A reminder of fan overreaction

When the early photos from the revival of “Doctor Who” were released, fan pronouncements were dire. Most of it centered around his clothing, which didn’t look vaguely Victorian or quaint. And British fans, according to SFX magazine, dismissed Billie Piper as “a has-been teen popstrel.”

Well, we just got done watching all 13 episodes of the first season, and boy, did it kick ášš. (Yes, we got unauthorized DVDs. We do that on occasion when it’s something we reeeeally want to see. However, if it shows up in authorized version, we always buy it so the producers get our money.)

What is it about fans, anyway, that there’s always so much nay-saying and prejudging? In TV shows, in comics. This incredible urge to greet any word of change or trying something different with a resounding, “It’s gonna suck.” You’d think that they’d eventually learn to way and see the final product, but no. No, every time something different is done it’s “They’re changing it, it’s going to be terrible.”



Happy New Year to all

Had a nice New Years celebration. We went to an early evening bash at the local bowling alley with disco lights and a buffet. That ran from 4 to 8. Then neighbors down the street had an inpromptu get together and we went over for that. As Caroline drifted to sleep in my lap, we all welcomed in the New Year without trying to be too depressed over Ðìçk Clark’s state. At least he’s recovering, but jeez, poor devil.

Anyway, happy New Year to all. Frankly, 2005 was kind of a sucky year, so let’s hope for better in 2006.