Fallen Angel #14 and #15: Supergirl Fans, please note

When “Fallen Angel” first launched from DC Comics, I played fast and loose with the notion that Lee was actually Linda Danvers, a.k.a. Supergirl. A number of hard core Supergirl fans, frustrated that I merely remained coy about it, wandered away from the series because they wanted to know what was up with Linda. When the series moved over to IDW, I revealed the true origin of the Fallen Angel.

Let the word go out, far and wide, in best nudge, nudge, wink wink fashion: Any fans of my run on Supergirl–particularly those who are torqued because Linda Danvers was consigned to oblivion in the DCU–must, must, MUST pick up “Fallen Angel” #14 and #15 when they come out next year.

Trust me.