“Moment of the week”

Every week, over on Newsarama, they do a thread in which fans discuss, nominate and vote on a “Moment of the Week”–a sequence in a comic book that was particularly memorable.

Well, I just turned in the script for FNSM #18, and I’ve got a sequence in there so icky that I am positive that it will easily land on the MOTW thread when it finally comes out, and probably have a good shot at being the top vote getter. When I first conceived of it, I described it to Kathleen and she was literally squirming with disgust over it. When I finished the actual scene, I gave it to her to read and she was no less freaked. No, it’s not gory or involving disemboweling and nobody gets raped. It’s just…well, it’s really pretty sick. And it involves Betty Brant and a date that goes horribly awry, and that’s all I’ll say about it.

Geez, I hope it doesn’t get flagged by editorial.