough to allow me to upload scans of it to ImageShack. You can read it at:

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  7. That’s the problem.

    If I started that’s the problem with police, all hëll would break out.

    The DA/police/courts have no true bearing in life. The police have to act cause people ‘bìŧçh’ about things, and the DA has to move forward other wise their record for not trying cases sends up a red flag and then they lose their job.

    It what happened/happening to me, nearly three years later. Cop was removed from being a cop, cop never ‘investagated’ only wan’t to talk, or have me spill my guts. Then I said show me the facts on paper, show me. He clamed up. The “expert” lost the records or says cop has em and said her findings didn’t work for this case, but the judge kept her around any way… I called the police, can’t talk to me cause case in on going, newpapers only want to print hey he got arrested, don’t want to talk to me and show that these charges are false…

    Fact one: ‘expects system’ has never been used in the courts.

    Fact two: 2 years plus after the DA stalling the case is still as new as it was when it started.

    Fact three: with four felony charges you think they would be ready to kill me or put me away for a long time, espically with the sick charages they mustered up to charge me with

    Fact four: I’ve been offered the ‘greatest’ plees if I where guilty. Now it’s to the point of hey how about like a few months probation.


    Hëll has no fury WHEN compared to a redheaded SOB like myself.

  8. People get brought up on charges to make bosses of law workers happy. If you use a gun to kill a cop they got laws, you draw a gun killing a cop, you piss of cops, and those in the legal end that have to deal with them.

    Georgia does “enforse” everything that comes into print or that is printed and comes into the state. So when they can, they try a legal move, it’s a scare tactic. Espically when the one getting charged is one who doesn’t have the money to balance the high end legal cost of the state.

    I think that Kelly is trying to say is: Their goal is to charge and make those charges stick. A plea bargin makes them still winnners. And the DA runs for office, so it’s imporant to look good to the people who put you in office.

    I up read but didn’t see the actually titles. Could it be the law is hiding them from the media, because they really are in a grey area?

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