Project updates

FALL OF KNIGHT: Copy-edited manuscript proofread and shipped off to publisher. Next up to be proofread: The galleys for “Writing Comics With Peter David,” due out beginning of summer 2006.

FALLEN ANGEL #1: Advance copies received from IDW. Looks fantastic. Considering everything we had to go through to make this happen, I feel like I’m holding a small miracle in my hands when I flip through it. I’m told the on-sale date is December 28.

X-FACTOR #1: Out this week. Advance copies were made available in Marvel’s advance look package, and Silver Bullet Comic Books has already posted something like half a dozen reviews of it as part of their Sunday Slugfest. We’re told that the aggregate score is among the highest ever received from the SS. So that bodes well.

Next up: Working on the Battlestar Galactica novel for Tor. A tight deadline, but I should be able to make it.


25 comments on “Project updates

  1. I am looking forward to X Factor and await my preorder copy of Fallen Angel #1 as it will be all in or out for me on this book. As stated previously, the original series wasn’t my cup o’ tea, but I’m curious about the new issue and your enthusiasm for it as well as it being on an indie label has me picking it up. Looks purty!


  2. PAD, your X-Factor is one of my all-time favourites, so I’m really looking forward to that. I’m also glad that Rictor joined the cast (not too many Hispanic heroes out there, sadly). Do you remember Shatterstar, Liefeld’s muy macho swordsman who happened to have a crush on him but he didn’t admit it? I really hope you plan to explore that sometime, ‘cos sounds like the kind of hilarious/sweet story you’re great at.

    Ah, well, enough fanboy ášš-kìššìņg for today.

  3. Sounds great — and most if not all are going to be projects I plan on picking up, too. (X-Factor and FA are both on my preorder list, and the Writing Comics book is definitely interesting-sounding. Not sure about Fall of Knight, since I haven’t read the first one in a very long time and the second one ever.)


  4. With your Battlestar Galactica novel is there any chance you’ll be writing for the TV show? I was hoping since you did get the oppertunity to write and episode of Babylon 5 that Ron Moore from Galactica might do the same.

    I was hoping that there would be more with Babylon 5 with the novels. I haven’t run into one tie in novel that I didn’t like yet. I especially liked your three part series with Vir.

    On the subject of novels; when is the next New Frontier being relesed?

  5. I CANNOT wait to get my hands on the new FALLEN ANGEL! I’m glad to see that you’ve got so many projects on your hands that bode well for your prosperity and success.

  6. I guess, with all that’s happened, it’s too late to follow up on Quicksilver having a little thing for Valerie Cooper–?

    Thought so.

    Ðámņ it.

  7. Someone asked about the coming new New Frontier novel “Missing in Action”.

    Some Amazon websites are showing the cover and a description BUT the description published there is wrong. Psi Phi is showing the correct one and I am copying the text here for the people who are interested:


    Following the dramatic events of After the Fall, Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the crew of the U.S.S. Excalibur find themselves catapulted headlong into another universe, far from the New Thallonian Protectorate and Sector 221-G… a place where an ancient war rages between two powerful alien races. But Calhoun has no intention of staying here for very long and, adopting the time-honored philosophy of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” takes it upon himself to somehow (and by any means necessary) persuade one side or the other to help him and his crew get back home.

    Meanwhile, the shadow of war has fallen over the New Thallonian Protectorate, and an embattled Si Cwan faces growing treachery as he attempts to maintain his tenuous hold on power. With Starfleet and the Federation declaring Sector 221-G temporarily off-limits, Admiral Elizabeth Shelby and Captain Kat Mueller decide to take matters into their own hands, ignoring orders by trying to find some way of getting to the Excalibur, presuming there is any Excalibur to get to. But they never count on the most unexpected of allies–an old friend whose shifting loyalties are about to be put to the ultimate test even as a growing cataclysm looms….


    By the way, the paperback reprint of “After the Fall” should appear in US shops very soon.

    I am very much looking forward to “Fall of Knight” and “Fallen Angel”. I will definitely get the Battlestar Galactica novel, too.

    I am not sure about X-Factor. I have pre-ordered it but I will have to find out if it will indeed be my cup of tea.

  8. Oh, I nearly forgot: “Missing in Action” is so far scheduled for February next year.

  9. December 13, 2005

    Project updates

    FALL OF KNIGHT: Copy-edited manuscript proofread and shipped off to publisher. Next up to be proofread: The galleys for “Writing Comics With Peter David,” due out beginning of summer 2006.

    It’s about time! I’ve been saying for years you should release a guide to writing comics! JMS has written similarly for screenwriters, guide to writing comics that encaptures the essence of the character, the voice, yet having the sense and the courage to excise some of the … excess.

    Oh and that FALL OF KNIGHT sounds good too.

    FALLEN ANGEL #1: Advance copies received from IDW. Looks fantastic. Considering everything we had to go through to make this happen, I feel like I’m holding a small miracle in my hands when I flip through it. I’m told the on-sale date is December 28.

    What’s so miraculous? Don’t you, and all writers, illustrators, creators of a comic, of a book get sent an advance copy of said comic / book?

    X-FACTOR #1: Out this week. Advance copies were made available in Marvel’s advance look package, and Silver Bullet Comic Books has already posted something like half a dozen reviews of it as part of their Sunday Slugfest. We’re told that the aggregate score is among the highest ever received from the SS. So that bodes well.

    See? You got an advance comic from Marvel.

    Next up: Working on the Battlestar Galactica novel for Tor. A tight deadline, but I should be able to make it.


    Which version? BSG:TOS or BSG:TNS?

    — Ken from Chicago

  10. Hi, Peter.

    What Alf! said 🙂 X-Factor 01. I haven’t been looking forward to a comic book quite this much in a couple of years. You had a magic touch when devising this book, because nearly every single character you grabbed for the team I had been missing a lot. They are among the most interesting heroes out there, but also the most neglected. (I seem to have a knack of getting hooked on unsung heroes.)

    And I have to admit, as soon as I heard “Rictor” I started wondering – “will Peter mention Shatterstar?” The two were portrayed as being extremely close friends in X-Force and all of a sudden the whole plot-line was limboed. However a reader wants to interpret their relationship (and where it might have been going), it was a rare thing in the otherwise gritty and dark universe of the time. So I do wonder what happened to that. No mention of that in Liefeld-land so far, AFAIK.

    Godzina, from Germany

  11. Baerbell Haddrell:

    Thanks a lot for the description of Pad’s newest New Frontier novel. I’ve got every one of the novels for ST:NF, plus the comic put out by Wildstorm. Great stuff!

    I’m definitely picking up X-Factor, and I’m willing to give Fallen Angel a try.


    Any news to report regarding the Claypool comics that were previously said to be in danger of cancelation?

  12. It’s hard to believe that we are just 2 short weeks away from Fallen Angel’s release!

    It seems like just yesterday I was ranting in my comic book store about how awful it was that FA was being cancelled!

    As a huge Lee fan, I can’t thank you enough for fighting to keep her character alive PAD.

  13. Brilliant, Peter. I’m amazed too that in 2 weeks I’ll be holding a copy of Fallen Angel. How often does such publisher switching work? Utterly brilliant, I’m thrilled you pulled it off.

    Now I need to pray that DC release issues 7-20 in trade.

  14. The current Previews has 2 New Frontier books: The softcover of After The Fall & the hardcover of Missing In Action.

  15. Hey David!

    What’s a tight deadline? And what’s a normal deadline for writing a novel? And how long do you get to write a story for a comic book?

    Thanks for your time!


  16. “What’s so miraculous? Don’t you, and all writers, illustrators, creators of a comic, of a book get sent an advance copy of said comic / book?”

    Ken, I believe the miracle is that it was cancelled, but then got picked up by a different publisher.

  17. Well, I picked up X-Factor 1 today. All in all, I thought it was an OK story and all, until I hit those last couple of pages. Now that’s how to write a cliffhanger.


  18. Just had a chance to check out X-Factor #1 and found it to be a solid, fun first issue. Doesn’t yet match your classic X-Factor run yet–and I did see the ending coming a mile away–but those are really minor quibbles about an otherwise excellent product. It’s cool that you’re back playing in the mutant sandbox. I’d love to see your take on the de-powered Quicksilver. Can’t wait for #2.

  19. Hey, Peter!

    I just read X-Factor #1 and just had to congratulate you and your teammates on a spectacular comic book. I wasn’t as smart as the guy who posted before me, and didn’t expect what happened at the end. It blew me away.

    I love the way all the characters were played: the Jamies, Strong Guy, Rictor, Rahne, Siryn -all were handled adeptly. I was glad to see you continuing the tone that was set so well in the Madrox mini-series a year or so ago.

    Keep up the good work. I’ll be watching 🙂

  20. “Next up: Working on the Battlestar Galactica novel for Tor. A tight deadline, but I should be able to make it.”

    I can’t wait for that….unfortunately the only BSG book I have been able to find is the very first one, which was written to go with the movie. I am really looking forward to a BSG book from you, if it is even half as good as your wonderful Star trek stuff (as if you could write anything bad!) it should be worth every penny.

    Anyway, as Alf said, enough fanboy ášš-kìššìņg. Don’t let us distract you for one teensy moment.

  21. Of course, X-Factor #1 was not like any X-Book published by “The House Of Ideas”…it was written by someone who actually has an idea that comics are books that are meant to be read.

  22. Definitely looking forward to the return of Fallen Angel and the new Knight book. Isn’t there also a separate Fantasy novel in the works for Tor in addition to the Galactica Novel?

    Lee Whiteside Webmaster
    Nebulas Awards Weekend 2006 Chair (as an FYI, in case you are thinking of coming out to help honor Harlan).

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