Whatever else you do in the off-season, you must–MUST–make arrangements for John Hall and Stephen Colbert to sing the National Anthem on opening day, 2007. Their perfectly harmonized performance was one of the best renditions of “The Star Spangled Banner” I’ve ever heard. They’re two New York guys, the Mets are the division champs…it’s just got to happen.



  1. This is coming from a Music Educator, lol. I was flummoxed when I heard them sing it on the Colbert Report last week. I found it on YouTube to re-live the experience within a day. I think it would be a better performance if Hall hadn’t been so nervous. Plus, Colbert was a little strong, even though he was bang-on target with the bass line (you only hope for tubas that are that accurate in a marching band). Both men have excellent voices, though, and with a bit of careful listening, they could be an excellent duo with a very nice blend. I’d love to see more music on Daily Show/Colbert Report in the future.

  2. That really was impressive. At first I thought Colbert was messing with him, since he was hitting notes I wasn’t used to hearing. It took me a moment to readjust and realise that this was actually the most entertaining version of the National Anthem I’ve heard.

  3. It was a really impressive display. I was expecting some sort of joke but quickly realized that they were doing a wonderful rendition of the National Anthem. I can’t remember the last time that Colbert was doing something serious for that long of a stretch.

    I’m surprised You didn’t mention this sooner, Mr. David. Do you record it for watching at a later time?

  4. Reading Duvall’s post, I had this image of another Colbert green screen contest, where he’s sitting in a pizza joint with a whale biologist saying, “No, I’m from Charleston, I only WORK in New York…”

    Yes, I do have too much time on my hands.

  5. I realize this is unrelated, but PAD:

    Do you watch Veronica Mars? Do you watch Heroes? Any chance of some Roundup time dedicated to how great those shows are? I’d love to hear your opinion on both.

  6. It is Thursday. Shouldn’t there be a thread up asking what we thought of 1602: The Fantastick Four #3 and ‘What If?: The Other by now?

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