Happy Day After Thanksgiving

Hope everyone had a good holiday meal. We actually bagged the idea of cooking this year and went out to a local “Charlie Brown’s” steak house (good grief) which was offering a four-course Thanksgiving meal for not very much money. There’s something to be said for the convenience.

We also saw “Happy Feet.” Right now it aggravates the hëll out of me that there’s a “Best Animated” ghetto into which this film is going to be deposited at Oscar time, because it is quite simply the best film I’ve seen this year, period. Technically flawless with a hëll of a lot to say about matters of global importance, all it needed was Al Gore at the end saying, “I’m Al Gore and I approve this message.” Okay, on second thought, maybe it didn’t need that, but it was still brilliant.

Today I’m concentrating on working and staying the hëll away from malls.