36 comments on “Fallen Angel Vol.2 #2

  1. Pasted from my review column (and note that my overall recommendation often includes aspects I didn’t feel the need to specifically comment on):

    Fallen Angel v2 #2: IDW – A bit on the talky side. Confrontational talking, mind you, but still talking. Woodward’s painted art feels a little washed out even in the non-flashback sequences (and there’s a LOT of sepiatoned flashbacks). After almost all of v1 being mysterious and stingy with the info, Peter David’s certainly going whole hog with backstory now, which at least makes the series more accessible to new readers. Oh, and there’s also just a few bits of “Let’s Bump(er?) it up to R” nudity, fair warning if you tend to read your books in a public place. And there’s page numbers, which is rather scandalous these days. Recommended. $3.99

  2. Fantastic stuff, PAD, truly. This is so far above what I thought the book could be from the first series, I just can’t believe it. I hope IDW can keep putting this book out, ’cause I’ll be with it as long as you are.

  3. This issue gave the first tangible clues to exactly what the Fallen Angel is, and I really liked the way it was explored – a drunken rant based on a misunderstanding over one word in a sentence. That was too funny.

    I like the art a lot. It reminds me of an “artists’ concept” storyboard for a movie, a lot like the slides at the beginning of Spider-Man 2. The only thing it’s missing is a classical sound track. 🙂

  4. I only just picked up the first issue but really enjoyed the new art style and the character background, however, all throughout the book I couldn’t help but ask myself if this was the story PAD intended all along or if this is what is now the reality since it is no longer set in the DCU. Still and all one of my favorites and I will be out looking for #2.

  5. Gotta agree with Steve above: Best book of the week.

    I had high expectations from this series and Peter and J.K. meet them – and go beyond that! I love how humor, drama and fantasy elements are interacting.

    Looking forward to #3!!

  6. I’m really enjoying this series. I bought all of the first one and enjoyed it, too, but it feels like the book really found a home at IDW.

    Jambo above has a good point, though: Will we ever get a behind-the-scenes explanation of Lee’s possible various origins, PAD? (Or is it just as simple as “Well, this is the origin I had hidden away so that the first series could seem to follow my SUPERGIRL run.”?)

    Anyway, great great great job so far. It’s always last in my reading stack. (I save the best for last.)


  7. I’m diggin’ the story and how PAD is moving the players about in ever-decreasing circles, but I’m still not sold on the painted art. It’s wonderful art but it doesn’t always work for me as a comics narrative. Painted art always looks more static to me; there isn’t a sense of action or movement or dynamic power.

    That said, this issue worked better than the first because it was more discussion, less action, and I’m absolutely fine with that. The painted art’ll grow on me, I guess. And PAD’s story and dialogue are hugely compelling and entertaining. But I really miss Lopez.

  8. Great issue. I think I’m still adjusting to the new art…kind of like having to adjust to a new actor playing your favorite soap character.

    If PAD’s changed any of Lee’s origin, it doesn’t show. The only thing that could possibly be missing is a tie-in to his Supergirl run. But that doesn’t change Lee’s character one whit, in my mind.

    Something sure is fishy with Malachi. Why can others see him? What little Angel lore I know makes Malachi a messenger. If there are such things as Angel classes, maybe the rules for the messenger angels are different for the guardian angels? Hmmmmm.

  9. Well, since you ask, Kathleen, I liked it A LOT! I’m particularly happy to say this now, because in that past I’ve been somewhat less-than-enthusiastic in my response to both volumes of the series, both in terms of the story, and the art, but I liked BOTH in this issue!

    Much of my past problems with the story has been things that were not explained or confusing to me, but at this point, (such as Lee’s connection to Supergirl, which I’m guessing now was just a tongue-in-cheek allusion, and not intended to be canonical), but I’ve really gotten a feel now for the setting.

    I also didn’t think Michael Lopez’s art was as good as it could’ve been, and aspects of J.K. Woodward’s art from last issue were a bit off-putting to me, but he’s improved since that issue, and I’ve learning to appreciate other aspects of it overall.

    Kudos to the hubby! 🙂

  10. Loved the story — we learn more about Lee’s background in this issue — hëll, in two pages of this issue — than we did in the entire run of the DC series.

    I like the asides that help establish just what sort of place Bete Noire is and what kind of place Furors is (“=I didn’t give her any booze, she took it.=” “=Why didn’t you stop her?=” “=I wanted to live.=” [“= =” indicates quasi-quoting from memory]).

    I like the glimpses of Lee’s backstory. I like Lee and Maria’s modus vivendi.

    I like Juris’s murderous intent and its repeated frustration.

    I like or love virtually everything about the comic except one thing.

    The art.

    The most polite thing i can say about the art is that it fills up the pages and tells us the story.

    Otherwise it puts me way too much in mind of Andrew Wyeth (who, comparing his art to father N.C.’s, must be an evil faerie changeling) revolting dead-fish-hued, overly-realistic, ugly dry-brush things.

    Which reminds me — where did Juris get the second axe?

  11. Unlike the first guy above, I had no problem with it being “a bit on the talky side”. Good. I’d rather have a good read that lets me feel like I’m getting my money’s worth, unlike Wolverine #38, which I read in 5 minutes.

    I thought this was a very good issue. One of the best issues in the entire run. I really like Woodward on this title. He seems a perfect match for such a surreal story and setting.

    Good job

  12. I loved this issue. Honestly I could not find anything wrong with it. Fallen Angel was always a MUST READ for me every month….. and it remains the same under IDW.

    Great work David. And the art? Wow. Stunning and very appropriate to the setting and mood of Bette Noire.

    What I am very pleased with is what has been revealed in just the first two issues …. which answered questions I had from the first series. And I am very interested in seeing what powers, if any, Lee and Juris’ son has. It may be the case that only Juris’ first born has take over as magistrate of Bette Noire… but I am curious to see how Lee’s genetic influence will effect things….if at all. I kinda sense a ‘nature v. nuture’ struggle coming up for Jude.

    And the name “Jude”. I wonder if Mr. David chose that name on purpose. “Jude” reminds me of “Judas”…. and Judas is the biblical betrayer of Jesus. I have no idea how this might relate to the story if at all….

    Anyways… I am trying to remember if Lee gave her baby a name….. or if she just surrendered the child and let the nun do it. I will have to go back an re-read the last few issues of the first series.

    Again… Great writing Mr. David. Always a pleasure.

  13. And the name “Jude”. I wonder if Mr. David chose that name on purpose.

    Of course, St. Jude is also the (Catholic) saint of last resort, for those who have no one left to turn to. (IIRC, he was decanonized, 🙂

    I seem to recall also that Lee taught at St. Jude’s community college or something in the first series.

    Oh yes: loved it! Another nice little twist at the end, Malachai and Black Mariah… also liked the snow angels in the first panel.

    And, not sure what it means, but my retailer ordered in several more of the first issue, and boarded and bagged two. And I got the last copy of this issue.

  14. Another great issue. So many things are coming together; it feels like PAD’s going to run out of runway by issue 6! (I mean that as a complement) Where do we go from there? Sky’s the limits, etc.

    So glad this title found a home & a much-deserved larger audience…

    PS: is Lee floating on page **can’t recall**, or is she lying across bar stools?

  15. I’m not entirely happy with the painted art, but that’s mostly because up to now it has been static. Even the scenes with fervent action have been almost still lifes. I wouldn’t say “get a different artist,” but I would encourage a few more experimental techniques that would express action, motion, and especially combat better.

    One thing that is positive about the painting technique, and why I wouldn’t wish to see it dumped for conventional comic illustration, is that it DOES represent still moments beautifully. Among the blessings of “Fallen Angel” are its moments of contemplation, thoughtful discussion and dark emotion. Seeing Lee disappearing into the shadows, giving voice to her soul-wounding thoughts, would best be done with painterly effects, not hard-edged outlined illustration.

  16. “I’m not entirely happy with the painted art, but that’s mostly because up to now it has been static. Even the scenes with fervent action have been almost still lifes. I wouldn’t say “get a different artist,” but I would encourage a few more experimental techniques that would express action, motion, and especially combat better.”

    I don’t entirely disagree. There has been some stiffness here and there. However I think your concerns will be answered with the next issue. J.K. is one of those artists who is improving exponentially from one issue to the next, and it shows in the results. Which is a lengthy way of saying that the art for #3, in my opinion, buries the art for issue #2, and #4 is even better.


  17. I’m enjoying the book, even though I’m still going through “Linda” withdrawal.

    I must agree with the first poster about the art. I THINK I like it, but the coloring is so washed out and faded I’m not really sure. I know, washed out and faded is supposed to be more sophisticated than real color, but to me it just makes the book less engaging, less dramatic, less immediate than it could be.

  18. Hmmmm. Me, I really liked the art. If it is going to be even better in the next few issues, I can hardly wait. Still, I buy the book for the story by Peter and the story is excellent.

  19. M


    Okay — what i meant about the axe earlier (I have the book to hand now) Page 15 (if my page count is correct) panels 1 & 2, Maria disintgrates the axe handle.

    Page 20, panel 1 — Juris has the axe???

  20. Really enjoyed this one. First number was ok, but too much religious for my tastes. This one has real characters interaction, and also is a relief seing a nude woman whitout strange angles or impossible positions to prevent us for seing what we all see when we have a shower, nudity.

    I also got kind of interested in knowing where did the second axe came from.

  21. I have to say, I’ve bent over backwards to make the series as accessible to new readers as possible. Every review of issue one has commented on how easy it is to understand whether one has read the first series or not. So I’m not saying it’s just you, but…I don’t think I can have made it any clearer short of coming to your house and doing a Q&A.


  22. I absolutely loved it. I recently complained to a friend that I’d run out of new worlds (in books, video games, and TV shows) to explore, so I was very happy to find such an intriguing and well-developed new (well, new-ish–I’d read the first go-round) world in Fallen Angel. The only downside: waiting a month between books sucks. 😉

  23. Aside from the fact that I’m still missing David Lopez on the art (don’t worry… I’ll get over it eventually 😉 ) I quite liked the issue. In true Bete Noire tradition, no one is quite what they seem, and is saying quite what they mean.

    Looks like Juris might just be able to pass on his responsibities after all… but Lee and possibly Jubal, to name but two, are going to be happy about it. He may get his freedom, but will he survive to enjoy it?

    I’m looking forward to seeing where this is going.

  24. why is this comic so dámņ expensive? The DC series started at @ 2.50 which was reasonable but IDW expects readeres to shell out almost $5 per issue of Fallen Angel volume 2. I really like the series, but I have quite a number of books to buy each month and I don’t think I am going to shell out that much for a single issue. Is it the painted artwork and glossy paper that is driving up the price PAD??

  25. Just FYI, I went into my local comics shop looking for this issue of Fallen Angel, the day after it had come out. The store groups new comics by publisher, not alphabetically by title. I looked for about seven minutes before deciding the shop probably hadn’t gotten it in. Just in case, I went and asked, and they showed me where the cover was facing outwards. The painted cover was lovely, but totally failed to jump out at me even when I was looking for it specifically. That might have an impact on casual pick-up sales.

  26. I enjoyed the first series when it was out. An at the moment i enjoyed the story of the book and the art as well. An yes the priced of the book is a 1.49 more the the first series from dc, i thought it would kill some of my sales on it from the orginal series.. but since the new series has began my sales have double. I know some people are on budgets… but my customers have seem to pulled it together to get 1 and 2.. and not really complain.. but i do 20% off my books(which we been doing for 15 years).. which i know some stores dont have..

  27. Posted by: Micko at February 1, 2006 07:59 AM

    “Nothing on the axe?”

    sorry it took so long to respond to this- If you still even remember.

    The axe was my srew-up. I fixed it in the trade paperback. I also made adjustments to alot of other panels from the first 2 issues. It’s worth a look.
    I also added a 4 page expo on my process which includes sketches, pencils, watercolour(b&W), and the final result.

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