Although some folks have been commenting on the previous update thread, this will be the official commentary thread for the new issue.

Whad’ja think?


70 comments on “OUT THIS WEEK–X-FACTOR #1

  1. Bravo! A book like this makes me remember how good comics CAN (and SHOULD) be.

    Anxiously awaiting #2

    Thanks, PD!

  2. Rockin’.

    I was really impressed with Ryan Sook’s art on this one. It looked better than some of his previous work that I’ve seen. Good to see him taking steps forward as an artist.
    As far as the story goes, it is a nice lead-in for the new series. Introduces the characters’ personalities quite well (for anyone who may not be familiar with them).
    All in all, a very pleasing effort all around.

    Finally have a mutant group title back on my reading list now.

  3. I’m sure you have something else planned, but SPOILER WARNING: could the dupe be trying to ‘reactivate’ Rictor’s powers? Like Nighthrasher did to Nova.

  4. Hey, hang on – why are all the lights out? HELLO? Anyone here?


    Late again.

    I loved the book. The only X-Factor I ever read was what was thrown into whatever XPB’s I have from the period (means crossovers, usually), but having enjoyed Madrox so much, and being a PAD fan, this was a no-brainer – and it lived up to if not exceeded all expectations.

    I truly hope enough people sit up and take notice so that this book will continue to get made.

  5. Holy crap, that was great. I missed out on Peter’s original X-Factor run, since I quit reading comics in the late ’80s, when X-Factor was still the original X-Men, and I didn’t pick up any comics again until, oddly enough, right after his run ended (but dámņ, Louise Simonson, Peter David and J.M. DeMatteis… three of my favorite writers all on one series… why did I ever stop reading it?). So I’m happy it’s back, albeit in a different form. And it’s incredibly good. Great writing, great art, great cast of characters (and this is the first time I’ve ever liked Wolfsbane)… this is the perfect comic.

  6. All I got to say is wow. That was just plain good stuff. Easily the best mutant book since the death of X-Statix. Far better than even the Madrox book it spun out of. I’ll definitely be buying this one for the forseeable future.

    Only one point to make: why does Rictor look more and more like a girl every time he reappears in a comic? Is it a secret (ex-)mutant power of his?

  7. Reminded me of a promo I cut for my college radio station.

    I liked the first issue. And if I want to repeat history I’ll have to buy four more copies as that’s what I did for the ’80s version. Don’t ask me why I did it. Still didn’t top my purchase of 6 copies of New Mutants #1 from Chris Claremont. These days multiple copies rarely enter the equation, but for this one I’ll purchase four more and give em to friends.

  8. AMAZING first issue.
    Didn’t expect anything less though.

    A question just popped in my head though:

    Would you write a core X-men book (Uncanny or Adjectiveless) should Marvel ask?
    And which characters would you like to have on the team?

  9. I am completely unfamiliar with the original X-Factor series, except for Strong Guy, who had one of the cooler action figures in the early 90’s (man, he was HUGE; had some real heft for a toy, except for the comically tiny head). However, I did read the Madrox mini and loved it, so it was a no-brainer to pick this up. And again, it’s not only a great bit of storytelling, with clever writing and great art, but this book should really be pushed as a great jumping on or back point for anyone who’s remotely interested in comics or has been away for a while.

    A couple of people have mentioned that one character’s powers changed somehow. Really, though, except for about 200 mutants, nearly everyone’s powers changed. Me personally, I want to see more writers and editors use this big marketing ploy they foisted on us over the summer. They need to make some changes and shake things up in a meaningful way, and not by going with what sells, but by giving the writers and other artists more lattitude to simply write better stuff. This isn’t a knock on the continuity experts out there, because they’re usually the ones that call bûllšhìŧ on a gross misappropriation of a character. On the other hand, except for those who were in Madrox, and only then remembering that my experience with them was only in Madrox, I have never read anything with any of these characters before. And you know what? I loved it. Siryn’s powers are slightly different? Didn’t know, didn’t care, and it didn’t just not spoil my reading of the book, it made it better. It made it better because PAD et. al. wrote what they wanted to write without worrying if Siryn’s old powers could do what needed to be done to tell the story. They made a tweak that improved the character for the story and most likely added to the character’s overall story as a side effect. IMHO, I think PAD and the rest of the writers need to be pressing Marvel and DC everytime they have one of these sales-event laden summers of “House of Infinite Crisis and Other Decimations” to put up or shut up by loosening the reins on these characters to get back to the fundamental exercise of great writing, which is truly the only way you’re going to get back to fundamentally great sales.

    Um, where the hëll did all that come from?

    So, uh, yeah, X-Factor #1 – really enjoyed it and looking forward to X-Factor #2.

  10. Bravo, Peter. X-Factor #1 was the best comic I’ve read since Linda Danvers put down the S in Supergirl, Young Justice became the Teen Titans, and Captain Marvel went insane.

    If only I could figure out what all these titles had in common. A real puzzler there.

  11. Hmm………Why isn’t this book edited by the X-office editors? (Marts, Lowe, Ryan)?
    I am glad it’s not, Andy is amazing, but……why?

  12. Hmm…will this book be addressing Siryn’s reactin to a certain event in this weeks comics?

    Banshee’s dead. I presume we’ll see his daughter’s eaction, no?

  13. Hmm…will this book be addressing Siryn’s reactin to a certain event in this weeks comics?

    Banshee’s dead. I presume we’ll see his daughter’s eaction, no?

  14. I just want to say to Peter David, you once wrote for “The Silver Surfer”, you wrote him into the ground!!! I have read what you did with Captian Marvel also his son at least and again you drove it into the ground. I hope you stop writing comics as you simply do whatever you want and seem to enjoy destroying years and years of who the character really is. Example with Surfer… oh some dumb aliens came and destroyed Zenn-la and made an image of it… that even GALACTUS, and Mephisto who are cosmic entities didn’t know about?? come on.. that is soooooo lame!!!! i bet if you wrote for Superman you would say that he didn’t even come from Krypton. so as long as you don’t write my titles anymore, make mine marvel!!!!

  15. SOOOOO happy that this title is back with the characters that I really care about. And I’m really happy to see PAD writing it. Ryan Sook is so dámņ good it hurts cuz I wish I could draw like that. His story telling is flawless as far as I can tell. It’s the writing and art combo that I think made your first issue SO fluid. And fun. So much fun (Rahne yelling;” RICTOR!!! YE GREAT FLAMING ID’JIT!!” and all the intelligent power-amps of some of the characters) that I ran right out and added it to my subscription list.

    Thank you PAD for getting back on this title. I’m hooked.

  16. Thanks Syd for bringing up Guido. You are right about his characterization in that he is often portrayed as the team clown but I think PAD always manages to instill in his characters layers upon layers of possibility. On his first X-Factor run he was slowly building to something with Guido I so desperately wanted to see played out.

    When PAD revealed that Guido’s body was constantly racked with incredible pain and that his way of dealing with it wasn’t the common comic method of over dramatizing how his great force of will alone kept him from total colapse. Instead, he dealt with it by smiling and laughing and making other people laugh. That was GREAT storytelling. Infact, the coolest hint he gave to the reader about what Guido was going through was the issue where he had Rhane discover him in deep meditation in his garden. I loved that, PAD actually trusted the reader to put together that Guido was a lot more than comic relief.

    I have begged every known diety I could think of for a PAD reunion with Guido and X-Factor for so long I find myself wondering which god I am now indebted to. I may owe someone very bad a lot things I’d rather not part with but it will be worth it if PAD takes up where he was too soon cut off in X-Factor.

    I’ve followed his work since Aquaman and Supergirl and Star Trek. I’ve never been let down at all by how he treats his stories but my favorites were his X-Factor and Spider-man 2099 series. Now if they would just let him restart Spidey I’d be the happiest comic fan in history.

  17. Hi there!!:

    I’ve just read my copy of X-Factor #1 and it has blown me off!! I’d love to read the next issue right now :-). I’d like to send my greetings to the entire creative team: of course Mr. David for not only letting Madrox to keep alive, but giving him the lead role in the series and writing unbelievable good stuff; I didn’t know Sook, but I believe he’s going to be one of my favourite drawers in the near future; also the inker, collorer and letterer: I hope the team works together for a long time. It’s just a perfect crew for X-Factor. I really wasn’t very optimistic about the chance of a regular series with Madrox, but happily I was completely wrong :-).

    Also, thank you so much for your answer, Mr. David, to the e-mail I sent you many months ago after I read the Madrox mini-series. I’m THE biggest fan of Spiderman 2099 here in Spain (well, at least I’m the biggest I know!!), and to see that you keep working in the comic business, and to read your storylines, is always a pleasure. Hopefully we’ll see someday Mig O’Hara again over the streets of New York 93 years ahead.

    I’m hoping that we can talk a bit each other if you ever come to Spain to one of our ComicCons.

    Good Luck and Happy New Year!!


  18. Ok, despite my earlier promises to myself and my wife about not getting any more comics on a regular basis, I picked this up. It was fun. Different from the spandex comics of a decade ago. Good, interesting, with characters just familiar enough that it felt like going home.

    Only to find out that your parents have remodeled a little, and updated. Some of that’s good…now they have a DVD player and a broadband PC. Some bad….they re-painted your room. It’s still home, but it’ll take some getting used to.

    By the way, does anyone know if Fallen Angel comes out today?

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