Trying to be sensitive to the Bush Administration

Imagine the chagrin of the Bush Administration that that darned uncontrollable liberal media has gone and started calling the civil war in Iraq a civil war. Hilarious was Tony Snow’s attempting to define exactly what a civil war was and, in doing so, described exactly what was happening in Iraq…only to try and backpedal moments later and explain why, no, no, that’s not it at all.

Ostensibly the administration is concerned that referring to it as a Civil War could further voter discontent and objection to the war. It’s hard to believe that discontent could be more profound than approval ratings in the 30s and an election that turned the government back over to the Democrats, so clearly the major worry is that the GOP candidate for president in 2008 is going to suffer from his predecessor’s actions having launched a civil war in another country.

Indeed, the only thing we’re waiting for now is assassination of the current Iraqi leaders and a military overthrow of the current Iraqi government, which seems to be on the very close horizon. Indeed, the *only* thing that may be preventing that is the presence of our troops, and I suspect even that isn’t going to hold matters in check forever.

In any event, with the current battering the Bush Administration is taking, this blog will try to display some sensitivity. We here will NOT be referring to the Iraqi situation as Civil War. Instead we will refer to the overall situation as the CW, and events that transpire there as CW Programming. That sonds a lot friendlier.