Driving at night

Whenever we’re traveling long distances, I always prefer driving at night. Our latest excursion to visit Kath’s parents for Christmas is no exception. Our cat-sitter bidding us good-bye, we took off around 10 PM and I drove all the way through to about 6 AM. It’s great because there’s no traffic except for trucks. At 3 in the morning, you just blow down the highway with your brights on and nothing in your way. No glare from oncoming headlights, and moonlight is a lot easier on the eyes than sunlight. You don’t have to worry about cranky kids because they’re all asleep.

At 6 AM, though, I felt fatigue finally kicking in. So I pulled into the next rest stop, sat back and closed my eyes. The rest of the family didn’t even stir. Police and security patrols were in the area so I didn’t have to worry about miscreants. Slept for an hour, woke up refreshed, and hit the road again for a few more hours until we stopped and had breakfast. Afterwards Kath took over driving for a couple of hours while I got some more sleep in the back, then I took back over and got us the rest of the way. Total travel time, not counting breaks, fourteen hours.