The Suckage that is Bob Greenberger being let go

Got to love the corporate thinking. There’s Bob Greenberger putting out thousands upon thousands of pages of reprint material with an understaffed department. Mistakes were made, just as mistakes are made in all realms of publishing. So Bob finally gets the additional personnel he needs and institutes check systems to make sure no further problems occur…and he’s let go for a publishing error that occurred BEFORE the new check systems were in place.

I fully understand the consumer mindset that wants everything perfect for the high-priced volume they’re purchasing. I don’t understand, however, the corporate mindset that tosses aside someone with a total of, all told, well over a decade of service to the company. Then again, speaking as someone who hasn’t been offered new work in the DCU for going on nine years (the last new title I got was “Young Justice #1) maybe I do understand it at that.