State of the Union Live on

I’ll be watching the State of the Union tonight and will be offering a running commentary as it goes on this site. If you’re interested in an unbiased, even-handed, completely fair series of observations on the President’s address to the country, then I suggest you stay the hëll away from here. It begins at 9 PM EST.


37 comments on “State of the Union Live on

  1. …then I suggest you stay the hëll away from here
    And yet I can’t shake the feeling that you’ll be spot on.

  2. Looking forward to it, PAD.

    Cause, as we all know, nobody in their right mind could actually sit though one of Bush’s speeches.

    So it’s good to know that you’re willing to risk insanity on our behalf. 🙂

  3. Shoot, I should’ve added:

    Anybody want to place bets on what Bush will say?

    I’m going with: He’ll say the economy is going great, war on terror going great, and he might get another “Axil of Evil” bit in there since we need to be in another war already (and Iran looks willing to give the thumbs up).

    He won’t mention bin Laden (again), and maybe, just maybe, crack a joke about how by this time next year, we should all be watching his coronation.

  4. Don’t forget about Social Security and Medicare. He’s not through gutting, I mean fixing, those programs.

  5. This reminds me of something they did on Comedy Central several years ago. Dennis Miller and a few other folks would give running commentary as the SotU unfolded. They called it “The State of the Union Undressed.”

    Somehow, I’m betting on PAD’s version to be funnier.

  6. The only guarantees are that at some point the death of Mrs King will be mentioned (getting a standing ovation) and he will probably drop in a reference to Alito just to futher honk off the readers of dailykos.

    Ther will also be an emphasis on renewing the Patriot Act (he will hope that Democrats will sit on their hands or actually boo. Sadly, they aren’t THAT dumb.)

  7. I’ll be here and thank you for watching it for me. I just couldn’t stand to watch that monkey for however long he’s going to be on. It’s too painful.

  8. Supernatural’s on tonight, and we can’t use the DVR because it’s still going to be downloading the schedule for the next week. I’ll check out the comments after. and maybe the Transcript of the SotU address. I can’t stand to see W speak for more than a few minutes. It’s painful watching him…it’s like he’s doing a stand-up routine, and everyone in the crowd thinks he’s awful, but are too embarrased for him not to applaud, so he thinks he’s doing great, and continues. It’s painful.

  9. I won’t be watching, because it’ll be more of the same: We have to stay in Iraq, I have to listed to yoor phone calls, tax cuts are great, Alito will be fair (wink wink), and several religious references will be snuck in for the Religious Reich.

  10. I can sum this up easily:

    blahblahblah terra blahblahblah 9/11 blahblahblah changed everything blahblahblah hunt them down blahblahblah democracy blahblahblah 9/11 blahblahblah terrarists blahblahblah great nation blahblahblah 9/11 blahblahblah Iran blahblahblah freedom on the march blahblahblah Godblessamurika

    In other words, pretty much bits and pieces of every other long-winded speech he’s given for the last few years.

    Thank God for Neflix.

  11. I’ll be watching Supernatural tonight. I’ll probably be more realistic & true to life than the SOTU address.

    Besides, Supernatural is a first run, while bush will most likely just be a rerun of his previous lies.

  12. I’ll be at the gym. The state of the union address is the most worthless piece of staged and scripted grandstanding in the entire U.S. political system. Nothing of any substance will said. The GOP side will clap on cue like little robots while Reid and Pelosi will scowl at the times deemed appropriate. Some guy who saved cat out of a tree will get to sit next to Laura Bush while Dubya recycles every political sound bit he’s already rehashed over the past five years.

    If I had a time machine, I’d travel back in time and shoot Woodrow Wilson before he could start the current tradition of making the state of the union into a speech. Jefferson and every president between him and Woody had it right. Just send Congress a written list of things you want accomplish in the year and the justification for them and spare us all this ridiculous theater.

  13. SOTU speeches bore the bejeebers out of me so I’m going to take advantage of the hole in the prime time schedule to watch the A TALE OF TWO SISTERS DVD that I’ve been meaning to get to. With a healthy dose of Carlsberg and Tuborg Beers to support Denmark in it’s battle against the islamofascist boycott.

  14. Here in Britain, I have bought a calendar that shows a “Bushism” every day. Some of that stuff is funny and frightening at the same time.

    It wouldn`t surprise me at all that also this coming speech will provide material for next year`s calendar.

    Here is one example:

    “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” (Washington, D.C.; August 5, 2004)

    I don`t think this needs any further comment.

  15. You know, PAD, I was going to ask you if you would perform this public service. Thanx! Your duckspeak-to-English translation abilities will be greatly appreciated.

    For everyone’s benefit, I recommend reading this ( before tonight’s rally.

    Personally, I am looking to President George Walker Bush’s speech. I hear he’s going to announce that chocolate rations are going up!

  16. Darn it! He’s going to be interrupting Scrubs! As if I didn’t have enough reason to dislike him! I sure hope they just air it after his speech.

  17. Thanks for letting us all know.

    I don’t plan on watching the speech. I couldn’t even if I wanted to, at least easily — we haven’t had cable or satellite since we moved here in July, and our broadcast reception is not great. I could try online, but ehh.

    Regardless, though, there’s no way I could watch it. I intend to read the transcript pretty carefully tomorrow morning, as I do want to know what he says, but I can neither watch nor listen to the man for more than about five minutes before gnawing off my own extremities becomes a tempting possibility.

    And I really, really, really don’t need to hear him preen about how wonderful for the country Samuel f***ing Alito is going to be.


  18. Adam- Scrubs has been pretty much interrupted all season long (thanks, NBC! LEARN TO FRICKIN’ PROGRAM, ya ninnies!), don’t you think? Hey, you wouldn’t happen to have the first 8 eps of the season taped, would you? I missed them, on account of NBC’s bizzare doubled-up, scheduling-in-the-middle-of-the-season airings and my inability to remember dates and times. It’s a shame my girlfriend is helping me to never live down.

    Bill- Watch yourself… I hear “Tale of Two Sisters” is rather, dareIsayit, bad (and not in the MST3k kind of way, either). I’ve honestly been trying to give the whole Japanese horror trend an honest go, but I’m coming to believe that what’s supposed to be scary is lost in the cultural translation. I hate to say it, but I’ve been rather nonplussed by most of it. Haven’t seen “ToTS”, though, so it may be the gem I’ve been looking for.

    PAD- Waiting for the commentary with baited breath. Thanks for the public service.

  19. “Adam- Scrubs has been pretty much interrupted all season long (thanks, NBC! LEARN TO FRICKIN’ PROGRAM, ya ninnies!), don’t you think? Hey, you wouldn’t happen to have the first 8 eps of the season taped, would you? I missed them, on account of NBC’s bizzare doubled-up, scheduling-in-the-middle-of-the-season airings and my inability to remember dates and times. It’s a shame my girlfriend is helping me to never live down.”

    I don’t know. I’ve been okay with Scrubs appearing mid-season. Since we’ve been getting an hour of the show ever since, it made up for the wait. However, I’m not exactly eager to break the streak of new episodes at 9 and 9:30 right now.

  20. Alright! Alright!

    Good Point Bladestar. Well then we should have voted that son of a Bush out alot earlier, before the damage was done.

    If you have Directv Animal House, Trading Places, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, And Young Frankenstein are showing on various movie channels…just suggestions.

  21. My first thought: If Bush comes on and starts complaining about Brokeback Mountain being nominated for a bunch of Oscars today, that would be a riot.

    My second thought: He and Jon Stewart should switch their big nights. Let Stewart do the SOTU, and Bush can do the Oscars. NOW you’ve got something.

  22. It begins.

    I just want to reminder everyone about free speech. In response to the State of the Union, you are free to laugh, or cry.

  23. How come everytime I see Rumsfeld on TV I can hear Peter Weller in VUCKAROO BANZAI yelling “Evil! Pure and Simple, from the 8th dimension!”

  24. Me: “I’ve honestly been trying to give the whole Japanese horror trend an honest go…”
    I suppose, that I should rephrase that to ‘Asian’ horror trend (though it seems to me that the Japanese films are getting the highest profiles…).

  25. As I commented elsewhere earlier today, the fact that it was said Bush would say “America is addicted to oil” (and apparently he did say just that) has to show he’s off his rocker.

    We’re addicted to oil? No šhìŧ, Sherlock. Maybe next you can tell us the sky is blue.

    The problem is, Bush and his cohorts aren’t doing šhìŧ to solve the problem. Instead, having spent much of his life mášŧûrbáŧìņg in black gold, Bush is only making things worse by screwing up the Middle East already more than it was.


    Is the nightmare over yet?

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