Signing today

Anyone in the neighborhood, I’ll be appearing along with the rest of the X-Factor creative team at Jim Hanley’s Universe over on 33rd just off 5th. We’ll be there from 5 to 7 PM.

To the best of my understanding, Hanley’s has sold out of X-Factor #13, so if you want that signed, you’ll have to bring copies from elsewhere.


25 comments on “Signing today

  1. Sometimes I wish I were living back in the city, so that I could observe the interactions at these signing. As it is, I lived there from 92-96, before I had the internet and access to info about these events.

    This evening, my fiance of 6 days and I are headed out to look for a ring……. somehow, I doubt that she’d be flexible with our plans if I mentioned that Peter David is signing books.

    Have fun at the signing.

  2. Nuts, I can’t make it. I need more notice next time. I would have liked to be there because I just picked up your latest three non-comic books (How to Write, Galactica, and the third book in the Knight trilogy) and would love to get them signed.

  3. Ðámņ! Ðámņ, dámņ, dámņ! The timing’s all wrong. I’m going to be in NYC next week.

    Why didn’t you check with me before scheduling this?

    Huh? What the hëll do you mean, the world doesn’t revolve around me???


  4. In addition to X-Factor #13 being so well-received, two weeks ago I went shopping for comics and looked for the “What If?” you wrote, didn’t find it, asked about it and was told it had sold out and more would be in stock the next week. By the time I went back the next week, it was sold out *again*.

    So clearly you’re doing something right. 🙂

  5. “In addition to X-Factor #13 being so well-received, two weeks ago I went shopping for comics and looked for the “What If?” you wrote, didn’t find it, asked about it and was told it had sold out and more would be in stock the next week. By the time I went back the next week, it was sold out *again*.

    So clearly you’re doing something right. :-)”

    That’s true enough. But still, it also shows me I’m doing something wrong: Not getting enough retailer confidence that they order sufficient quantities to cover need. They’ll cut numbers quick as lightning, but going in the other direction…not so much.


  6. Ðámņ! Ðámņ, dámņ, dámņ! The timing’s all wrong. I’m going to be in NYC next week.
    Funny, I thought the same thing… (assuming I get off my ášš and get a last minute hotel, anyhow).

  7. Actually, Kelly, the funny thing is that I really will be in NYC next week on business. I missed getting to meet PAD by just a few days.

    Oh, well. I hope everyone who is able to go has a great time! 🙂

  8. Fred Chamberlain, congrats!

    Bill, lucky dog, even if you miss PAD’s signing at least you get to be in NYC during Christmas season. Go check out the window displays…no, NOT the one at Victoria’s Secret! Well, ok. But after that, go to Macys or something. Get the lovely Miss J something nice. Go to Chinatown and get an enormous dried cuttlefish for your evil cat.

    What a great place.

  9. I probably won’t have much time for sight-seeing, Bill. I’m going to be in meetings all day Tuesday and Wednesday, and they’ll be bringing in breakfast and lunch each day so we don’t wander off and have fun.

  10. Dammit PAD, when are you coming out to Portland? I never make it back out to the East Coast. The least you could do is make a (north)west coast appearance!


  11. I’ll bet Jim Hanley loves when people bring stuff purchased elsewhere to signings at his store. I hope everyone who does so remembers to make a courtesy purchase…

  12. I wouldn’t take retailer support to heart Peter. While some retailers are doing well, for the most part most LCS aren’t doing as well as they used to. I know my LCS only orders beyond the pull list on very select titles, like 52 and Civil War. Otherwise the lady running the place doesn’t even order extras of the flagship x-titles or even batman and superman titles. I find that with almost 100% of any one-shots or special titles, if I don’t know about them in advance I’ll never see them. I had to ask for the other what if 3 months in advance or I wouldn’t have gotten it.

  13. Actually, Kelly, the funny thing is that I really will be in NYC next week on business. I missed getting to meet PAD by just a few days.
    Me too, Bill. 😉 I live in Albany, but have plans to be in NYC next week, as well. (Weds and Thurs.) I have tickets to Colbert (although it’s just me going – maybe I’ll be nice and pull a couple of people out of standby), and then am going to quietly stalk Ed Helms on Thursday.

  14. Thanks Bill!

    Just had a flashback to my first face-to-face interaction with PAD.

    Me: I wanted to let you know that I really miss your work on the Hulk.

    PAD (deadpan and without a pause): That’s because I am no longer working on the Hulk.

    I still chuckle about it. I lived in NYC and was involved with improv comedy for the 4 years that I was there, but rarely find anyone who surprises me in conversation… that moment did.

  15. “Dammit PAD, when are you coming out to Portland? I never make it back out to the East Coast. The least you could do is make a (north)west coast appearance!”

    The last time I was at a convention in Portland, someone stole my Buckaroo Banzai jacket when I took my eyes off it for ten seconds. Since it had my comb in its pocket, I went to the 7-11 to buy a new comb and a guy tried to drag me behind the store to mug me.

    Not going back to Portland anytime soon, if ever.


  16. Garbonzo, judging from the weather reports from the last few days, Bigfoot won’t be coming to Portland!

    Gonna be a snooooooowy winter. Even here in North Carolina, I can feel it. Been almost 10 years since we had a major storm but I think this is the year.

  17. “The last time I was at a convention in Portland, someone stole my Buckaroo Banzai jacket when I took my eyes off it for ten seconds. Since it had my comb in its pocket, I went to the 7-11 to buy a new comb and a guy tried to drag me behind the store to mug me.

    Not going back to Portland anytime soon, if ever.


    But you have been working out. I’m sure that you could take a comic bok geek or wold-be muger easily. Besides, we have great bowling! (the place down the street has $1 games every sunday morning from 10 – 1. I’ll buy!)

    please reconsider


  18. No, NO NO!!!! I can’t believe I missed this, I was looking forward to this!!! I just remembered about it, dámņ it!!

    UGH! Anywayz, I’ll wait for another NY signing, I’m so mad at myself for forgetting! 🙁


  19. I hope that you will be attending the Feb NYC Comic Con this year.

    I went last year and I believe that the producers will have learned from their mistakes and be aware of the huge crowds of people that will be in attendance.

    Warren S. Jones III

  20. Sorry to have missed the signing — it’s not like NYC is even that far away for me, so I have little excuse (beyond, oh, the whole having a 2-year-old thing and it being crunch time at school … things like that).

    But Fred — congrats, congrats, congrats! Who asked who? 🙂


  21. Thanks for the congrats, guys. I took her away for an overnight, due to “lots going on and a need to relax”. Since she is an artist, we went up to Corning Museum of Glass and I’ll never look at hand blown glasswork the same again…. plus tons of historical pieces from ancient Egyptian to the recent past. We then went to a Bed & Breakfast outside of Elmira and later that night as we sat in the outdoor hottub, I got down on a knee. My mouth was submerged and I gurbled “wbloomugheewe?”. I received a funny look and repeated it before she asked, “What?”. I raised my head and asked again and produced the mood ring that I had purchased for the occassion. After asking, “Are you joking?” and being reminded a few minutes later that I had yet to receive an answer, she gave me a yes. We picked up the “real” engagement ring this past Friday and I am actually selling off the extra copies of my early Bronze Age Amaing Spider-Man issues ( ) that I now have due to Glenn’s LotAuctions sale of a few years back right now to help finance it. I lucked out and won a huge run of Amazing back then that filled in all of my holes from the run, leaving me with several extra high grade copies.

  22. Congratulations, Fred Chamberlain!

    Nice to hear from you again, Tim Lynch. Hope your mother’s medical treatment is progressing well.

    My business trip to NYC wouldn’t have coincided with the signing, which sucks. But to add insult to injury I couldn’t even make the trip to NYC!!! I caught some monstrous intestinal virus on Sunday. Couldn’t leave the house. It was like those commercials that ask, “Where will you be when your diarrhea kicks in?” My answer: hopefully not on an airplane!!!!!!!!!

    I’m still home today, testing out my digestive system little by little. Leaving me with time to do things like post in PAD’s blog. I’m sure you’re all jumping for joy about that. 😉

  23. Bill, take care of that thing–there’s been a pretty nasty version of whatever it is that causes that stuff going around.

    I just have a cold and that’s bad enough.

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