Gwen’s great joke that went nowhere

So my daughter, Gwen, an art student up in Boston, was taking a class that was an overview of Aztec art. The teacher was discussing the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, and at one point she endeavored to put things into historical perspective. “What else,” she asked the class, “was going on in Spain during the 15th century?”

Gwen raised her hand and replied,”The Spanish Inquisition.”

“And what was the Spanish Inqusition?” asked the teacher.

Without hesitation, Gwen replied, “Unexpected.”

Dead silence from the class. The teacher laughed. The rest of the class just frickin’ sat there.

I think she was relieved when she told me what happened and I laughed, and then I related it to Kath and she laughed. At least *we* got the joke. Shows we raised Gwen right.